5G Virus Mission ~ The Take Down


I have been synchronistically divinely guided as usual to put together a article after various pieces of  information coming into my awareness by my Higher Self via technology, then combined with my experience and truth, here a great piece of information for those who believe. Ultra Violet Ray, Sun Rays of Creation for Healing and Creation.

I will start by writing that this article is about a possible cure and healing for all Virus’s & Disease and bio-weaponry war taking place now on a planetary and galactic scale.

A gentlemen made a post on FB this morning asking for comments to this post “Anyone knows about Miracle Mineral Supplement and its connection with curing AIDS and Cancer?” And how it’s connection on how it may cure disease. I replied quickly as I wanted to share about this miraculous miracle mineral supplement “MMS” and what I know about it. 

I studied it in depth in 2017 during a time when I was healing myself from symptoms that mimicked “Lyme disease”. I say mimicked because although I know I had what is labeled as “Lyme disease” however I don’t believe it was lyme disease as it is made out to be in the medical field, but rather bio-weaponry toxicity, I know that this is what I was dealing with. 

I have written about my battle with the dark and the bio-weaponry, direct energy weapon, wifi radiation etc….attacks toward me, what I want to share in this article is how I cured and continue to heal myself in this recovery of severe bio-weaponry damage to mind body spirt complex that I exist in. 

During these past 6 years of hell, I have been forced to find ways to heal myself over and over of criminal attacks to my body, mind and spirit by dark agenda, government, dark military. Through out this time, I have suffered from severe chronic flu’s, fevers, colds, heavy metal toxicity, mental torture etc… and have come up with ways to survive in a body that is not sick but is constantly fighting off virus and toxicity. The ways I have done this is through excellent nutrition, raw/vegan diet for a long time, this means no gluten, dairy, sugar or meat, intaking freshly pressed juicing daily, pure spring water and or Kangen water purified structured water. Lots of greens daily and fruits.

I did intravenous vitamin C (high dose),  B’s and Glutathione, Ion Foot Baths for a year straight and continue when possible now. Sea Salt baths, various multivitamins, Tesla Technology healing beds one of which I own called the Seqex. I also had access to what is similar to a Rife machine to help kill parasites. I did Ultra Violet Light therapy of various types when possible and many other uses of different technologies that I studied and researched over 5 years.  I used the Ion Foot Bath and still do to detoxify my body.

I stayed in a meditative state for almost  3 years 80% of the time laying in bed in meditation with imposed “virus” symptoms (really my bodies way of detoxing harmful toxins) not by my choice and now a total of 10 years I exist in an active state of meditation as much as possible.  I mean literally laying in meditation for much of my days or whatever activity I am doing ie: nature walks, exercise, yoga. But this became more difficult when the most sever attacks came about in 2017- 2019 and was what I describe as full on torture against me. No body can remain calm much less in a place love of the time when under torturous attack. But one can create a scenario for Victory over a evil torturous plan.  And this is what I did do with my powerful Creator abilities. I will explain after I write about how I stayed healthy.

I did therapies with natural healthful Light Machine modalities but what I also learned and strengthened my connection was with the work of my Light Body & The Light of my Creator of which is where I come from = The Comic Sun/The Golden Christed Light, (I am preparing literature or videos on this). This is a type of technology that very few actually utilize at this time. This is the type of technology that the Ancient Aliens used back in the Isis and Osiris Egyptian Era and earlier on for Creation and Protection. Shortly after I posted this article another synchronistic article came to my attention that is very important here. An article on Tesla and the Healing Power of Ultra Rays, The Royal Sun Disc (that I carry) and resources for light therapy.


I sweat as much as I could in the Sun and Exercise, however I could not get to hot as my body was under such stress of natural light heat and radiation I had to be very careful.

One of the major ways I help to rid myself of parasites, heal the virus’s and cure my “lyme” was Jim Humbles, Miracle, Mineral Supplement aka MMS. Here is the reply I made to the gentlemen’s post inquiring on MMS asking “

Anyone knows about Miracle Mineral Supplement and its connection with curing AIDS and Cancer”

I replied:

“ I do use MMS. I used it for months and researched it greatly. It cured my symptoms of Lyme disease, which was really bombardment of Chemtrails, Bio-Weaponry/Wireless Radiation. It has to be used very specifically and slowly, building up to the highest intake amount for purification.  One must be careful when  combining Vitamin C, which is a must,  but only hours after intake of the MMS.  There are supplements in pill form now availble. I should make a video about how to use it, because the lady who I learned a lot from took her videos down.

Miracle Mineral Supplement Chlorine Dioxide works very different from swallowing bleach and chlorine that goes into a pool or laundry, the chemical compounds are not the same. I’m not a scientist and don’t have the research to explain this time, I know by using it to heal myself. Jim Humble’s as the inventor of this product is genius and he is well known and respected by the pure Lightworker and Wayshower, leaders within the planetary movement. He sits on the Tribunal of Natural Justice, I will include some of his videos so any one can do there own research. Very interesting now how when I do a search on the inventor Jim Humble and his cure at this time google has manipulated it into all very negative results on MMS google search, this was not the case 3-4 years ago, that just goes to show again. Wikipeida is not trust worthy. He has been getting a lot of exposure by some amazing leaders in the truth community so no wonder why they are manipulating the result. As a registered Nutritionist myself with over 25 years of research on optimal wellness for the body mind and spirit, I personally have come to the conclusion that Pasteurized/Fortified unnatural Dairy is toxic. But that is my study and opinion. Dairy may work well for others who do not have that belief system, just saying combined with MMS if your doing a detox combining cheese is not pleasant. Here is more truth on Jim Humble the inventor of MMS.



