Justice in the Stars 1 & 2

Justice in the Stars

Part 1

I have been and I am very much involved in a operation that is about exposing the dark criminal crimes that involve murders/suicide and attempted murder on me. Specifically Chris Cornell of the band Sound Garden and Audio Slave has been working with me. He has come to me from at the heavens many times to work with me and show me truth about the dark crimes in the entertainment industry in Hollywood. He first came to me the day of his death. The introduction contact was very gentle and loving to begin our mission. The initial introduction being so gentle was for good reason as what was to come was the very opposite of gentle and loving but exposure of dark evil.
Chris has been watching over and with me for the past 4 years while I have been undergoing severe attacks and attempted murder by this dark group that has cost me a decade of my life however they have not been able to take me out, they took me down but I have not been taken out. Amanda Ellis a channel for the “heart squad” whom are individuals who have wrongfully passed away and are working from the heavens for justice, she channeled Chris Cornell 2 days ago (June 6th) and when I found the video my life changed yet again, this time with hope for our future and justice. She released this video and it is a must watch for this story of truth. But before you watch note this: Chris mentions via Amanda that the dark “took him out” and he is now a force to be reckoned with. Later on this day after I watch this video I was browsing at the airport book store, after choosing a couple of books to read, I was strongly guide to go back to book shelf on the other side of the store. My Higher Self had fully taken over and guided me to a self help book on anxiety. I randomly opened this booklet in the middle of the book. What I read besides other sentences was this that stuck out in my mind of a quote: “God’s Protection, you are very protected, they took you down, they did not take you out” reading this just after watching this video is very auspicious of that which is to come…JUSTICE & TRUTH.

John Candy has been coming to me as of late so I researched him this morning. I had no idea he was born in New Market, but because he was psychically coming to me I knew he had died a wrongful death. He died of a heart attack and it was an attack on him. Although some can say he was over weight, does not matter he did not die by natural causes. I know this as I was told. I also had experienced many “heart attacks” and live to tell the truth.
Update **April 1. 2022: A street in my town of Newmarket has been named after John Candy, just recently. This reminded me of when John Candy spiritually was connecting with me. He has connected with me again via this Street Sign named after him. He is also helping from the other side for Justice for these murders.

Many “Stars” have come to me to let me know they are here and the mission is to help bring about awareness, change and justice when it comes to the dark crimes against innocent human beings that have the right to live a quality life while here upon Earth. This is clearly not the case currently.
Many are being hit with direct energy weapons, mind control and programmed addiction that causes death or suicide to escape the torture. How I know this is I have experienced all the dark factions attempts to kill me and or cause sever mental distraught.

Here is a video where i discuss my heart attack/stroke experiences, back then I was much more naive and considered everything I was going through “Ascension Symptoms” now I know better as I continued to get heart attack for years. One year I did die, but I was resurrected, here is the link to that story https://saishoriegrace.com/direct-energy-weapons-attacks/

Many “Bright Stars” whom were exceptionally gifted have been getting my attention. Such as John Candy, Prince, Chris Cornell, Kurt Cobain, Robbing Williams, Michael Jackson, John F Kennedy, Marilyn Munroe, Princess Diana, John Lennon, Elvis Aaron Presley Nikola Tesla, Michael Hutchence (INXS)….etc….David Bowie (although it was cancer still a crime against humanity)
All these Bright Stars died suspicious deaths, why do you think that is??? High Frequency Beings here to bring their talent, love/light into humanity, just dropping dead suspiciously???. This is the same reason Rock and Roll is dead….this music helped raise good vibrations, total opposite to what music is being supported in the media now…

