Farewell to the Old World, We have been “Clearing” for years right up to the last minute last night! Over the past many days I have been seeing signs stating BYE-BYE, C YA BYE, FAREWELL (seen that one 3 times last week), seen VIVA 01 this morning. The purification is over and a New World has begun.
A Huge influx and immense amounts of Light are now coming through now until 2025. I was specifically guided to ease back into a raw food diet in order to carry the highest amounts of Light and this morning I seen the sign WHITELITE as this is what I/we Light Bearers will be anchoring for the remainder of Ascension.
Not only will this White Light raise our Planet further into the neighbourhood of our Galactic Family but it will assist the “Ones” willing to receive the Light and become ONE with the Light again. The Rainbow Family of Monads that I meet with in 2015 (Archangels) they and their Light Shards are walking along with us, guiding and celebrating the New Earth with us.
Love relationships will sustain this new frequency anchoring within our New Planet of Love. Commitment issues that we have all experienced for thousands of years will be healing now between the Masculine and Feminine, thus true divine partnerships will prevail along with sacred sexual healing. Every man and women has a True Love Divine Mate out there, ready or preparing to come into union. There will be an abundant of Twin Flame Teachers available to help in these unions up until the children become adults and then this will be very natural and the New Template of Love relationships will be.
The Present Light Beings upon Earth are distinct to each other. It is important to ground your Light into the Crystal Core of Gaia daily from now on. You can do this by visualizing your roots as roots made of crystal light entering into the Crystal Core of Earth and an implosion of Light expanding when you do this, expanding the light through out Planet Earth and touching all the Dolphins,Whales, Fish, all The Animals and Hu-Manity. Then raise this light back up through you and up into the Great White Diamond Angelic Brother Hood Dimension and up into the I AM Presence of the Galactic God/Goddess Central Sun which is surrounded by thousands of the Greatest Suns. For a visual of the I AM Presence see this link:
If you are seeking your mate or to assist a loved one to get on there Mission of Light make the call out to them by visualizing there spirit as white light and ask them to please remember who they are and to come meet you and share your white light within them over and over to bring them back. Some Souls need encouragement and guidance to remember the powerhouses of Light that they are and help to find there way back home.
And one last thought is to treat your dogs specifically as the equal companions they once were in a past life with you before the dark ages set in. If you sit and meditate with your dog on the bed for example, you will start to remember the powerful companion they once were walking along with you in Atlantis as a Lion, Bear, Dragon or a Unicorn for example. These animals are very high frequency and have helped in the purification process immensely. They are infinite as well.
Happy New Year!!!!
Photo by Patterson Photography. Rainbow over Tautuku Bay in the Catlins region of New Zealand
In Love and Light
Of Higher Service
Saishoire~Grace, as above
Shelly Sullivan, so below.