The ground breaking news is that the White House has experienced Direct Energy Weapons Attacks and the article is below. Why I am writing about it is it is proof of what I have been talking about for years and I have made a chronicle of crimes against humanity on this
First let me explain before you watch the video.
I have been for years exposing Direct Energy Weapon, Bio Weapons & Psychological Terrorism and other types of tactics to kill and harm humanity. I have also linked all these years of enduring these “Flu Like symptoms attacks” to the Pandemic of Covid.
I have endured over 5 years of “Flu like Symptoms” caused by Direct Energy Weapons and Bio-Weaponry to kill me and to put me in fear for the upcoming Covid PLANandemic. The truth is the combination of Direct Energy Weapons and Bio Weapons is the atmosphere created to look like a deadly virus such as Covid. Direct Energy weapons can be as simple as a millimetre wave sent from your phone to your body to cause vomiting, flu symptoms and even deadly server flu symptoms and heart attack symptoms. Or DEW’s can be from a craft in the sky causing deadly laser beams of light causing fires and sever burning to life living people, animals and forestry.
Over the years I have also been running into some demonic possessed people, who are being controlled by this covert technology in our phones and internet/wireless wifi. I have experienced this type of attempted take over myself so I know it first hand and have seen it in many others. The scariest strangers I have run into like this just blurt out really random comments etc… after I have been under surveillance, thus attempting to cause psychological damage to me.
And before I get to my main point I will say this: There is a Benevolent Angelic Race upon this Planet who is here to help advance this Planet and its the human race and I am one of them. And of course there is a Polarity on this Planet that does not want to see evolution of this human species and Planet Earth. This is what these dark times upon the Planet are about, it is the battle of the inheritance of the Planet Earth. Who will inherit the Planet? And the War is fully underway. Thing is humanity must remember we are all One energetic consciousness and we must evolve not stagnate.
In the future I have heard rumours of the future false flag “false disclosure” that includes the announcement of negative alien disclosure and possible false media to perpetuate the fear on this Planet with the need to protect oneself from demonic alien beings.
Funny thing is I have been experiencing this false flag already. But in actuality these beings I have encountered that turn “dark” or “demonic” are only programmed and being influenced by nano technology and mind altering programming to act in ways that are psychologically disturbing to any one who is under surveillance. In other words there may be a set up in the works and in advance happening right now that will instill fear into humanity. Making people feel that there are demons walking among us, when really its a programmed individual working for the dark agenda. Then it may into where if you want to protect yourself from such demons you will need the vaccine.
I know it sound totally crazy and science fiction but after what I have been through and witnessed I completely could see this happening.
On a good note the Earth is raising into a higher frequency and dimension. Her kundalini energy is being activated by the Sun and this is a creative sexual energy that all humans have. I know as I am one of these advanced humans. We can use this energy to create a new world and new earth.
The most amazing synchronicity happened last night and it was to do with Drunvalo Melchezidek and his work on teaching the world about the Light Serpent of the Earth which is the Kundalini energy of the Earth that has been being activated for over 20 years by the Sun. Thousands know about this and I have been experiencing this for 11 years as Drunvalo describes in his book the Serpent of Light.
I was randomly searching things on youtube to help me manage my “fire within” because at times can turn into unhealthy anger if I do not have a way to utilize/channel the energy or I’m refusing to sit in meditation because I feel like I spend most of my life in this state (when not battling some attack) and Im just plane fed up.
Any way after thinking of Drunvalo and how he may handle anger I typed his name and anger in youtube. I found the most amazing video (below this paragraph) of him discussing a man who survived the Hiroshima bombing. The video is called “The Man Who Survived a Nuclear Bomb – Drunvalo Melchizedek”. But the most amazing part is right at the 2:07 mark when Drunvalo says “This cannot affect me” the video stopped by itself and went to large screen, right when he was discussing how this man put his arms up 15 feet away from the nuclear bomb and stated and believed that this could not affect him. Later that man was found alive in a cavern of rocks unaffected by massive amount of radiation and nuclear bombing.
This message of the video stopping at this exact moment was to indicate to me that all these DEW of radiation against me cannot affect me as I have stated in my videos. My Sun body is to strong and the radiance I give off is more powerful than anything. The man was also standing in the “Star Position” with his arms up and this is the same Star Position I stood in while being activated by the Cosmic-Central and Solar Sun back in 2011.
Video link here
Also I watched more Drunvalo videos on to refresh me and watched some of how he touches of how important the Water is with this Sun and Earth Union of Alchemical Sacred Sexuality, hence why I am currently need to be near large seas of water.
The only thing that has been effecting me since these DEW attacks is the trauma of it all. The post traumatic stress of it and these attacks. This belief is what will keep humanity safe in any future attacks, as well as working on there Solar Light Body. I can teach all of this.
I want to start a fundraiser to help me get my messages out to people and to help me move forward with my mission to get the information out to the public. I also ask any who can help me with this to please contact me asap as this false flag and more is going to be coming and we need to get awareness out there.
Most people would think this is all conspiracy theory but it is not. We are living through conspiracy theory made up by the government right now. We truth tellers are now exposing and proving the truth of the “conspiracy theories” that have been labeled as quacks before.
Here is the video my friend sent to me start to watch it at 13:00 min and her message to me was this:
Shelly, this video will confirm what your speaking about DEW (Direct Energy Weapons) and you can use this for your channel to educate your viewers, there is no mistaking this!!! The truth is unstoppable. I just want to let you know I believe everything you saying and that you must continue to work and use your platform to reach people. You are doing what you are meant to be doing.
start to watch at 13:00 min.
Please read this related link below this of what happened to my beloved yellow Labrador Dog Honey who was targeted by DEW and eventually was murdered after 3 years. But most importantly in this video is a call out Jim Carrey to please step up to his true self and help with this crucial cause upon Earth at this time.
Light Transmutes the Dark Article by Shelly Sullivan
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service