For the not so famous people who have been wrongfully killed they are honoured and acknowledged as well, their selflessness acts are recognized and pre-planned, their sacrifices will take them up the evolution scale fast.
I personally know of a kindred spirit who’s soul purpose in life was as a sacrifice for me to complete my mission during this life time, as a matter of fact he came to me the other night in a dream…he held my shoulders told me to RELAX….and that all is working out very well.
He was my first love and friend named Jerry Brown, he came to Earth specifically as a sacrifice for this mission. He died at 28 in a head on collision, it was his time to go. I write about him in my book. Any way he came to me in a dream last year to show me his new status and the recognition he received for his sacrifice. He showed up in warrior apparel and a shiny hug rainbow/gold sword, like the biggest and best of them all. He is an Archangel now helping humanity for the monumental time of Ascension, as are so many of the Great Ascended Brotherhood.
Another magical gift Jerry has brought the world was he was a channel for lyrics that came through the band Pearl Jam singer Vetter from the album 10. When these lyrics and music sang from the many concerts Pearl Jam played the consciousness within that Country was lifted immensity through this gift of Soul music and Archangel downloaded lyrics. This is one way consciousness is lifted in the world and the dark group has been quite successful in shutting down Rock and Roll music for quite some time. Killing off members of great Rock Bands at there whims desire to kill.
Just recently the drummer from Foo Fighters was murdered and I say this with 100% surety. When I heard about his death it was very synchronistic with something going on in my life regarding music. I questioned the death of this young man Taylor Hawkins. Shortly there after I was driving and the Foo Fighters song came on and shivers ran through my body. Shivers of Spirit, I know the feeling and it comes through me via Spirit. Spirit confirmed to me this was not an accidental timely death, he was taken out. I received some higher guidance later that further confirmed why he was taken out. It has everything to do with keeping Soulful gatherings of Rock and Roll concerts that are and can be one of the most uplifting collective consciousness gatherings. The Foo Fighters are the only band on tour at this time internationally for this type of event and it has been sabotage.
When are people going to wake up to all these false timely famous deaths that are designed to lower  consciousness en mass. Just like the mysterious death of comedian Bob Saget. This was a direct energy weapon to the heart. The dark accomplished a deep dip in vibration – to cause sadness in a large community of people namely publicly famous people. This is how they work and I know the truth as I am a Master now in discernment of the Truth.
This Master of Discernment initiation has been a challenging on going test for me. I was born with he empathic gift of lie detector however as time has gone on I have been targeted with tricksters and game playing by the dark and I have become the Master of Discernment. I see through it all with Diamond cutting Eyes – Third Eye.
Another helper in the Justice mission is my lawyer from 2010. I was in the middle of a separation with my Ex (father of my son) and things were getting messy. I was guided to this lawyer Mr Dunsmuir. He ended up being a hero for me, utilizing his expertise to get me a speedy out of court settlement. His motivation to help me at the time was his grand despise for men who are bullies and take advantage of women’s femininity. Not to knock my ex he was just interfered with by the dark at the time – like so many I get close to. Any way in 2103 he and his entire family except on son was killed in a house fire. He showed up for me also with similar messages, that he is here to help with the Justice Mission. He was a Supreme Judge in the Etheric Realm now. And he is one mean mother f@***er on a very serous mission.
This is the time of great purification and we are in the Finale, All is being exposed. *The Great Purification & Ascension where the original Androgynous God has sent his masculine and feminine on to this Earth to head things up. This is also a time and return of the New Angels and the Warriors of Light.

Just as all of our Galactic and Cosmic Families are with us to help Earth to Ascend and take out the Evil in the world, same goes for these Stars. Souls are eternal and you can bet your bottom dollar they are helping us to get Justice for all the crimes against humanity. This is why they sacrificed there lives, for this very times we are living in. The work they are preforming “behind the scenes” is like Magic and Justice will be served.
Ephesians 6:14-17 lists six pieces of the Armor of God:

Belt of truth.

Breastplate of righteousness.

Shoes of the gospel of peace.

Shield of faith.

Helmet of salvation.

Sword of the Spirit.

Nothing can stop the “New Revelations”

Part 2

June 24th, 2017 I started to write on the topic of wrongful death and have written many articles and or made youtube videos discussing this topic that is part of my mission at this time. I have been writing my next book and writing the the hardest parts. But this beautiful post came up and reminded me that I am still doing the mission as I came here to do. I had been writing about the difficult topic suicide/murder, this is a big issue/topic that will be exposed and discussed in my book and the truth behind suicide/murders in this world.
Last summer while driving from Muskoka, Ontario where I was living to Barrie, Ontario to get a hotel room (yet again), and knowing full well I was on the road to escape yet more inflicted danger toward me by a dark faction, Chris Cornell appeared in my third eye vision and he was praying for me, holding space for me and the message he conveyed was one of concern for the mission and for my safety. The feeling I received from him and his level of concern was upsetting because I knew how dangerous my mission is and how alone I am physically. This upset me because I knew I was in trouble at that point and I had to get to safety, which I did…and continue to do on. a weekly basis. All the while I can never stop questioning, where the heck is my Twin. The one I feel and communicate with daily, why is he not helping me the way I required help.
The end of this post I included a image of the Rainbow in the sky over my house that appeared the day of/when Chris Cornell transitioned and he first started to contact me. I later realized that my Twin had made a post about how Chris gifted him a guitar way back. I think about how significant this subject is for my Twin as he knows full well about this criminal activity happening in the entertainment industry and still wonder why hasn’t he step in for this mission considering the facts. Its really upsetting, because writing what I know about this and how important this is for humanity and yet I sit here without any physical support from him and the energetic communication from his just is not good enough it any longer.

