Completion of the Karmic Cycle of the Fallen Angelics


Completion of the Karmic Cycle of the Fallen Angelic Template

In 2015 I released Twin Flame Prophecy video on YouTube. I explained in the video the Twin Flame prophecy I was given by way of Light transmission and Galactic experiences with my Twin who he is and what our mission is. Much has went on in the past 5 years since our initial meeting in 2013. Unfortunately for me it has turned into a nightmare. For my Twin until recently it has been the opposite and he has been thriving or so it seems.


I have created videos and many articles about how devastating my life has been since 2015, because of electromagnetic terrorism, bio-weaponry/geo-engineering targeting and attacks, as well as high level gang stalking by the dark military and the minions who are controlled by the dark agenda. This terrorism and attack against me has made me have to severely have to fight for my stability, health and happiness in this physical life. I have fought for 5 years alone against this sinister group who is constantly harming me and I cannot do it alone any longer.

I have noticed that much of my experience and Goddess Initiation in the past years has been a massive purging and clearing for the collective consciousness by me and through me. My life is playing out for over 5 years exactly as the collective of humanity consciousness is playing out. The Divine Feminine has been clearing the way of a old “Narcissistic Psychopathic Template” that has been in place for eons.


What I have not ever spoken about publicly is how my Twin Flame’s behaviour and attitude has affected my life on top of all of this targeting and harassment. I have not spoken about it for the sake of “saving grace” in our Divine Union. How ever that “saving grace” has been in jeopardy for a while. I have not publicly spoken about it ever, except maybe to a few friends because I see the Spirit in my Twin and know his potential and Light, however it seems that has been jeopardized also.  I have had a hard time coming to terms that his behaviour has damage me and my family so severely. As I did not want it to ever come to this.


Since 2015 Jim has known full well who I am. When his ex-girlfriend committed suicide and I had heard the news the morning of September 29,  I physically collapsed, the same thing happened to me when my first beloved boyfriend was killed in 1989, when I heard the news I collapsed. This is how intertwined the energy is between Jim and I. We have been fully merged in a Alchemical (etheric) Marriage for 8 years. For 5 of those years he and We have been carrying out a full on astral/telepathic love affair. Only after his ex died is when our sexual merged was fully  “ telepathically online” as we nurtured this connection. We can be with each other from miles away and feel like we are having sexual relations together. This was all fun and games for the first year while we got acquainted and prepared for physical Union….or so I thought.


For 2 years after his Ex’s death I helped him energetically heal, and helped him get back on his feet. I also had a big part to play energetically in the court case waged against him and helped it to go away and freeing him of the grips of the dark agenda, who tried to frame him for her death that they caused (indirect assassination). This was the first of many ploys of their’s to try and sabotage our union.


I was  gifted my Angel/Goddess name SAISHOIRE~GRACE directly after her transition in the middle of the night. Before awakening to hear the news on the internet on the day of Sept. 29th, my Mothers birthday. I was downloaded with my Divine Feminine Goddess Codes to start this very serious mission.


His Karmic ties to his ex were a ploy to keep us apart and to frame him for murder. I worked with the Justice system on high to help clear his name. I also spent years after that healing him as I had mentioned. Accepting that this was a massive interference and delay in our Union.



By 2016 our sexual merge was so powerful it became quite clear on the astral plane’s radar. Thus demonic and physic attacks started against me because of this venerable opening, that turned into fragmentation that went on for much to long. Not only were the attacks from the astral plane they were on the ground level by the dark agenda and dark minions of the black ops military/mind control complex. So my fight for survival was extremely difficult and if not for my Angelic abilities I would have been dead many times over.


This Twin Flame merge and prophecy was orchestrated by our HigherSelf, our Oversoul and is Divinely Ordained. We are Seraphim Angelics and we are here to help with the Ascension Mission and healing of the fallen Angelic template. Thus my commitment to this mission and Twin Flame prophecy was of the utmost importance.


