Revelations, Reconciliation & Restoration for the New

Revelations, Reconciliation & Restoration for the New Earth, Reconciliation & Restoration for the New Earth and its Inhabitants. Revelations of New and Ancient truths are being revealed by God Creator(s), Mother Earth/Gaia and Awakened Humanity of our Galactic History & Gifts. Reconciliation is transpiring now after the death of the old masculine patriarchal and the resurrection of the balanced Divine Feminine within the Divine Masculine via the sacrament of sacred marriage/union.

Restoration of the “Divine One Mind” The New “Thought” Consciousness of the New World/Earth and humanity underway that connects us back with our Galactic Family of Extraterrestrials and to the Pristine Planet of Higher Frequency of the 7th Dimension that we once were. For Being’s of Higher dimenisions to be able to interact, visit and allow for our teleportation to other Planets/Civilizations of Higher/Multi-Dimensional Realities to coincide once again. This experiment has been underway for quite sometime testing the “readiness” of Earth’s Starseeds who have come to indicate to the Higher Realms when the frequency is safe for Higher Beings to co-exist with us or vice versa.

This Revelations, Reconciliation & Restoration is headed up by the second coming of the Christ Consciousness via the Father Creator, Mother of Creation & Sun Child of Infinite Cosmic Light Creation. Father has returned embracing the Mother Energy while both holding space and light for the Third Child Energy to stream through. This stream is of the “Vesica Piscis” which represents the formation of the Prime Radiance Light from our Galactic Core and the very first particle resulting from the first act of creation which was the first separation from the Great Oneness.

This restoration is the Mother/Father holding space in the Pillar of Light for the Child Energy to stream down and through the Cosmic light Ray into the Hearts of the Mother & Father, in the space of the Heart the Sun Light from firstly the Galactic Core/ of the 12 Central Suns into the Sun Disc above the Crownz of the Divine Feminine and Masculine Sacred Union.

The Child comes through and resides in the Heart Space of Light in the Heart. This Pillar of Light is then entered into the Left and Right Hearts coming out the back of both united hearts, loops back up into the Sun Disk(s) of the Unified DM/DF and loops up and around again into the Cosmic Womb of Creation in the Galactic Central Sun/Core, forming a Infinite Vesica Piscis. This incubation period of the Light is nurtured into materialization. Materialization of The Sun Child, The New Children, The New Earth Creations.

The “Revelations” playing out now upon Earth now started to reveal itself by way of an inner revelations process beginning within and for me most intensely in February, 2018.

By experiencing, telling me clearly that the time of the second coming of the Christ Consciousness is now. Before this it was an on going “Spirit Script” all my life, where by the puzzle pieces continued to fit together up until the “True Time of Revelations’ prophecy written in the bible during the 1st coming of the Christ Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Now the second coming of the Christ” is in full in swing. It began with my my dialogue with God our Creator, to obvious magic and signs revealing Gods communication to me. As I written about in another blog of the miraculous experiences shown to me of Gods communication to me with a series of events while on a Trip. An actual bible was strategically set in a place for me at the page opening of “Book of Revelations” at a Spa while i was in Jamaica. This was the beginning of preparations for me to understand now is the time for the Second coming of the Christ and the Revelations unto Humanity and of many truths to unfold and be exposed – while the desecration of Evil.

Here is the link to my article written in February upon receiving Gods signs for me to start to work with and figure out. Keep in mind when I found the pocket book bible I was just “beginning or birthing” the pieces together of what will be and what was being shown to me. At this time I did not understand the work of “Revelations” was underway.

Revealers of the Seventh Ray ~ Rise of the White Magicians

The next step was for me to have a death experience and to be resurrected just as Jesus was not once but 3 times. Only this time it was to be brought through and forth the Divine Feminine Saishorie~Grace as the other half of the “Coming of the Christ”. This time instead of Mary Magdalene being the “witness” to Jesus being crucified it is the Divine Masculine being the witness. Here is the link to that experience I wrote in February/2018, again keeping in mind the revealing of inner revelations for me and my Twin Flame has been a work in progress.

Divine Feminine Christ Resurrection & Embodiment

Next I met with God & Jesus in Jerusalem: (keeping in mind I had not studied the bible or book of revelations before any of this).

