Heart of The Lion

Heart of the Lion

Has been Anchored into Mother Earth

The Lions Gate begins on August 8th 

August 12th marks the transition as the Sun enters into Leo. 

My physical Heart informed me of this strongly

The Lions gate began on the 8.8

One Lion Heart

Night after night my heart beats to my brain

It speaks to my mind to pay attention to it

I do

From the time of conception my Heart runs the show

It always has

For years thereafter my Heart speaks to my mind

Stay in alignment

 Pay attention to me

The Universal Mind and and Earths Heart become One

The Cosmic Twin Rays Mind and Heart become One

The Universal energetic integration has begun and is underway

August Lions Gate 8.8.2022 the physical organ of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Heart become fully One

I felt this physical conjunction the beginning of the August Lions Gate 

Throughout this 7 year integration our electrical system has been recalibrating into One

Winter of 2019 our Electrical System became One

Where the Tree of Life was anchored into the Womb of Creation

Of these Twin Rays

The Blood that pumps from our Heart runs through my veins

I feel the Beloveds emotions running through the veins of my body  

Depending on the thought form is where I feel it in my body

Last night his emotions run powerfully through my veins

Throughout various body parts

This is because our Third Energy Sacred Chakra is One with our Heart now

The blood that pumps from my Heart is One with His

This Life Force Consciousness of its Own

 Run through my electrical system

We are One

One Lions Heart

In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service
