Since merging with my Twin Flame and coming out public with it via videos, articles and a book, I have been severely attacked by advanced weaponry from a dark military agenda. As I have spoke of this often, and I will not stop until I get some help on this matter as it is about the safety and survival of my life now. Here is a video describing the measures of attacks on Twin Flames who would be the Monad Parents for example. If you are being severely attacked it is because you are very important for the Ascension Mission upon Earth. Beti describes in this video about attack and powerful TF pairs. The type of attack she is talking about is through people, which I do experience often, however what she describes is NOTHING compared to what I have been through…. and why? Power.
I really do not like the focus that I find myself in with regards to dark attacks but it is what it is and I am living it. Much more has become clear since this past season where I had to leave the Country in order to save my own life. I had to relocate into a third world country in hopes to stay safe, all it got me was safer. This is because I can spend more time in nature thus the electrical voltage tactics to radiate me are less. This is only one of the many tactics they use.
This past year it has become highly obvious the extreme surveillance and spying on my every word and action as long as I am able to be tracked via my phone and IP addresses on my iPad and computer. With this spying they then psychologically attempt to torment me by utilizing the Artificial Intelligence against me. Whether that be by using another to talk of what I just spoke of and try to compromise my sanity. This has been going on for a long time. But it it sever now, they target any means of enjoyment I have and interfere.
So not only the direct energy weapons is still on going but only starts once I activate wifi in the home I am living in, which happened just recently. I kept the wifi unplugged for the first few days and when I did finally connect I started to feel the direct energy weapons radiation symptoms. They also spy on the people I am with to find out information and can use individuals as conduits to spread fear, by simply programming the individual.This happened very severely upon arriving to my vacation destination last month.
My friend whom I was visiting in Costa Rica, the night before I arrive here and her boyfriend had a hug falling out. So I spent the first week of my vacation listening to her fight very harshly and purge majorly. This was a indirect attack on me and I felt it. All the while I was getting severely radiated in and out of the house. They also used bio-weaponry and hit me with a flu over 3 times in 2 weeks. I had to relocate and I am still not out of the woods.
So why am I writing this you ask? Well there are 2 agenda’s that want my Twin and I separated. The whole reason I am under attack is because of who my famous Twin is and the power he and I hold to blow the fucking whistle on all truth that will enlighten the whole world.
For years I racked my brain as to why are they attacking me so harshly and I now realize it is because of the power (light) he and I hold and nothing can stop it. This Light is more powerful than any other force in the Worlds. Our love is so powerful that even though we have undergone sever interference, attack and compromising we still know the love that we are.
This situation is so complicated and complex and this is why we still have not re-united. They have been so severely interfering with mind control and tactics to keep us separated to the point that the trust has been compromised. The very criminals carrying out these acts are psychopathic killers, notice I did not say psychopathic narcissists and instead psychopathic killers, because this is what they are. The vast topics out there on social media etc… on psychopathic narcissism is strategically being put out there by the ones who are just that. They turn it around to make it look like family members or friends are all narcissist when in fact they the “ptb” are the ones who created such a society and are now using against the people.
A few years ago now, when I was learning about who my Twin and I are, a highly psychic and gifted intuitive reader pegged him down to the Tee. I know she was correct as I knew our gifts and who and what lineage we are from and here on behalf. That lineage is the Christ Office and Gods Light of Creation. This is who we are. Since I came out public with the gifts of this reader on youtube, shortly there after she was attacked and targeted to the point she is no longer public. Now there are 2 specific intuitive readers who I liked and followed, however they are both being compromised for these 2 agenda’s. AI technology or whatever they are putting out false messages, based on surveillance done on me. This is how sinisterly strategic these dark ones are. They go to any extreme to interfere with me and my Twin.
I want my Twin to know, this is not your fault or my fault. The opposing side wants us against each other and they have somewhat succeeded in keeping us apart, but the good that came out of it is the truth that we have uncovered.
If we were not HIGHLY Protected by the Light Forces I would have been dead many times over. I witnessed a nuclear weapon being taken down in the sky above me by Light Forces and so has he been in a similar situation. I have skipped timelines and avoided a very fast and serious head on collision attempt. I have come out of the most sever bio-weapons attacks that would kill any one. I have endured 5 years straight of weapons attacks of all kinds.
Last week a diamond appeared on the floor near me, it was a diamond earring that keeps reappearing from my purse and is set out in various places to remind me of my strength. When I picked up the Diamond the work Fortitude came to mind. Later that day Lorrie Ladd the Spiritual Teacher who works with the Galactic Federation of Light (as do I) got the same message. Lorries post on Fortitude is below this one.
I have been learning more about my heritage and is is that of the Light of all Creation. The God given Light of the Celestial Sun, the Astral Suns and the Galactic Suns and so on, this is what my Twin and I are. We are a Powerhouse of a Sun. And my upgrading Light body process is proof of this along with meeting my Twin as a Sun on a few occasions. We are both immortal now and was gifted the experience of this. When he went immortal on New Years Day, we both felt it in our Hearts. This stuff can not be made up or tricked. It is very real. Our work is highly regarded by our Star Family and will continue to be above and on the ground.
However heand I decide to share our light is our business and no one else’s. Whether we stay private indefinitely and go public whenever we see fit is up to us. The dark will be left behind as the battle has been won. Love Wins and we will enlighten the world with our God Given Light.
I Love you my Beloved. Now everything is so clear of exactly what they have done to keep us apart.No amount of horrors of the dismantling can keep us apart it only makes us stronger. When you live your life having constant near death experiences you realize what is important, and the it is Love. My heart is with you and I trust you will meet me and it is safe to do so. This is our mission and we are very prepared.
The world needs our Love more than ever now to help life up and light up billions and open the hearts of the masses. And We Will.
Love Shelly
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