“Recent ceremony with Jesus, March 10th 2018. I stood in the Water under the Sun during an etheric ceremony with Jesus, In the Jordan River, the same body of water that Jesus was illuminated in. As I stood under the Sun, with the Sun pouring into my crown acting as a surrogate of divine feminine energy for humanity, Jesus stood beside me in his white attire, tan skin and long hair, he looked at me from the left in the water with me and God’s voice came from the sky from the right stated “You are ready” This left and right interaction was denoting the balance of the left and right brain hemisphere, the balance of masculine and feminine anchored once again upon Earth just as he and his Twin Mary Magdalene had accomplished. My Twin and I are fully illuminated, enlightened and ready for the next level of the mission. We hugged as brother and sister and I thanked him for walking along with me.

Since this ceremony Jesus has been showing up within my spirit as a blinding white diamond light depicted on the cross not crucified but quite the contrary he is victorious.

The second coming of the Christ will be the Divine Feminine Embodiment of the Christ, the missing part to the true revelations and christ consciousness. When Jesus came as the Avatar, Mary Magdalen was his witness, Twin Flame, this time it is the Divine Masculine who witness’s the Resurrection of the Divine Feminine.

“New” Parents to be need to be informed widely and taught how to nurture these high frequency Beings of Light, as well as how conception works with higher dimensional conception. It is through the heart firstly and it is Light consummated by sacred sexual union. Just as Judith Kusel explains (in the interview below) way back before the destruction of Lion Kingdom, Lemuria and Atlantis, child conception and birth was telepathic and I have since witnessed more in depth the process.

Our world is changing at a rapid speed now, the New ways of Creation are seeded and the New Earth has been paved ahead by the Rainbow Warriors of Light. Here is a article The beginning process for incubation/conception of the “New Child” has been seeded and “latched on” into the Mother Womb of Creation by the Divine Father Creator. This process is ongoing and is being “perfected” so to speak, with on going testing of frequencies via the Creator Mother/Father/Child Energy. I witnessed and experienced all this as you can read below in the second half of the below article.

The New Children in Creation ~ Its Now full On!

In this video which “magically” started to play for me while writting this article this morning to remind me of the Sacred Child and the Sacred Wisdom of Child conception and the birth from the ancient wisdom, tying in the New Wisdom. This time when the Earth was of the 7th Dimension Heaven and High Priestess’s watched over the birthing process. The video stared to play this morning on its own at approx. 40 min of the interview. The Interview is with Judith Kusel and Todd Medina of

The second coming of the Christ is Reconciliation & Restoration of the Trinity, the true Trinity of the Holy Father, The Holy Mother and the Holy Son/Sun. This Union is possible after the deep cleansing of the “Old Mental Body” surrounding the Earth this also known as the Matrix, the False Creations. The Feminine Mother Earth will be encased in the Masculine Father Sun, Creating the Sun Child. Many people have been seeing “White Horse” “Pegasus”. For me it has shown up in signs from God, the latest being “IN FOAL” meaning A Horse Pregnant with a Horse, and of course with the Divine Masculine being of White Knight in shining armour of White Dimond Light and the Divine Feminine of Golden Yellow Light these Horses are White shimmering with Gold.

Here is a message from Shekina Rose I found last night also networking with the “One Dviine Mind” messages:

“Pegasus described in Greek and Roman mythology as everywhere the winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, an inspiring water spring burst forth. The white horse with wings a profound esoteric symbol of the spiritual energy that allows access to the realm of the gods and inter dimensions, a symbol of knowledge, glory, and the new Earth.

The Pegasus is about unifying and with a grounded stability (four feet on the ground) with higher ideals (from enhanced speed and mobility to maneuver within the realms of a greater perceptive of sight) This new perception and higher consciousnesses is the higher attunement awakening of the pineal and pituitary the body temple Stargates.

The pituitary gland holds the positive, masculine charge and the pineal holds a negative, feminine charge. When the masculine and feminine energies meet in the brain it is known as the Mystical Marriage. The Mystical Marriage initiates the birth of our multidimensional consciousness and our conscious passage into the fifth dimension and beyond.

The calling of unity of the divine masculine and female and unity of the of all the rays and colors of Creation.

The wings of Pegasus are telling you of your soul’s ability to transcend the weight of earthly burdens and rise above such concerns into the air, and to the Heavens. That you are being seen and heard and support is here the wings that will take you to soar now!”

In Love and Light

Of Higher Service