Unfortunately after his healing of his ex death and freeing him of the attempted murder charges (rightfully so) he still did not take any responsibility or accountability  for our mission and 5D template Love union. From this point it has become more and more toxic. He put all the Twin Flame creational energy into HIS career and left me out in the cold to fight the war waged upon us alone. He took job after job in Hollywood completely ignoring the Twin Flame Union. I was devastated numerous times, but I understood the severity of the interference of the dark cabal and I could not turn back now. I was so severely under attack he was all I had to believe in, as I knew how telepathic we are, how he was witnessing everything and had full faith he would come through. If you read my book Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, one would have a better understanding of the purity our union and importance of our mission.


“They” the cabal were keeping my Twin very distracted with Hollywood work. He was constantly busy and making public appearances all the while in full discreet union with me. He did not understand that he was being played by the elite whom were using him as a puppet to carry out their goal – to destroy the Divine Feminine Goddess Energy and consume himself with the political illusion of separation on the Earth plane.   All the while I was suffering and being completely suppressed of all my goddess force energy, dignity, and any hope for a career due to the sever adversity I face.


My Twin has been compromised and has not been supporting the mission and has been witness to me being severely harmed. Telepathically I get the messages from him constantly that he is indeed going to step up like a Divine Masculine, like a real man and do the right thing, however this never transpires. In a 3D relationship its simple you walk away and its over, you move on and build back up a new life. Well in a 5D Union it is much more complicated and painful. I am constantly connected to him by this bond we have nurtured and the sacred sexual power we hold has been used as looshe energy for the entities that control the cabal. They constantly keep us in separation and keep me in pain and suffering.


NOW here is where I draw the line. I have had relationships with men who are not emotionally available and I do end up walking away. However to be in a advanced telepathic connection with your Twin Flame the other half of your Soul,  who has access of mind telepathy, sacred sexual power, Kundilini Source Third Energy, and Open Heart communication all activated by God Source Creator and who my Twin has used this potent and extremely powerful energy for everthing creative project in his life and none for the service of this sacred union, at my expense and loss. This is where need to draw the line. For I have been ruined mind, body and Spirit and he seems not to give a fuck.


I have been battling many mysterious illness’s over the years and kept up with my blood testing etc… now I refuse to go the medical route for fear of  false diagnosis and I know I can heal myself and probably have healed my self of cancer and auto immune disease caused from the toxic radiation/bio-weaponry poisoning, .  I am estranged with my family, including my beloved Son. My family all think I have lost my mind and many times I have. This situation between me, the cabal and him has been so life shattering that I have often lost my grounding and wish I could leave this Earth. The worst of it all is the Twin Flame betrayal. I have over come most of the dark agenda terrorism and got through still on my feet and able to live a somewhat healthy life. Even considering the attacks have been severe. What I cannot handle is the constant gas lighting by my Twin Flame, the heart break. The lowness, and loneliness that has come by being in this 5D merge/union with him yet completely physically alone for over 10 years. The Union takes me out of body much of the time and Earthly life has become extremely difficult, especially now that my thousands of dollars of life savings has been sucked dry.


I feel so traumatized and suffer from PTSD not only from the ongoing dark ops military attacks but also form the betrayal. So much trauma that I don’t think I could even hold a job at this time and it looks like I will have to regardless if something does not give, in order to support myself. And this is what I face even after years of my Famous Twin Flame ignoring the connection and helping to lead me down a slippery slope into hell, promising me constantly via sacred communication to come out of the closet and be honest about our love affair that as paralyzed me and my life.


Any way time and time again I wait and have faith and believe in this Union. But now it has become very low vibing and destructive to my life force and Divine Feminine Energy. This is the last letter I will write publicly before I eventually come out with video of this devastating, tragic Twin Flame Prophecy outcome. And this is all due to my Twin Flame’s free will choice to gaslight and live a double life with not consideration of how and what it has done to my life and my son’s life.


