Other Awakened Warrioress are very aware of the all these different techniques the dark beings have used as counterattack measures to prevent the Divine Feminine from rising in her power. The knowledge of the dark interference with the Divine Feminine who are fully underway with the mission is criminal and justice is underway. I post this now because I had kept my travelling private as I am tired of being harassed and followed, whether it be via technology and physically. I have tolerated this cowardly behaviour for long enough. As soon as I opened drop box app on my iphone the hacking begun, tonight I add images into facebook via my iphone and the face book hacking begins. This harassment goes way beyond cowardly spying and hacking it goes into criminal activity imposing negative harmful energies toward me. Here are screen shots of notifications to my emails on hacking of my dropbox and face book today.
This message is to let the cowards who are stocking me that “WE” are on to you, and your criminal activity is being noted and justice will prevail. Steps are underway to expose you and your fear mongering gang to the public. Not only is this going to physically transpire it is also happening with your spiritual activity. When I say WE I meant that I am assisted by Soul Family who share witness to this activity and your offences are known, not only witnessed physically and personal verbal conversation also via our psychic abilities that you have yet to open up as your heart is closed, there for your stock those who have done the work to claim their sovereignty/super human abilities that you are to unable to attain at this time for choice of fear.
I wont get into the years and attacks these lower level beings have been orchestrating as desperate attempts to hold on to there positions as bully’s and criminals toward the Key Light Warriors, but let me tell you your time has come, and your picked the wrong Divine Feminine Warrior to fuck with. Every tactic to harm me on all dimensions is known and the proof is here in the physical. Your on spiritual notice!
With compassion of your Soul I leave you this:
Here is and expert from the book “A Treatise on White Magic” RULE SEVEN, by Alice Bailey, for you to comprehend the dance of the light and dark and the ultimate victory imminent of the light.
“His first step has, for its objective, to make him aware of the pairs of opposites and of the necessity to choose between them. Through the light, which he has discovered in
himself, he becomes aware of the dark. Through the good which attracts him, he sees the evil which is for him the line of least resistance. Through the activity of pain, he can visualize and become aware of pleasure, and heaven and hell become to him realities. Through the activity of the attractive life of his
soul, he realizes the attraction of matter and of form, and is forced to recognize the urge and pull of both of them. He learns to feel himself as “pendant ‘twixt the two great forces”, and, once the dualities are grasped, it dawns on him slowly and surely that the deciding factor in the struggle is his divine will, in contradistinction to his selfish will. Thus the dual forces play their part until they are seen as two great streams of divine energy, pulling in opposite directions, and he becomes then aware of the two paths, mentioned in our rule. One path leads back into the dreary land of rebirth (reincarnation cycle – note by Shelly Sullivan), and the other leads through the golden gate to the city of free souls. One is therefore involutionary and involves him in deepest matter; the other leads him out of the body nature, and makes him eventually aware of his spiritual body, through which he can function in the kingdom of the soul. One path, later on (when he is a true and pledged chela) is known to him as the left hand path and the other the path of right
activity. On one path, he becomes proficient in black magic, which is only the developed powers of the
personality, subordinated to the selfish purposes of a man whose motives are those of self interest and worldly ambition. These confine him to the three worlds and shut the door which opens on to life. On the other path, he subordinates his personality and exercises the magic of the White Brotherhood, working always in the light of the soul with the soul in all forms, and laying no emphasis upon the
ambitions of the personal self. Clear discrimination of these two paths reveals what is called in some occult books that “narrow razor-edged Path” which lies between the two. This is the “noble middle Path” of the Buddha and marks the fine line of demarcation between the pairs of opposites, and
between the two streams which he has learnt to recognize—one going up unto the gates of heaven, and
the other passing down into the nethermost hell.
May you choose the higher path of Heaven and close the door on Hell. ~ I AM Saishorie~Grace.
Shelly Sullivan