Here is a post from Athena Ash on Facebook this morning, it made me think of my cosmic marriage that I had written about in my book. Here is the excerpt and below is Athena Ash’s post of Cosmic marriage that is happening on the Earth plane now.
Post By Athena Ash
Hi my wonderful soul family….
Thank you everybody for my congratulations
I’m thank you everybody for my congratulations
I’ Am cosmically married
to my Twin Flame/ Ray eternally….
it was an White flame ceremony … ( we have always been married the Eternal Flame is One ‘
however when we come into this incarnation we forget) falling in love with self again…
We had a ceremony on Sirius with my Twin Ray … And Two Aspects Of our Soul Stream ..
They are Blue Avian’s
(Tia’tir’ai’re & TiaTir’Ar’Ra )
Blue Avian 8/9D Aspects Of our Monad
Oz’ah’ta’Ra – 7/8 our Aspect from Sirius who is an hermaphrodite being …
So We are in Union…
Fully merged energetically… We merged on Beltane this year … and had the final Ceremony on Sirius ….
It was Not A ceremony here in the 3-D / 4D Earth …
No ‘ it goes higher than that ,
all the way to (emanation )
and beyond Emanation
To the Top Of our Eternal Flame…
Integrating with all aspects of multidimensional aspects of Self Divine masculine Divine feminine…. And the source within
So I changed my Facebook status to married … because “ well I guess am
Even though the marriage did not take place on the planet…
it is profoundly & beautiful in the heavens
There are so many twins coming into union ‘ coming into their eternal flame with their counterparts …
whether it is on The planet
or energetically Merging with there Galactic Counterparts ….
The eternal flame marriage is taking place at an awakened state level of awareness …. with many twins Flames right now on the planet
As the Energies are exponentially Moving so fast ….
And Where we are coming into alignment with the Galactic Centre of this galaxy … And Sirius is leading the way supporting this Solar system and planetary Ascension and our Sun forming into a Galactic Central Sun
All is moving very quickly
So I thank everybody the 144 Brothers & Sisters
For all the love and devotion sending you all my unconditional love and blessings
Ria Aurora Athena Ash’Tar’Ke’ree””
By Shelly Sullivan and My Etheric Self Saishorie~Grace
There are two sides two every story. There has been a story upon Earth playing out, it is the story life and death of the New Earth
and the Old Earth, the old masculine and the unsacred feminine. The unsacred masculine and feminine have died, the new Divine
Sacred masculine and feminine have resurrected from this death. I have been writing the story from the one side of this polarity.
The masculine death has been playing out for a lifetime upon Earth and in recent years the feminine had some catching up to do, to her death of old self. The balance of these polarities between these two worlds have been reached.
The masculine and feminine are in the flow in the bliss of consciousness. I received the messages from our Creator to depict the events transpiring in the etheric realm, orchestrated by myself, my Twin Flame and our Creator in preparation for the harmony of the feminine and masculine who are creating Heaven upon Earth.
I am and have been saving the miraculous signs that are presented to me by Creator, by way of dialogue via license plates, signs, symbols and numbers, ideas, dream experiences and visions. This helps my ability to believe in such miraculous magic happening in the world right now. It is not what the human mind can comprehend without proof of signs. I write about the signs and present some of them in this book. I share one sign (below), I received this morning the Sign “ONEBFLO”. This is just one sign of the many I still have been receiving.
Renewal of the Divine Counterparts
Birth of the new divine feminine, witnessed by the divine masculine who is now fully activated. I am elated and honoured to have also witness it all. I witnessed the merge of the divine masculine with the divine feminine, but first the old had to die.
May 2014 – March 2017
This time equaled a rapid intense death of the old feminine and
I am beyond relieved for it to be over as of March 5th, 2017. Simultaneously, the old masculine has died as well. This death was not as painful, for they have been leading this world and have not been as suppressed as the feminine. Instead, the masculine have been suppressing their true nature – that of their divinity, however not to the same degree as the feminine has been suppressed.
On some level, the masculine collective consciousness will have an inner knowing of this, of their feminine counterparts resurrection. Whether they are consciousness of what has transpired or not, it is imbedded in the pairs’ DNA from the powerful coronal mass ejections of solar activity.
A Ceremony of the Light transpired March 6th which integrated the Light of the Divine into Oneness.
Like all creations, it starts in the etheric realm which then is brought down through our physical vessel into physical manifestation by the Creators.
After millions of years of the feminine and masculine have been existing without the “Divine” in the equation, and as such, this was a monumental celebration with all the Light Family present. All of the Archangels, Ascended Masters with names and a with no names were present for this ceremony which was conducted in Egypt 7th Dimension. It was overseen by the Central Sun, the Creator of our Light family.
On the 4th and 5th dimension simultaneously another sacred Union was taking place. It was an earth wedding, the union of the sacred Twin Flames was happening in the depths of the lush green forest, the twin flames church, with its very own reverend. Reverend Rachael is the name of the one who married the beloved Twin Flame pair.
As with any physical manifestation, it is carried out in the ethers firstly. Rachael had the loveliest precognition of this event a year ago. She witnessed the beautiful bride while she was
wishing for us much joy with the Reunion between the Beloveds! Her vision was stated to me as such: “I see you with a ringlet of flowers in your hair, ribbons of light streaming from you, cascading love energies and the dance of merriment in your twin flames eyes as he sees you, recognizes you, claims you with every ounce of his Being. You are the light in his eyes, his raison d’etre.”
I continued to witness the 5th dimensional union transpiring with myself walking along a path of lush green trees along a walk- way in the forest. On each side of the bridal wedding path were the Twin Flames. All who wished to be present for the ceremony showed up, holding one single candle in hand and raising it up in reverence and honour. They were all showering us with their love and courage and sharing this monumental time upon the New Earth.
I am walking along barefoot in my white gown toward my beloved perfect Twin Flame, and yes he is created perfectly! It is just as he sees me. We exchange vows and seal the union with our bands of gold wrapped around each other’s fingers for eternity.
Reverend Rachael delivered a lovely and profound speech marrying the Twin Flame pair.
With the guiding touch of synchronicity, Rachael has just recently become a Reverend after being divinely guided to do so.
This act was without any recent recollection of the precognition dream experience (the vision) she had before, meaning when she was guided to get her certificate, she did not do this with the conscious intention of marrying us in dream state.
We are ONE, In the Flow, In Balance with the Courage and Love of Millions Men and Women.
Love Shelly Sullivan
In Love and Light,