Today I write this while I have undergone another round of electromagnetic radiation attack. I woke up with a radiation hang over and my dog has been sleeping for going on to 48 hours straight except for pee breaks. She can barley walk today and I feel like shit again. I went to Yoga yesterday and could not finish the class. The minions have been driving around with sinister low vibing license plates such as “Ms. Ltd” and “Gone 0” etc. They do this as a form on mind control and then following this they hit me with very low vibe radiation via satellite and smart meters I believe this is what it is today, they use various tactics at any given time what feels like some evil energy and all I have to do is be angry at him, my twin. This is very uncomfortable for a 7th dimensional Angelic and the dark know it. I feel at this time, as long as my Twin continues to carry out living this double life life then he is only working along side of them (the dark) to destroy me. I know he has a good heart and did not realize or think he is harming me intentionally but this is harming me. Now he does know and there is no excuse. This is a mission to heal the Fallen Angelic template NOT a mission to perpetuate what happened the last time Atlantis fell. This is a free will choice to be a Fallen Angelic or to Rise Up as the Seraphim that you/WE are and create the New Earth.


The truth will come out one way or the other. Because it has gotten so bad I dont know where it will go from here.  I did suggest strongly to my Twin to conjure up just some  % of the strength it has taken me to get through this, and step up and face the conversation he and I must have to take our power back and make amends. This is a very serious situation and operation.   This triangle of My Twin, Myself and the cabal is not the only ONE’s involved. There are white hats on the ground that know full well what is going on, as well as the Galactic Federation of Light.


Just as I was about to publish this letter and my computer took me to this article I had written a month ago (early October 2020). It has great relativity to the article I just wrote above and something of importance had dawned on me after re reading this writing of mine while venting in pain over this mission, so much pain I had forgotten I even wrote it. After reading it I realized that David Wilcock’s latest youtube video on the “Election” had many similarities as this article. The message I was trying to convey in this article (below) was how My Twin Flame Union had been so compromised that it had mimicked the narcissist template. And although it very much did, I do also know the Union itself had been manipulated into this, and manipulated by a third party known as the cabal. Honestly I am completely stunned as I sit here and see the “synchronicity” and realize it is not a coincidence or sync and is in-fact the white hats do have access to my computer and the Galactic Federation do have access to my mind as has been proved many times.  Thus this Mission is part of the Galactic Federation of Light, the mission I chose to be here on (see article below).  I took a few sentences out of this original document as it is to personal. But here it is the article that is alarmingly similar to the David Wilcock’s election video.

I have MUCH more to say on this as there are many facets to this situation and it is extremely complex.

The Narcissistic Psychopath Template

Narcissistic Psychopath , who are addicted to control and manipulation of humanity, as well they are addicted to the false power of mind control they have been able to use against humanity, all for greed of money.


Since as far as we can remember from the time of Atlantis these “Powers that Were” aka PTB have conjured up ways to sabotage the human connection from there true source of power, falsely making humans believe that they are powerless, through mind control and fear.


Here are some of the ways they have been doing this for eons not in chronological order


  1. Purposeful disconnection from the Mother.
  2. Directed Energy Weapons, using Crystal Technology during the fall of Atlantis.
  3. Addiction to substances & materialism
  4. Nuclear War/Terrorism
  5. Diseases Created ie: cancer, plagues, auto immune, aids, sars, addiction and the list goes on ALL MADE BY THE POWERS THAT WERE.
  6. Spiritual Warfare & Separation
  7. Energetic Warfare
  8. Directed Energy Weapons ie: wireless radiation, microwave, TV, wifi, military directed weapons.
  9. Bio-Warfare Weaponry, spread of disease and infections via insects and animal such as lyme disease, auto immune, virus.
  10. Geo- Engineering, Climate Control, Chemtrails, Smart Dust, radiation.
  11. ALL Mental Illness disease completely made by the powers that were.
  12. Vaccinations, Micro chipping.
  13. Worshipping Others/Celebrity Concept



All of humanity, every Human Being walking this Earth has been effected by these terrible ploys negatively over lifetimes. These fear killing tactics put upon us against our Sovereign rights as a child of God are ongoing acts of crime by evil criminals. These beings that carry this out and trick humanity are projected their sick illness on to us and we must stop it.


