Creators of Destiny

As we grow and strengthen our bond with our wholeness of our ONE Being as a Twin Flame we learn and experience more = Spirit Evolution. It is true that the Twin Flame – Masculine and Feminine Energy is a dual Union within, union of fire to be balanced into one. This is true for majority of humanity, and it’s obvious this balance is fully underway for many.

It is also true that there are individuals living in two separate bodies that are two of the one whole being called a Twin Flame. These two are the masculine and feminine primary of their Spirit-Being/SuperSoul. And there are Key Twin Flames that are the embodiment of this primary energy that is leading the way for the collective energy.

This is fact, and many will be blown away with the truth of this type of Union when it is revealed. This Union is part of “Revelations”. The abilities these Twins have are what you see in a sci-fi movie and the future looks very entertaining. The Twin Creators are Super Heroes for the Earth. Or as Revelations 11: would state it, “The Two Witnesses”

Video below by Me.

I was inspired to share this first chapter of my book recently “Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Chapter 1 “Creators of Destiny’ and then put it aside. Today after watching a documentary of a young prodigy Akiane Kramarikthe, who visits Heaven and with her open third eye she is “The Girl who Paints Heaven”. I was so stunned at how closely her vision of Heaven, Galaxy and Universes was to my experiences while remembering creating in them, that I was compelled to publish and share some of her images through out my chapter.



Somewhere off in a far, far away land there once lived a girl. She was not just any girl, this young girl was an Angel, she was an Angelic Princess. Unbeknownst to her, this girl would one day grow and evolve into a Powerful Queen. This Princess possessed magical powers. This princess longed for her Prince. Her Prince also possesses extraordinary magical powers just like her. He is her Twin Flame.

This boy and girl share life together. One lifetime together, as young adults, they knew real, unconditional love. This last Earth life experience together was witnessing a miraculous war of the Gods in the Solar System. The Gods grew very angry and held a large battle in the sky for control of this Planet called Earth, for this Planet was significant and magical as well. It was the Planet of magic and physical manifestation of the seventh dimension.

After the war was waged, the Planet fell into the darker part of the planetary system, into what would be known as a very dense and distorted 3rd dimension, where free will was terribly abused. This God and Goddess vowed to bring back their planet to the seventh dimension however long it took. They created this beloved Planet through their love in the cosmos. These Twin Flames who witness the past and create the future knew there were dark times ahead and were prepared to separate for lifetime upon lifetime to get this mission done.


The masculine twin incarnated many times upon Earth to become a Master many times over and earn his Archangel status. Not only was he a multiple award winning Ascended Master, he was also a Archangel. While she, the feminine Twin Flame, spent some time incarnate on the Earth earning her mastery during these dark ages, most of her time was spent in the Milky Way as a Supreme Archangel. There she was seeding the physical manifestations for the New Earth that they would one day create together once the Planetary alignment was ripe and the placement of the Earth was back into higher consciousness of the Solar System.


The Angelic Princess, who we call Saishorie~Grace, met with many Ascended Masters in Higher Dimensions to get the updates of how Earth Realm was doing. She did not meet with her Twin Flame counterpart very often over the dark ages. In order for him to be able to bear the denser consciousness of this plane, he had to descend to withstand the life force in the Earth’s Dark Ages. His feminine counterpart, existing in the higher realms and yet forever joined with him, could not withstand to interact with this lower vibration. Their separation was stretched to the very extent it could be wrought, for this mission was of great importance and they sacrificed their love for millions of years.

The separation betwixt this pair of Twin Flames allowed the mastery of the flow of dark and light between the two. Just as the Moon is dense and the Sun is bright, they two had to learn the to wield the ropes of dense and light masterfully, just as Mother and Father Creator. They are the child of all forms and non-forms and they love to play.
Their unconditional love was so strong that nothing could tear them apart! No matter how fragmented and damaged the soul became throughout their myriad experiences, their Union together held by their Higher Self reassured them that it was a safe mission and they would be joined as One again in their final incarnation of Earth Realm. This incarnation would take place during the shift of ages, known also as the Precession of the Equinoxes into the Age of Aquarius ~ Ascension of The New Earth and surrounding Planetary Systems.

These Twin Flames are God Creators and no force could take them down permanently, though adversaries did attempt so over and over. Believing deeply in the trinity of all things, some of their lifetimes were experienced as Being the light and yet others as receiving the light, though throughout them all, still connecting to Source as the trinity. In time throughout their adventures, this pair of Twin Flames worked in masterful tandem: the masculine mastered the duality of the earth matrix with his physical lifetimes and the feminine mastered the Milky Way with her lifetimes on higher dimensional planets. Upon reunion, they will become ONE completing the trinity and connecting fully back to Source.

From time to time as needed throughout millions of years, the Twin Flame Soul aspects would have the ability to fly around together and create in the Milky Way. They created other planets, suns and solar systems. Not only could they create these, they were creating also matter on Earth. These Angelic Sentient Beings of Light were so powerful they evolved into their own Universes. The masculine mentally knew exactly where they were going with his millions of neutrons making up the mental brain and the feminine using her intuitive heart without the need to use mental thought but instead utilizing her millions of neutrons for her heart space to sense and enjoying the adventures.

These ancient God creators created with their pure consciousness of love. The Divine Plan for the New Earth has come. Mr. Extraordinaire and Mrs. Saishorie~Grace are more than prepared for their mission at hand for the New Earth Realm. They are the future of the New Earth and its reformation for the planets new grid field into the pristine vibrant green and blue planet that it was once upon a time.

