This is the video I made from the original download I received 2 nights ago from the Divine Mother. It channeled through me and the message is below along with a video that I created after editing the channeled words into a song.
As I was recording the words on the computer it automatically edited itself and added in the words “The War is One” every few paragraphs. I realized then it was a song. Last month I was given a dream message in the form of a rock song, that I would never know how to make up from my human self, it was clearly a higher aspect of myself bringing it forth.
I know musicians work through people from the ethers and have experiences and proof of this. I have also been shown that Rock Music will make a comeback for a huge celebration and victory. Other spiritual channels have received the same message about the celebration.
This will a main Song in the concert “Symphony of Light”.
The most amazing thing happened after the editing was done, I was contemplating whether or not to include a image toward the end. Things have been so intense at times that I need the extra magic. This video I made is 13:33 min and seconds. I had no idea after hours of editing the minutes I was at. Only when the last 2 images of the Sun were placed in did the minutes pop up 13:33.