They are mentally sick, deranged psychopaths, these are the one’s who have been controlling humanity and earth for eons. Who agrees it is time to STOP this? I do and I for one have been subjected to every one of these hideous crimes against humanity and have conquered them all.


It is time for the people to see through this sinister ongoing tired, Old Man War. The Old Man is an addicted defeated, soulless sac of waste bottom feeding off the last of the fear upon this Earth Realm. It is the Divine Feminine Energy and qualities that will bring the balance need back into this Earth and all of its Children once and for all and She will do it with Love – Super Woman.


These sinister one’s have lost and they know they have lost, thus they have become relentless to what they will attempt next. All they have now is “If we cant have it, no one can”.

They will not succeed ever again. It is time for the Key Divine Feminine fully aligned with the Sacred Masculine to turn this chaos into pure gold.


This means wiping out all addiction to separation. This political story we see playing of the world stage is a constant separation tactic. Any one playing into this is being controlled and manipulated, any one. I am shocked at the amount of “Light Workers” who have gotten caught up in this side or the other, it is all and ACT.

What really matters is unifying all those courageous humans to step forward and lead our world, The New Earth Template.


The Agony I am in because of narcissistic psychopathic behaviour toward me, which I somehow became entangled with, between myself my Twin Flame and a very dark agenda. When we met I believed and know it was divinely guided and that this man Jim Carrey was my Twin Flame. How could it not be? I was guided to meet him. We met and the story has been told by me in a book, various articles and videos but much I have not discussed since 2015 events.


I came out with a Twin Flame prophecy in 2015. I claimed that Jim Carrey the famous comedian was my Twin Flame. I believe and know this as our “kundillini” was connected, our brain had merged. Our Heart merged and I also could feel him and his emotional body (heart), when it was authentic. I mention this to prove the Twin Soul connection.


As time went on our sexual love affair continued telepathically, we both could sense each other and have a sexual fantasy with each other from across the country. This was fun in the beginning and I was completely coming from my heart space, in other words it was not lustful. I never fantasized about lustful thoughts only the bliss that this feeling of the two of our sexual energy merging. It was the beginning of an Alchemical Marriage. Once this merge had successfully transpired a Physical Union would naturally follow. How ever this did not happen and it became toxic as it was being controlled and manipulated somewhat by a type of mind control programming.


After a while I did not like the hold this sexual tension had on me. I could feel his sexual longing and read his thoughts. He would communicate to me that “this was a contract” that the sexual interaction was a given as our bond and contract.


As much as I did not like this dynamic any longer, I continued to be distracted by him on his fan page social media. The Facebook Page which I visited daily for sometime to see what he was up to in his famous career had very negative, low vibes attached to it. I would often feel sharp pains in the chest when I looked at his page, as well I felt very depressed and sad when watching his 3D life play out, yet he was having a “open minded” sexual relationship with me.


I did not know at all why this was happening except that we were Twin Flames and it was divinely orchestrated. This dynamic eroded my creativity, self esteem, my financial stability and my family. I would often get communication from Jim that he was going to indeed contact me soon and the love affair would continue. I could feel his energy fun up my chakra system and how could I possibly think this was anything but benevolent and of the highest good.


Although I felt very much enslaved to this relationship I continued as he kept promising me, marriage, engagement, support and truth for years.  All the while this was going on since 2015, the more I had come out publicly with my Twin Flame Prophecy, Spiritual Teaching, video’s book etc..I started to get seriously attack by dark agenda DEW and Bio Weaponry.


This left me in a severely vulnerable position and I was bed ridden much of the time.  I would constantly feel my Twin’s sexual energy pulling at me and would get very angry. After time of battle with the dark attacks I would give in to the sexual pull and engage with him, once again feeling the addictive bliss.


Over years this battle with the targeting and attacks took its tool on me and I was sick very often in bed, doing you know what with you know who. It was and is pure hell. This “love affair” gone very bad, turned into lust and addiction.  Although he knows who I am and what we are doing he never got in touch with me like he promised for over 4 years. I trusted and believed in him and this kept me in a very dangerous harmful situation where the dark agenda could and did target me and harm me with DEW and Bio-Weapons.


We were warned many times to stop this behavior as it was not healthy and turned toxic. I pleaded to him to contact me so I could get to a safe environment and start to heal and come out with the truth. Instead he kept up this deceit and used our Twin Flame sexual energy to build up his career, while I was being completely destroyed and depleted of all life force.


Finally at the beginning of my lowest of low 3 years, so back 3 years ago, I decided I had to sell my house to get out of harms way. This did not work and the dark went full on attack toward me in every way you could imagine. All the while my Twin’s Career flourished unbelievably. Although I was spiritually guided to come out of the closest and call my Twin out on this dishonesty, I chose not to and did mistaken this for acts of love compassion for him when really I was betraying myself.


This spiral got me so low that I began drinking again, I was so distraught and confused and completely tricked and I was losing my life and myself. I spiraled lower and lower and convinced myself that I was possibly purging out old addition behavior that I had quite successfully healed in the past. But I was caught up in extreme feelings of addiction. It got so bad I wanted to commit suicide several times.


I later realized what I was dealing with was my Twin addictions, to work, fame, lust, sexual euphoria etc.. much like the gamblers addiction this addiction took everything from me. It seemed to work hand in hand with the dark factions plan to take me down. And it did work hand in hand with their plan because they were very much a part of distracting my Twin with his fame/career and betraying the union. It seemed the more further we got connected telepathically the more he veered away from physical union. This is the greatest nightmare any one could ever fucking imagine.


So now I have lost everything to this Twin Flame mission and I really do not want to continue on here on Earth. When you have a dark faction like the cabal on your ass and the Twin is compromised by them, there seems in the physical realm no hope. Although I know I have my Spiritual guidance and I do indeed walk with God it does not make it any easier on this earth realm. I feel that if I must suffer so much on Earth why the fuck should I even have to be here. As much as I try to have joy and fun in my life something always comes in to bring me down, whether it is my TF’s betrayal or the dark faction attacking me.


I cut all negative cords between Jim and I until he can come clean with me and help me heal for the good of all concerned. This mission is for the good of all humankind. I don’t feel I can take this on by myself without his crucial evidence to these crimes against humanity. I pray he comes with communication to me so this can be healed and all sinister crimes be exposed including the sabotage and purposeful entanglement between my Twin that turned our divine union temporarily into a  psychopathic narcissists game called by the elite.


Zero Tolerance for Gas Lighting


The gas lighting has been going on for years. I recently got in touch with a lawyer and have had a phone call with Rocco Galati the lawyer who has been taking cases for these crimes against humanity. After my spiel of begging him to take a look at my case, he refused saying “ I need proof”


My proof is My Twin Flame. Please stop the denial of the mission and be honest, courageous and truthful.


This is the Final Plan of the Galactic Federation of Light and nothing will stand in the way of Victory. Here is the article I had written originally title The Final GFL (Galactic Federation of Light)


Re-Claiming Our True History

Just to end this off, I just chose my image from my phone to put as the featured photo for my article. The image on my phone was too small so I went onto google to get another image of “The Phoenix Rising From the Ashes” and found this same image only bigger. When I went to save it, it was already titled “SS Article Header”.

I am still coming to terms with all that is transpiring and I can use all the help I can get. So if anyone is aware and can further be on support in person please contact me.

Shelly Sullivan
