We are the Hands of God
Today I preformed a Golden Light Christ/God healing mediation by the water. After grounding into Mother Earth’s Heart I then opened up the Golden Crown and in poured the Christ’s Light. Golden White Diamond Light poured in like that of the Water Falls.
We anchored the Light into Earth and I invoked the I AM Presence.
When I returned home I randomly choose a meditation from Era of Peace. I was gifted confirmation by God of the work that had just been carried out and continues for the next 24hours. The Golden Christ Light pouring into Lake Simcoe, by the Hand of God.
The random vlog I choose is title You are Being called to BE the Hands of God. Confirmation came when Patricia speaks about the Crown Chakra being opened for the reconnection of the Christ Light for Humanity after our disconnect during the Fall from Grace eons ago., Which is what I preformed during this mediation. This is Gods way of communicating to me…Keep up the Good Work.
I have many times described our mission as the Left and Right hands of God. That WE are the left and right hand Angels of God. We are of the Celestial God Head here to anchor the next wave of Christ/God consciousness along with the masses of Humanity.
It reminded me of a time when I was at the airport about the be initiated in the Sky along with my Archangel Family of Light and God. Through out the 6 hour initiation I sat in meditation pouring in the Golden Light and the White Diamond Rainbow Frequencies. Before boarding the plane a lady approached me asking if I knew what the symbol on my top meant? I said kind of…she replied it is the Hand of God and you are protected. She was a ET Pleiadian embodied.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan