No matter how desperate the dark faction is getting and the relentless attacks on the Divine Goddess Energy, one thing is already pre-ordained, decreed and ordered by the ONE in charge: SHE HAS WON = ONE. She is not going any where. When I say “She” I am speaking of the millions of Light workers here on Earth that “SHE” works through and will continue to successfully work through until she reaches the billions.

Just as Jesus as the Divine Masculine sacrificed himself as the Lamb of God, so stands true for the Divine Feminine this time around. Only this time the Messianic Prophecy has arrived with millions of physical Beings/Walk-Ins that cannot and will not be defeated, as well the Brother/Sisterhood/Angelics & ET’s of Great White God Head. “The Highest Command” is here for the Messianic Prophecy which no man shall set a hinder.

The mis creations of the Raman Empire are being reversed to truth and love, absent of the sins.
Forgive yourselves just as God has forgiven.

I AM Saishorie~Grace