This whole discussion lead me to some information of synchronicity of Donald Trump suggesting “Light and Bleach/Disinfectant tests that have killed the corona virus instantly. Although they depict his talk as irresponsible, I read between the lines and get a different message.


If Trump is One of the many White Hat’s many believe him to be than I would suspect his comments a cryptic way of proving my point. This has happened with many of my other insights, visions, “predictions and truths” from the Qanon/Positive Military thus far.

So further divinely guided research brought me with in seconds to this video by Sasha Stone that I had posted privately on my FB page the day before to watch later. At 11:00 min Sasha discusses his research on MMS and how it has been proven to cure Malaria. 

This got me thinking of my symptoms and how my overtaxed immune system caused by virus attack etc…caused me to have what would seem to anyone as a auto immune disease, which I did not have and had my blood work done regularly. I even had been tested for AIDS as I could not figure out earlier on what the heck was wrong with my immune system. This is very telling to the AIDS pandemic that was brought about way back targeting the African Culture and causing immune system break down. Which further shows the link to AIDS being yet another man made virus affected upon humanity as a type of war fare and blaming I on the gay society and Africans. It is so obvious what is going  on and has been going on for era’s with this predictable plaguing diseases including Cancer that just “show up” every so many years, killing humans and sucking the money up. 

Now we all know these plagues and “diseases” come about to help feed the sinister greed of those conglomerate’s who run the Big Pharma, Bank etc…associates who control the money and slavery by one way of vaccinations. The conclusion I have come up with today is that MMS – Miracle Mineral Supplement is the antidote to Vaccination against these diseases and virus. Light Therapy and Natural Healing technologies can cure and heal any disease and this is where our society is headed. I have proven it works, this is part of my mission as a “Super Human” embodied and example here upon Earth. 

So through out all of this 5G Mission which btw I am not sure if my Soul choose this or if it was an attack inflicted upon me and I had no choice but to turn this into a “Take Down” mission of those who had inflicted such evil attacks on me. I did get the message the other day to title this blog as “TAKE DOWN” as this is exactly what is transpiring right now. Evil leaders are being exposed and arrested and there are and will continue to be Law Suits reclaiming Trillions and Billions of Dollars back to humanity and Mother Earth.

As I endured these on going attacks I uncovered exactly how they were preforming these attacks and it turns out what they had been doing to me was a individual example of what they plan to do to all of humanity of a mass scale, however I endured much higher levels of individual direct attack on me. I also reported to my HigherSelf, My Angelic Family of Light and Others that had surveillance on my for the highest good. So they could hear with I was reporting. The tricky part was I was being spied on by the dark faction as well so I had to be very picky where and what I spoke allowed about as it could be used against the mission.

Together as a Team myself and the Light faction, in body and Galactics had come up with a plan. I was shown various ways metaphysically, telepathically etc… how I was progressing. Sounds like something out of a Sci-Fi movie and it is. Only difference from this being my sheer wild imagination is I have proof and tangible signs and confirmations of the communication. Even if it was sheer imagination to get me through radiated and being burned alive for 3 years then so be it, but that is not the case. The take down that is happening now is taking place as result of Angelic intervention and my sacrifice in this 5G/Virus mission.

I created the Take Down with my God Given Power of Creation. All though not the most pleasant of Creations, still someone’s Mind had to do it, someone had to endure the sinister involvement with the sinister plan in order to uncover and report what was going go with the Plan to harm and kill humanity.  I am not the only one of course, many who are “top level” Creators partook in this plan and execution of the plan. The Take Down Plan has many facets and many have the Creator Abilities that differs from 3D type of manifestation mastery however you must Master 3D Manifestation  first in order to have the know how or confidence and belief to move into Creator Manifestation Abilities.

My next part of the mission is to file a Personal Law Suit against the criminals who did inflict harm to me intentionally living me in a aftermath of losing everything I love along with 10 years of sacrifice and pain. The worst part is when someone is harmed to such a degree they can prove to there loved one what has transpired to at least have moral support, that is not even available at this time as any possible disease is untraceable in my body as I clear it quickly with my Light Body and help from Galactic Medical Team and Etheric restoration of the Body, Mind & Spirit. However I did get a telepathic message that it is to early to know how this will effect the DNA Codex of the Angelic Template but knowing our Magic it can be better than anticipated, “what does not kill you makes you stronger”. This Lineage has been endangered in the past and one of the reasons for disclosure is to keep this Lineage thriving and in pro-creation mode, this is what the dark agenda does not want. Again sounds like a Sci-Fi movie and so be it, It will be a movie one day, that Spirit Script has already been written with a few Plot Twists.

The Class Action Law Suits for Humanity are underway. Everyone and everything is in place for this to transpire with Great Victory. The monetary payback will help to Create the New Earth, everything of the New Earth. 

So I suggest ASAP a call to action of a collaboration with the many who are lined up at this time to take the global stage and start EXPOSURE AND DISCLOSURE. I have been shown the Doctors, The Scientists, The Witnesses, The Spiritual Teachers, The Holistic Practitioners, The Individuals who will rise partake in this current and post Take Down and there are many more to come on board. I have a gift in specking out the true Light Leaders. I was trained to decipher this early on. I am all about Oneness however the parasites cannot come along for the ride.

I am trying to stay in my natural place of Love and with an open Heart but it is trying when the symptoms are on.

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In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service 


The Seventh Ray