The Emerald Order – Lion Creators

This is the Lion Being that came though Solar Creation during the Lions Gate on August 14th. Through the Great Central Sun of Creation came the Sacred Geometric Codes of Organic Matter/Crystalline White/Gold Diamond Sun Codex and manifested into the Granite Lake Muskoka through the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Principle aka Twin Rays/Flames/Star Parents. Lions Heart has Merged with Mother Earths Heart. Alignment of the Organic Software Technology as of today. This is the work of the Lion Architects of Creation.

This Lion Being is an aspect of my Higher Self that came through to me in the Golden Water and Sand that I had made a video of last week. My HigherSelf showed itself to me. It was the Celestial Golden Lion Head. This was not just an image shown to me it was the Spirit itself, in its Golden White Diamond Spiritual form as a Lion with a full mane. The head of the Lion came through from in the water facing to me as I look at him in the water and of the Sand  (looked more of the masculine Lion with gorgeous full mane) in all Gold. The eyes of the Lion were closed as were mine in this experience. The Lion was in the Water and of the Golden sand, a massive Lion head facing back to me as I stand looking into the Waters. This was the most real Light Being I have ever seen in its true form of crystaline white diamond/ Lion structure. It is hard to explain but the feeling was a more real Being of Light Spirit not holographic even such as our own bodies. All I can say is this was REAL SPIRIT = What true Creation is made of and it is Golden.

When he came through it was through our Great Spiritual Sun, through our Great Galactic Sun and through the electromagnetic field in a Clock Wise Spiral into manifestation with in the Earth. ~ Shelly Sullivan

Our Lion Family is of the The Emerald Order as we are – Lion Creators. This is the write up from the Ascension Glossary of Energetic Synthesis, Lisa Renee’s work:
The Emerald Order:
The first emanation of the Primal Sound Field which represents the first individuation of the God Source is the Emerald Order. A part of the Cosmic Trinity. See Threefold Founder Flame.
The Emerald Order of Elohim seeded the Anuhazi Feline Elohim races through the Lyran 12th Stargate, Aramatena. They are also known as the founders of the Christos races, the Eieyani Grail lines that include the Oraphim.
The Emerald Order are the founders of the Interdimensional Free World Councils, as the result of the Paliadorian Covenant to ensure that all souls lost in the fallen or Phantom Matrix are returned back to the God Source.
Guardian Host
The Guardian Host and their families are synonymous with the Christos elders of Krystal Star, the Lyran-Siran Founders, Holy Emerald Order, Gold Order RA Confederacy, Amethyst Order of the Ancient Master Builders and Architects that are stemming from the Master Christos Collective that protect the Law of One, which is the ascending path to GSF, for any being to be able to Ascend, evolve their consciousness and exist as God, Sovereign and Free.
Royal Houses of Lyra
The Trinity of the Emerald Order, Gold Order and Amethyst Order incarnations seeded in the fourth Harmonic Universe in the Lyran Matrix are known as the Royal Houses.
Interdimensional Free World Council
The Emerald Order are the original founders of the Interdimensional Free World Councils, as the result of the Paliadorian Covenant to ensure that all souls lost in the Phantom Matrix are returned back to the God Source. As a result, the plan to restore spiritual freedom and Ascension to the sections Tara in the fallen matrix is also called the Emerald Covenant.
The first lineages of the main original Lyran-Elohim-Feline humanoid races were also called the Anuhazi of the Emerald Order. The Anuhazi embodied as the liquid light biological forms of the original Christos races in this Universe existing in the Solar Logos fields of Lyra-Aramatena and are the Founder emanations that embodied the architecture of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, which includes the ancient builder templates of God creator code. The Lyran-Elohim-Felines were supervising the Sirians to host the seeding of 12 Strand DNA genetics on the 5D planet Tara for Christos race embodiment. After the Fall of Tara, the Anuhazi down stepped themselves into the lower dimensions through the Azurites and Oraphim 24-48 DNA strand template to create the Interdimensional Free World Councils. This was to protect and embody in the Universal Stargate locations to repair AI damage, and to reassemble and protect the Royal House of Lyra’s original genetic library which was the source code design for Christos forms.[1]
Guardians (Sequoia art)
The Guardian Alliance is directed by the Elohim Emerald Order Breneau who support the Guardians incarnated on the earth that are connected to the lineages of the Christos Founder Races. These are Starseeds and Indigos that have incarnated specifically to restore the Emerald Covenant, or reclamation of the Christos. The Emerald Breneau Founders specifically incarnate into the Lyran-Sirian lines that originate from Sirius B, as the blue Azurites and Oraphim. The Christos Founder Races mission includes supporting the pathway of disclosure that leads into planetary liberation and Ascension, and providing the records for witness testimony on behalf of the earth and humanity to be freed from their AI alien oppressors and to gain access into the Interdimensional Free World Council.
Return of Emerald Order
The return of the Emerald Order through the Rise of Arthur in Albion brings on the next stage activation during the Electrical Peak cycle for reviving the Emerald Crystal Heart in the Earth, which includes the Solar Anointing of the authentic Christ Michael to restore his rightful kingship and Solar Dragon Line. This holds profound meaning as the return of the Solar Rishi usher in the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar Kings to planet Earth, in which the Rishi awaken them from stasis so they may begin to embody in matter to activate their Solar Dragon Line.
Emerald Founder Records
Emerald Covenant
The Cosmic Founders promise to us was made with the Emerald Covenant, that all Souls in this Fallen Universe would eventually be found and returned back to their original spiritual home. This was the original divine plan of spiritual Ascension, the evolutionary journey through the astrological ages and timelines which would facilitate our way back home, to remember our divine purpose and be reunited with God.[2]
Others are experiencing this as well,

