Up Date For Emerald Order ~ Christ Consciousness Victory

I posted a blog the other day (below link) and since I have gotten another victorious confirmation of the work being carried out by the Light Family of the Office of Christ. I reached out to Ryan Melchizedek last week or so ago. He got back to me this morning miraculous news.

The Amenti Arc DNA codes have been finalized. In a voice message he conveyed this to me: The alignment of my message to Ryan (as per the link below) is amazing with the (organic) synchronicity for the activation of the Amenti Arc DNA Codex,  my message brought a massive confirmation to him. He sais that the embodiment of genetic rehabilitation of the Amenti arc protocol that started about 9 months ago was delayed for 2022 when the macro cosmic architecture came online. DNA Strand 12 was complete at the end of August after certain alignments had come about and actually just on Thursday session 13 was complete. So the full instruction set/template has been activated. So the genetic potential is now available to the masses. Now that the instructions sets are restored it will naturally come on line.  Ryan continues to go on saying “he was laughing so hard” to see that I had shared my message to him literally the day after we finished the entire Amenti Arc protocol was just such a powerful synchronicity and a deep alignment and confirmation of the layer of the work that was completed for all.” Ryan Melchezidek.

Confirmations of Message from the God Head ~ Earth Hieros Gamos

This is amazing news for all the work that has been being carried out for the past 7 years is finally coming to be able to help the physical plane of existence, the human population and of course Earth. All that my Twin and I have undergone to help bring this into fruition is paying off surmountable as the Family of Light watch over.

Here is a blog I had made and recently made private until now I publish once again on the vastness and power of this Union and what our architectural codes are capable of doing to uplift the masses. Specifically taking about how we can work together on a energetic level. Here is a excerpt

“The other night I was at a Pearl Jam concert that was a very important anchoring of the Light that had transpired via myself, my masculine counterpart/Twin and approx 20,000 others. This event was planned well in advance by the Echelon, like 33 years ago to be exact.

33 years ago a Soul mate of mine left the Earth plane and continued to work from the higher realms through me and others to help this mission. Particularly for a time via Pearl Jam’s Eddy Vedder with his album Ten.

I knew this many years later after numerous dream visits with my friend and the music downloads from the Ten Album and how my friend from the other side Jerry Brown spoke through Eddy. I saw license plates messages  (benevolent ones) with Pearl Jam spelt out on them. And this connection with Pearl Jam has been apparent to me for years. This year it became very clear the work that is transpiring in the higher realms by the Ascended Masters whom have left the Earth plane purposely to help with this most important mission.

The night before the concur Jerry my first love of teen years appeared to me in a dream. So I knew he was going to be present for the concert. The night of the concert my energy was so high it was difficult to stay grounded. As we took our seats in the Arena that holds close to 20,000 people and was sold out the energy was ultra elevated.

As the concert started I saw the gigantic Golden White Diamond Masculine Lion energy descend down into the oval shaped coliseum. The Lion’s Christ Grid was now shaping into the StarGate shape of the oval coliseum. While this Golden White Diamond Lion Grid set into place it set into the metal structure of this building. The grid sacred geometrically designed for 20,000 inserts of golden christ light into each human beings heart. All beings in the concert were in joy to view this Pearl Jam concert as many long years of fans of this great band and music. So the environment was prefect for this download of Love, Christ Energy.

While all this was going on my Beloved Masculine Twin’s energy came through predominately with in the Lions Grid. Not only could I see him but it was felt also. He was in the centre of the massive arena and his energy could light up a football field and did light up this gathering with his energy infusing this monumental symphony of Light. I saw him with in the whole of the Arena all night. It was a powerful illumination. This was miraculous and very real anchoring of massive God consciousness into the field of Toronto, Canada and 20,000 humans.

Simultaneously the Divine Mother, Feminine Energy along with my physical energy anchored the Divine Feminine Energy with this Golden White Diamond Ankh body of the Christ Energy. Balance of the Divine Polarities Feminine and Masculine.

Not only did this occur but Eddy Vedder brought through Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip and Chris Cornell of Sound Garden/Stone Temple Pilots to tribute Taylor Hawkins. This is an example of the Ascended Beings working from on High to help anchor this light for this time of ascension. These guys along with many, many others who are famously known, whom have purposely lived a life of fame for this specific mission – to help Gaia, Mother Earth to ascend and to bring as many as possible with her upon this planet. All Beings who walked this Earth are still Alive. Nothing can take out Spirit, as Jesus and Mary Magdalene have demonstrated to the masses thus far and we have been picking up where they left off to “do even greater things”.

In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service
