Humanity’s Light Body is prepared to Ascend.
Out of Body Merge with Source Experience: October 12/17
Clear Ascending of my Light Body & Soul with all Consciousness, spiralling up a chamber of light into the Sun Disc, into the Solar Sun and up into the Central Sun, merging with the Rainbow Rays of Light, Being ONENESS with all that is Creation. Creating with pure love light consciousness. As above, So Below. Remembering all that I AM and how creation truly exist. While my Body stands on the beach watched over by an aspect of my Soul, the finale of Ascension happens. After the deep cleanse the healing is imminent 000.
Usually the Higher Consciousness descends into my body, this time I Ascended consciously back into Union with the Central Sun and my soul in wholeness. I also feel this was teleportation of the soul while conscious in the body, a type of “Stargate Travel Preparation” of the body, mind & spirit. This is Ascension which has already transpired in the Etheric Realm of ONEness preparing the Light Body of Humanity for Ascension. ~
After all the work and establishing the clear connection with our Creator it is time to take Christ Consciousness to the next level = God Consciousness = The Law of ONE rewritten for the New Earth. I am writing the next book after all the signs and synchronicity, it is time to teach those on this path how to do it for themselves.
An excerpt from my book of CHAPTER 1 “CREATORS OF DESTINY” I write about the Queen who will awaken to her powers for Earth’s Ascension, Exerpt from book:
“You will find out, as this incredible story unfolds, this Queen has been given much help on the Earth Realm but this help did not come in physical assistance. Most of the time it was Angels, ET family, Higher Dimensional Beings and Guides and her Higher Self which is direct Source Prime Creator. Her team is huge to assist her for this huge mission. She never really felt alone, although to a fellow human being who could not see these Beings, they would consider her to be living a lonely life.”
The queen (♕,♛) is the most powerful piece in the game of chess, able to move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Each player starts the game with one queen, placed in the middle of the first rank next to the king.
The King (♕,♛) The Male ruler , especially one who inherits the position by right of birth.
333 The number 3 refers to the Trinity, and means that you are receiving divine protection, help, and guidance. Third Energy, this is an Angel Number, denoting your Ascended Mastery, ruler, sovereign.
The king can move in any direction, including diagonally, to any adjacent square that is not attacked by an opponent’s piece or pawn in the chess game of life.
There are key players in this game of Ascension, many of which are Twin Flames, Dual Souls, Primary Soul mates whole within their divine masculine and feminine creators energies to help balance the fall from grace and resurrect humanity and Gaia.
I was in Costa Rica 1 weeks of January 2107 while I wrote this chapter lastly after writing all the other chapters and content. I was walking from the hotel along the beach at 6:00 am just outside my hotel door and on a bench were 2 books just sitting their like they were placed there for me. To my utter amazement they were 2 sci-fi books on the topic of the light and dark War transpiring on the Earth and in the Universe. I knew these books were for me.
The night before I was in the gift store looking for a book on science fiction and/or enchantment fairy tails to help inspire me to write the first chapter to tie everything in and start it off with a magical type enchanting story of the reality of higher dimensions that I live.
First book sitting on the bench titled “Children of Time” a book with the title on the back cover about “WHO WILL INHERIT THIS NEW EARTH?” (we all know the answer to that – the original creator(s). The second book titled Old Mans War with a title on the back “THE UNIVERSE IS A DANGEROUS PLACE”
At first I was taken back a bit by what was reading about war and danger and how the books were mysteriously placed there, I chose Victory regardless. I read through some of the books chapters and picked up on what I needed to write my first chapter, the chapter turning real life stories into science fiction fairy tails you see in movies. Voila I was inspired to write the Chapter 1 in a different writing style than I had written the other chapters.
Here is the actul books found and took home with me:
I share this now because this ASCENSION journey can be very physically isolating when not many in your direct vicinity understand what you have awakened to and what you experience = The reality of Higher Dimensional Life and all the Beings that are with us.
I saw the sign QUEENIE license plate while I was editing this chapter when I returned home, just like how I see and saw all the other signs pertaining to each chapter as I was editing them. Just 2 days ago I was reminded of the Queen within and saw the license plate again. Many license plates I see in my book I NOW see a sequel of them. I will give you an example, In my book I have TWNPWR2 (Twin Power 2) the other week I see Twin Power 1, Writers2 now I see WRITER1, this indicates the ONEness that has been attained between the masculine and feminine and the merge with Gods ONE mind of consciousness. It can be like a game where one day I will see L8 4FIRE1 then I see L84 FIRE2. I will get concerned as to why I am seeing this then to see NVR2L8. So it is a game of triggers and learning to listen to decipher truth.
I see signs specifically telling me what I need for optimal wellness to the point of seeing spinach, rapini, lettuce, no wheat, barley etc.. on license plates lol..who puts lettuce on a license plate? My Higher Self does, We perform alchemic magic, only I get images and proof of the magic that is really taken place. Some understand this as the Mandella effect, I call it God’s Presence subtly letting those who are awake know and be aware of the presence and who is really in fact in charge. God is waiting for us. God the Creator is in charge.
I am also seeing signs that are what I am exactly thinking of that day once again. Or I will be thinking of a license plate and it will appear around the corner. Many of what I see as of late is about LAW AND NEW LAW. I know new laws will be in our near future, new laws of many constructs and non idealogical constructs. I will write about this magical connection I have with Creator and all other life in my next book and teach other how to connect with the infinite source of all that is and teach how to play the game of life here on Earth and in the Universe for evolution.
During Ascension one will feel alone is when they stay stuck in the ego mind for long or they may be clearing what is now to be banished of the past. We are never alone, I prove this without a doubt. The other life around us is benevolent and loving, if ever it feels as though it is not, we have the power to change this into love.
000 presented to me by the Omega Omni Presence never ending trinity of Creator Source in Union I AM Universal ONE.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service
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