Higher Self “Role” in Masculine Transformation ~ Rhinoceros & The Lion

The “Divine Masculine” will change the revolving misguided perception within the “Old” Masculine”. The “Old Masculine” is filled with contradictions. The truth is quickly showing up in the false matrix. The Divine Masculine can be compared to the Animal Symbolism of the Rhinoceros while maintaining the Lion within. This was shown precisely by Spirit.

The Masculine Energy upon Earth has been in a transformation process that is now reaching the high point of development and the New Divine Masculine Wise Self has a message. And to help verify my accurate spiritual connection with the Rhino and Lion.

The Masculine energy has been the most vital energy upon Earth, The male physical energy is mammoth. We are in the 4th-5th dimension of the New Earth now and density is lightening up. Despite the fact that they have been known to show forceful aggressiveness, generally men are a passive Being, hence conformity has been the way for most of humanity. The aggressive of men in general is a facade and shield, a hero disguised as a bad guy. Men prefer to spend a significant part of the time to be in a space of boundless expansiveness in thoughtful isolation – the cave. Here in this tranquil space they see “things are not as they appear to be.” Taking notice in this space they discover endless miracles happening in each moment of our lives.

The New World is striving for the Divine Masculine to Live in harmony with those they surround and those around them where the appreciation is mutual. As the masculine makes this transition into the divinity of balance with the divine still the very annoying old masculine can be a mirror as you are of service to this transition for them.

Spirit lets one know when you need to look more closely at everything around you because things are not what they seem in the earthly world. Look through the “dramatic play” and see these actors as playing a role needed in society at this time. When cleansing takes place, the detoxification process can look and be ugly before recovery and balance sets in. As we all, the awakened ones know first hand.

The expansive bounty that surrounds you is here to help you see the beauty in “all” and in the script that is playing out as a dismantling occurs. Notice the “Villain” and once again go back to giving thanks to the infinite miracles occurring in every moment at this time. Use your spiritual eyes, not your physical eyes to see the truth and light of which you are, see that in the other masculine energy that strives to be divine masculine in likeness to you. Maintain a close connection with the Divine Feminine and “Mother Earth” as you expand your inner knowledge to a whole new level.

The Leaders whom have surfaced for healing at this time, their very Soul is reaching out to the Higherselves that are in the spotlight at this time and they have gotten your undivided attention. Now it is time to integrate your inner balanced divine feminine/masculine energy into this screen play that is playing out on the global stage.

This message came through for the Divine Masculine very strong and clear last night. While I was reading in the isle of a book store in the category of Politics of all topics, for not other reason except I was pulled into that category by certain Higherselves in the Political Realm here on Earth. As I was looking at Donald J.Trump book, whom he has jumped out at me a number of times throughout the day, evening/dream time to grab my attention. I browsed at his picture and decided not to read the back cover as it is biased to his human personality where at this time seems to be compromised by negative forces and I was not interacting with his personality but otherwise his HigherSelf. And it is his HS that is seeking the light not his personality, here you can see a prime example of the masculine contradiction, so I was confirming communication for the Earth experience and remaining neutral. In doing so a man entered the isle, he was a very tall substantial man of a big presence, he looked at me, piercing, protruding blue eyes that spoke to me as if to say “what are you doing here?, almost like this interaction was unexpected but it was hauntingly expected, an attractive, feminine in the politics category???hmmm. I read his energy and he was from the sector as lawyer, political, government guy who is in this world and seeking to learn more about his changing self, his flowering/balance of the divine feminine/masculine self, this was very transparent to me. I even smiled as I walked away, with gratitude for yet another sign of confirmation of my intuitive guidance. My point is men need and want this change, wisdom and knowledge now more than ever.

The wisdom of a Divine Masculine on how it is done. How does one be authentic, gentle, vulnerable, and yet very successful in his own right, in this masculine world now merging with divinity and the divine feminine. This is happening rapidly in business and the material world. The world is in desperate need and hungry for the balanced divine masculine to take charge the lead the way, come out of the closet for all the others whom are waking up. Number one seekers are the “under the radar” men who are doing or have done the work and the ones who need activating, the Higherselves are seeking this wisdom and experience.

“Who better to show the world what they do need and desire than the one who has mastered this”

The leaders seek guidance into the Divine. The masculine energy upon Earth is being alchemized at this time by the Divine Masculine Mammoth Spirit and embodiment within millions of Soul Chards which are being reborn at this time. Transmutation is taking place now via the Seventh Ray of White Diamond Light/Violet Ray.