While writing on this topic last night the synchronicities were huge. I left to take a break from the writing as it was heavy. I walked over to the restaurant that I had never been before and decided to go spur of the moment. A man and I started a conversation near the bar, I told him I was taking a break from writing and he inquired further about my book. When I told him the hard topic of suicide he told me he was just talking to a writer, who is writing her book and it is on this topic. So just minutes before I walked in and met him another lady was just with him speaking of this topic suicide. Her sister committed suicide to to over dose etc. For me it was confirmation that this is a huge part of the mission.

Also I had also just been writing before this break in particular about Anthony Bourdain the famous American chef, whom I met at the airport just weeks before his “suicide” and I have the picture of him and I and the whole story of how, when, where and why I had met him and what had transpired after I met him, very significant and synchronistic that I was writing about this and how many puzzle pieces have come together, not only about suicide but also  how addiction plays a big part, AND addiction is a program heavily implanted to harm people and used as the alibi of murder, to use the excuse of “addiction” when really that is not the truth. Many forced to use substances to withstand dangerous energy weaponry targeting and mind control resort to using drugs to numb the pain purposely inflicted upon them. Later the dark ones try to label it as “addiction suicide” and this is a lie and innocent person being framed to portray their own suicided which is a LIE. This is dark tactic for the dark to get away with many murders.

Below the image my friend took after she asked me to approach Anthony with a healing technology pamphlet and business card to help him with his “health struggles”. The media was portraying Anthony as a addicted drug addict. Whether he was using substance or not is no one’s business how he handles his life. What is the Worlds business is how he was murdered.
I met Anthony Bourdaine, shook his hand. Before it was publicly announced he was dead, he came to me and this was a very dark crime carrying out after I met him. I can activate people and I do activate people. This is part of the reason I have been undergoing such opposition for my mission. When Anthony came to me the energy was so dark I did not want to connect. I surrounded him with Golden Light and helped his transition to the God Head and Angles for healing.

Just recently I realized how significant his contact to me after his death was. Just before meeting him I was in Sardina Italy doing very powerful Grid work with others as I have been for a long time. I had the dark faction on my tail for quite sometime trying to stop my Angel Mission. Here is a article I had written about including my Grid Work and Anthony Bourdain meeting at the Airport. It is important piece of information. I handed Anthony a business card, this acted as activation of Contact, ET contact.  The dark did not want him to be activated as I was carrying out. Hence his death. He died not long after I me him and the dark were trying to mind program me with his so called suicide to lower my vibe as usual,  suicide, it was not. More like a  sacrifice on his part otherwise he would have been protected. Many are protected by God and they know who they are because if they were not they would have been taken out. I am Here.

I met My Twin Flame ordained by God and he is unable to be taken out. Otherwise he would have been also just like his late girlfriend was. He was and is suppose to assist me. Not leave me alone as we are integrated fully as ONE. I should be protected and have security just like he does. But I don’t, so I question my entanglement with someone who will not talk to me. I understand why considering the targeting and attacks I have been under, hence telepathically attacking me mentally under torture. I am sorry about this and I am working on the forgiveness of myself and him about this mess. However this does not make me safe and I need not he ground support.

So following theses synchronicities I sat down to watch more of the Live David Wilcock and he started going into a topic that I was also just writing about along with the research for Anthony. I was writing about my grid work in Rome, Italy and surrounding areas in Italy such as Sardinia, Italy.  My trip to Sardinia, Italy, not only was that the trip where I had met Anthony  Bourdain, he was murdered and he was murdered after I made physical contact with him. This was not a suicide.
My last trip to Italy was also the trip where I uncovered the truth about the fires in California, “The Direct Energy Weapons Fires” I was shown in a dream about these fires and have writing past articles about this on this website and it will be in my book. As well a fire was startled at the Piza Airport in Italy on the Morning I was to go home to Canada. I also wrote about this direct energy weapon attack in Italy pertaining to me and my travels and work.

I don’t know how much more obvious things have to get to get for One in physical form to take action and help with this mission.

Legacy of the Starparents ~ Ascending of Starseeds

In Love and of the Light
Higher Service
I AM Saishorie~Grace