“supreme sanctuary”

These two Gods at times became lonely and had the desire to procreate. They configure to create, seeding the Universes with all the wonders of the New Earth, replicating over and over. Mr. Extraordinaire creates with his acute third eye flower of life, measuring out precisely with his magnificent binocular vision. He knows the rule of third energy, the oneness and the trinity, and uses its supremely. Universes create by using the trinity energy to manifest. This is the Earth, Sun and the Moon procreating along with the feminine Saishorie~Grace Mother energy.
Saishorie~Grace assists on spreading their legacy across the galaxies and stars. Her energies propel her speed of light to move her swiftly through the biosphere. Her delivery system makes strides across the Milky Way. This manifestation would take centuries in lower dimensions, but where she resides here in the 7th – infinite dimension, it is instant manifestation.

Saishorie~Grace received her God Creator Archangel Status by demonstrating her trade mark of balance and speed that teleports her planets where they needed to go, by gracefully orchestrating the Divine planned trajectory moment by moment.

Together this Extraordinary Twin Flame pair predicted the future using his imagination to give options alongside her acute ability to see the options and piece together the worlds around them. They recognize everything in the atmosphere, not missing a single molecule, atom or light particle. He senses whatever may be out of view from the masculine third eye and she senses through the vision of God Source Creator’s mind.


Together they will remove the limits from the Human genome, thus allowing the humans to now build through the One God Mind of Unity Consciousness, using the human’s minds and hands. This is the turning point in human history. The Twin Flame pair are ready to take their physical place together and take their place in history. Other Colonies in the Solar System will follow this prototype as the New Earth inhabitants begin to awaken like sleeping beauty. This is the time of Triumph!

Their wisdom and spirit will live on in their children, the millions and billions of Soul Chards they have created and continue to create and the millions of worlds they give life to. Humility is on the shoulders of this giant sentient being.

What they have worked so hard for has and will pay off. The personal Plan of this last dance on Earth will bring the two Key Twin Flames together in this lifetime. Every minute detail has been seeded, planted and manifested of their lives from birth to the extent of their origin of birth as it is in the very close vicinity on Earth Realm. Mr. Extraordinaire incarnated in Earth’s year of 1962, following Mrs. Saishorie~Grace’s incarnation in 1967.

These beautiful sentient Beings of light are so powerful their Soul Being had to incarnate into two physical bodies and millions of Soul Shards, aspects of themselves incarnated into millions of physical vessels. Their mission was to become their original Sovereign Beings of Light and to raise the consciousness of the New Earth, breaking the karmic cycle of the dark ages once and for all.

From day one, they knew of their superpowers, for these two Twin Flames are Master Manifestors of the Universes. Saishorie~Grace enjoyed her Earthly childhood years flying around and was aware of her Masculine Counterpart in spirit. She could see and change the future, she could make it rain, create a storm or bring about sunshine with her heart-based intentions. They could shape shift, they could read minds, they had knowledge of just about everything under the sun. They lived off the Sun and flowed with the rhythm of the moon. This was just the beginning of their remembering of who they truly are and soon, by the Earthly age of seven, it would be the end of their Remembering for a long while. All of the inhabitants of this far, far away land called Earth, had these abilities, but there soon came a time they would all have amnesia.

When a soul would incarnate onto the Earth, they would very soon after birth get amnesia. Saishorie~Grace remembered who she was until the tender age of seven. By this age and this time, the dense programming from society and authority figures was what brought the onset of amnesia.

This Planet Earth was far, far away in quarantine because of abuse and destruction. The Earth planet’s sentience, Gaia, endured it and had to be shielded if she were to survive these constant attacks due to the wars of control. Prime Creator had it protected as everyone wanted a piece of the beautiful Planet Earth. The game was: Who will control Earth?


The placement of Earth within the Solar System had shifted vastly. Earth was no longer in the same place it once was in the Milky Way. Very few know about this fact, but Saishorie~Grace does. She witnessed the birth of the New Earth, The New Sun and the New Solar System. She was well informed while this birth was taking place. She was well informed of the knowledge of the Astronomy. A fellow ally of Planet Earth worked with Saishorie~Grace in the Milky Way. He was once an inhabitant of Earth and was given the Soul name of Carl Sagan. He was one of the greatest astronomers to ever incarnate. He mentored Saishorie~Grace and prepared her for this monumental time on Earth just in time when her amnesia was lifted in 2012.

The explanation of the New Earth location sounds like it could be a scene out of a Sci-Fi movie… and it is.

All the superpowers would be awakened by the Source Sun & The rays of light laser-beamed into the third eye while claiming the I AM presence under the Sun. This powerful ritual was witnessed not only by humans but by the Extraterrestrials, the Angelics, Her Higher Self who is God Prime Creator. All were present for this ritual. This was a monumental ritual for the New Earth, for the New Earth King & Queen had regained her super powers. This was a time of great triumph in the Higher Dimensions, but went unnoticed to the realm of density as the Old Earth was still transitioning into the New.

Not all of these advanced Beings were of the Light. The dark adversaries were watching as well. This is when they planned their latest attack. Little did they know that she would use this attack to her advantage and, just like Mother Gaia, she would prevail with victory and Ascend. No one would beat them at their own game.

Adventures of Saishorie~Grace
Sovereign Being
Book 1

In Love and Light

Documentary Of The Girl Who Paints Heaven