Here is the positive explanation of this sign that came to me shortly after I took the image of it.
“What is Magic? Magic is Pure Love” quote from the Book – What God Said, by Neale Walsch.
I was in Chapters books store and as usual magical signs are bestowed upon me. I was guided to this book and opened to this Magic quote. I experience magic everyday in my life, and I know it is because of Love.
How ever along the way of this journey I have experienced much the opposite so it would seem for the last 3 years. In my heart I knew this was some what of an initiation and low and behold today I found some miraculous clarity that describes quite literally what is transpiring at this time in life. The Life of the Divine Union and the Collective Consciousness.
Here is a excerpt from the Book What God Said, Chapter 15 by Neale Walsch that explains the sign ‘GOSAFELY” from the positive polarity. This is exactly where the world is at and the Legions of Light Workers are the change.
The Choice: Breakdown or Breakthrough
Our species stands on the Brink of Breakthrough. Always, breaking through occurs when the breakdown threatens-and never before in the history of our species has total and complete breakdown been threatened in more ways than now.
As we have noted earlier nothing in our collective experience is working the way we intended it to. We’ve carefully and meticulously constructed political, economical, ecological, educational and spiritual systems and solutions, none of which have generated outcomes for which they were designed, and for which we was so long yearned. Anyone who imagines that our politics, our economics, our spirituality, or any of the res of its is actually working is wildly delusional.
There is a difference between “delusion and illusion” An illusion is magic, a delusion is tragic. Our job, our opportunity, our invitation from life is to make the shift from tragic delusions to magic illusions. We can do this by using the power of pure creation, knowing that all of life is an illusion, and giving ourselves permission then to create our illusory reality in exactly the way we wish, rather than continuing to reside in our delusional reality as we have been told that we must.
Yet as we stand on the edge of this extraordinary opportunity, there is something of which we must all be aware. It was the French pot priest and philosopher Apollinaire who wrote the following:
“Come to the edge.”
‘We can’t, We’re afraid”
“Come to the edge.”
“We can’t, We’ll fall.”
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they Flew.
The flight Analogy
We must be willing to consider the possibility of flying if we seek to take of at all. And now more than ever it is imperative that we consider this possibility, because we are running out of runway. It’s time to either take off in new directions or take on the nightmarish future that staying grounded in our old beliefs will inevitably produce.
Yet as we move with courage and conviction into the creation of our most hoped- for and dreamt-of tomorrows, it is important for us to understand what we are going to confront along the way. It is important for us to fully comprehend.
“The moment your declare anything, everything unlike it will come into the space. This is the Law of Opposites, producing a Contextual Field within which that which you wish to express may be experienced”
The Core message is critical to our understanding of how life works. If we are not aware of this immutable law of the universe, we will be tempted to withdraw, to pull back, to surrender, to avoid stepping off the Edge and Fly8ing. We will be frightened, afraid, scared to death.
Indeed, that is the nature of the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The are literally scared to death. That is, they live in fear from morning to night, from first to last, from the beginning to the end of their lives.
First they are in fear of there parents. Then they are in fear of their teachers. Then they are in fear of their neighbors. Then they are in fear of their country. Then they are- some of them, many of them-in fear of God.
This is because everything BUT what they are seeking and hoping for is arising all around them.
The Law of Opposites, however is nothing to be afraid of. Its effect brings us to a place of magnificent power over the course and direction of our lives. For when we witness this effect, we can finally rest assured that we are moving in the right direction at last.
Saishorie~Grace As Above
Here is the opposing meaning of GoSafely, BE AWARE of the opposing energy of change as they are relentless in trying to keep you stuck. The do this to me personally with death threats and inflicting sick flu viruses etc…I am very aware of what they will stoop to and I AM heavily protected by God.
Shelly Sullivan here in body