Major Turning Point for Humanity as a Galactic Planet
This past weekend and on this day a major Victory has taken place this was destined to take place after the US Election and all is going exactly as planned. There is no mistake with the events happening upon the Earth at this time and all key players are in there correct roles. The Golden Star Light is fully present on Earth and the Unification process is guaranteed. There are many Galactic Ships in the sky who are watching as I write this and they are very, very happy at this time. View what is going on from a 5D and higher perspective and you will see Victory in the making, true Victory of a once fallen Planet that is reunited with her Galactic Family of Planets and Suns.
As I wrote today my latest article titled “Completion of the Fallen Angelic Template” a series of epiphanies came to me. I had just travelled through this past weekend some very dark energies for the purpose of clearing and transmuting. When I am in this energy it feels unbearably heavy and dark and I fully set into my human self as Shelly Sullivan whom I have been for 42 years. At the age 42 is when I started the Walk-In process of the Divine Feminine Goddess~Mother Principle integration. Since then I am predominately Saishorie~Grace and defer to Shelly of the 3D at times. Once certain clearing takes place Saishoire~Grace the 7D and higher self sets in and takes over.
My whole life experience has been specifically in preparation for this time. I choose to live a life style in my 20’s in order allow for me to do this cleansing for the collective consciousness of humanity at this time. Had I not endured what I had in my 20’s I would not have been able to get through this Initiation under Fire of the Divine Goddess. This initiation was also at times considered a battle between the dark and the light for integration of the both. However when you are in it it does not feel like an integration, but more of a battle to the death, the death of the old.
Up to 2017 – 2018 there have been Galactic Wars and the removal of demonic energies around the Earth, and this is done. During this time was also major negotiations and conflict resolutions between the Angelic Families, some of which were not always in unification but they have worked things out and become allies. This is where we are at here Upon the Earth plane. The ultimate goal is for UNIFICATION OF THE ANGELIC FAMILIES TO BECOME A GALACTIC PLANET.
This means that were as the ambassadors of the Galactic Federation on the ground in human bodies are here to bring this Planet into Unity ~ Unity Consciousness ~ The New Earth, which is sustained by Solar Light Beings, The Golden Ones. I published a few videos on you tube of this here is one.
Our Galactic Federation of Light Family are of Planets that are 5th and higher dimensions. This means there are no wars, there is no fear and no hatred on these Planets, WE are all ONE and this is how we live and we know we are Spiritual Beings of Light. This is where the Planet Earth is headed. This political drama on the Earth along with the COVID is all a part of the purging process for Earth to become a higher dimensional Planet and reunite with the Galactic Family of Planets. We will be living as an Galactic Society along with the Galactic Planetary Systems with in various Universes. and we will be teleporting to visit our families.
So here is how todays article titles “Completion of the Fallen Angelic Template” came together. I first wrote about the article and through out the writing the word count was always numerically sequential when I looked at it. Upon completion of the first part of the article the word count was at 1999. This obviously was not planned and I knew what it meant.
When I was living at 19995 Yonge street and I had been undergoing the darkest of the battle at the time during the years 2016 -2018, I had been involved with the negotiations from a Galactic level with the Annunuki both fallen and risen and other Races and Species off Planet. I knew this and it was very scary difficult for me on the physical Earth plane as what goes on in the Galaxy pertaining to wars and resolutions I feel it and this plays out one way or another in my personal life. A massive clean up was transpiring and it was the most challenging time of my life. Successfully however the Galactic clean up was successful and any demonics were taken out and allies were made.
At the end of this cycle where I lived in 19995 Yonge Street and I was taking one of the last looks at my house I was selling and moving out of, I sat outside in my car in wonder looking at the house. I was wondering WTF was going on. Although at times I knew myself as a Galactic Warrior, but often forgot. As I sat and watched the house and the property in wonder, then a golden galactic ship came down and settled on the house along with the Over Soul of Yeshua/Jesus in his golden star Merkaba connected to the conscious living ship.
This appearance of the the Galactic Ship and Jesus was symbolic of the ending of the old Karmic cycle with the dark regime, at least in the Galaxy. What is left is the clean up upon the Earth. This does not mean killing certain powers that be or causing third world war, or biblical revelations as described in the bible. This means the Unification of a Planet we live on called Earth and supporting her transition in to the New 5D Earth and taking as many of the family with us. This means clearing of the old ways and embracing the new way. This means Uniting as a Planet of ONEness. We Are One and We must become One Unified Planet. This is the goal.
After I had written the first part of todays article other parts came together magically orchestrated for me on the computer. I then reread a forgotten about article that I added regarding the narcissistic template that we are clearing out upon the Earth in preparation for our Galactic Planetary shift. The I was guided back to see my other article on when it all began for my Twin’s and I re-unification title “Remembering our Galactic History”. All is rising into place. I was shown this month not once but twice the name FENN on a license plate as well as SCORPEO. I later realized I would be attending a webinar by Celia Fenn titled This webinar celebrates the Phoenix Rising as well as the importance of the Ankh, which is a sacred symbol I hold and work with.
The history books are being rewritten and there is much about the Aliens Races and history that is not yet disclosed to humanity and must be. Many of us are Star Parents to genetic children on this Planet and on other Planets. Some of us have family members on other Planets and we will be meeting them in the future. That is a whole other story for another time.
In Love and Light
Written By Saishorie~Grace