When choosing to spend of time alone find that blessing of love occurring even while witnessing the global stage. Your very close relationship with the ancient wisdom of your soul and your spirit has this message for you. Balance your out look with analytical to intuitive, as you have accomplished this with doing vs. being, and aggressiveness with surrender.

You know what is real and true and have much to share about what is real and how to live authentically. Now from the lens of your inner light you will shed that light on what you have so genuinely demonstrated in the past on how to be a self made success on all levels from a place of true power with proof of your achievements of a powerhouse in your chosen field(s). Being a workaholic is a natural part of who you are your restored connection with the “Mother Creation Energy” will allow your workaholic efforts to flow more effortlessly with the reconnection to source creator – your power of Love. You are a Master Magician through and through.

Spot on with the points that you make, your reward is the result and response, this is the “touch down” that gives you temporary peace of mind until the “next fix” arises for further productivity. The masculine just wants to get the job done, because it may just keep him up at night knowing that he hasn’t completed his mission.
In order to score again, to complete the mission, to change the world — the masculine has to take gigantic missions and turn them into smaller projects so that he doesn’t feel overwhelmed. By making things small, they become accomplishable. But your Spirit will not let you play small any longer.

“It is not the size of the structure we build that matters it is the expansiveness the structure creates that matters”

Your inner feminine has been speaking to you in a way to slow down and live in the flow of emotions because to the feminine, emotion is vitality. The better you can be attuned to your emotions, the better you can nurture life. As a balanced masculine it’s easy to be affected by emotions of the feminine flame and they come and go like the waves in the ocean. See emotions as a way to take time and smell the roses and as a catalyst to a slow and steady approach to completing the mission.

Your masculine and feminine are in balance and you chose what energy field you will be pulling from. Will it be right brain or left brain, hard vs. soft, busy vs. calm, thrusting or receiving, assertive or receptive, controlling or allowing, rushing or nurturing, concrete vs. abstract, impatient vs. patient striving vs. tranquil or organization vs synthesizing. Keeping in mind the New Earth tasks at hand, the feminine energy serve best in balance with the masculine energy.

For men, masculine energy is a no brainer, it’s the feminine energy that we have a harder time with. However more than ever it is the feminine energy the world needs now more than ever. Men, learning to utilize this underused resource will make you more powerful and the majority of masculine are focused on politics and material successes upon Earth in the New Earth.

Creative Visualization/Meditation for the Divine Masculine:

Invitation to the Spirit animal of the the Rhinoceros the Spirit Animal of the Divine Masculine. He is a creature of substance, stamina, solidity, and explosive power. When you are feeling transparent and empty, invite the rhino into your being along with the solar sun empowering the vast landscape – see what happens – observe yourself being filled with the majesty this creature represents.

The connection with the Earth, the Divine true Mother makes it a perfect symbol for confidence, assurance, steadiness, and sure-footedness. See your feet grounded exuding like a conduit of light the powerful fiery sun from above, through you and into the Earth. Your Crown and Your Footing are key in the New Earth as the PowerHouse of Light that which you are. Stand in that power and invite the Rhino (study him) and the Lion (study him/her) and invite them in you. Take a stroll along the land scape as both simotameaously or one at a time.

When we are feeling rare, nervous, or disconnected, the best remedy for innocence is to invite and allow the Rhinoceros into our Being to run us through our spiritual realm of unlimited true potential as a Universe. Rhinos are gentle and peaceful giants that rarely attack others, but only when attack will get aggressive and put up a good fight. Rhino’s are known for strength and power not agression. Mentally envision the stoic, noble Rhinoceros swaggering easily across the awing expanse of the desert and safari where the scenery is equally matched to the regal masculine energy, invite the solar sun to produce the heat to propel us into action and creation once again after the well deserved reprieve and recalibration.

Invitation of the Lion for Leadership and King of Royalty: The Lion correspond with the sun as fire, invite the largest Lion’s head and body of Spirit into you.
Watch him/her blazing a trail, sparkling with confidence illumination upon your path. He is you to be a beacon in leadership for your new projects and passion. The Lion also watches you expecting a spark of inspiration, asking of you the flames of passion to be stoked, communicating to you your royalty and the time to is upon to outshine the darkness. You are the King. You are the Master Magician.

In Love and Light