Today I read a post from Richard Melchezidek of his interlude with the Lion:

The Rainbow Lioness,
Yesterday I witnessed our beautiful sacred cosmic Lion families and guardians of the grids for Earth, Tara, Gaia, and Aramentena.
They are majestic, vibrating the crystalline cosmic frequencies and stardust shimmering all around them .. I could’ve stayed with them forever..
I spent some time with the Blue Lion.
I felt so much emotion come pouring through me as we connected. We both could feel how long this journey had been for both of us. I comforted the blue lion letting it know that we are here now. This is also a big peace for me as I prepare for my first trip back to Israel, Jordan and Egypt.. Many lifetimes since I have walked on these sacred lands.
I looked around and could see a gold lion and another white lion. Overwhelming feelings, such a deep sense of coming home.
We were all standing outside the passageway of the Andromedan Gateway to the upper levels of heaven.
Then a beautiful female rainbow lioness came through the steps and appeared. It was a reunion of the Lion Grid Keepers and family guardians.
The rainbow lioness was the representation of the Lyra/Armentena Stargate coming back online and completion of the rainbow Krystal bridge networks into the upper levels of heaven and through Lyra and into each one of our Kathara Grids.
On August 22nd, during the opening of the Lions Gate, I had witnessed the rebuilding of the crystalline tri-wave braided stairs through Lyra and into the Andromedan Gates to the upper levels of heaven.
This gateway is a crystalline transit system for our Solar Rishis consciousness and other founder races to enter through Lyra. This is huge to have restored this. It creates a new level of access for the realms to enter here and speed up the clearing of the universal miasmic fields. Plus, support the Guardian Teams with direct oversite.
It also made me think of the stories about the staircase to heaven. Although many of these stories represent a distortion or rewrite of history, I saw this in their organic purity. We witnessed the tri-wave braid and rainbow Krystal bridge networks coming to fruition.
This was absolute perfection!
The Rainbow Lioness coming in is just another piece in this amazing cosmic unfoldment that is continually unravelling. The Rainbow Lion Grid is the Unity Field. They unify the horizontal, vertical, and diagonals together as one.
Keep up the good work, family.. Every day we get closer and closer. One day at a time.
With Love Always,


In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan