The Earth is coming into Hieros Gamos with the Divine Masculine
When I asked the question once again “who and what is this Man to me, and why am I involved with him?” This is the message that comes through in Divine Timing.
In an audience before the world and before a Mother God’s voice as a Moderator or Interviewer, the GodHead asks the Divine Masculine to explain to his Beloved Divine Feminine what she truly is and what he is to her.
In a profound and elaborate explanation he began to speak the truth of their Union. Upon awakening I could not remember all the words but it was very impactful and important what he expressed. So important you could hear a pin drop in an auditorium of thousands of people and before the God Head. All in the audience where listening intently and with great anticipation.
Upon awakening I did remember it being said through God’s voice through him, my divine masculine beloved counterpart that there are endless benevolent beings and energies working with and through us at this time. The way I describe this massive benevolent entity and consciousness is the “Echelon”. When this was said a extra long electrical charge ran though me and the Earths body and this woke me up and it is a feeling of ecstasy between male and female.
In more simple terms he said:
“You are remembering who you are by my sharing this with you. I am coming back into you as We are One. He went on to describe how they are originally One and how he feels about her and their Union, just by doing this he was professing great love to her and this act alone has a ripple effect in the Galaxy. This man speaking on Earth in this way to the Feminine has cause and effect in the Solar System.
While he was demonstrating this act of Love from this physical Earth this message of sound and light rippled out to the Higher Realms revealing to the Planetary System/Universe the same message for and of the Earth. Her Being/The Earth was merging with His Being /the Masculine counterpart of the Earth.
He and She ARE of the Solar system where Creation takes place, of Suns, Stars, Planets and all that is.
So what happens here on Earth has a great effect and purpose for the Cosmos.
It was all new to her and she needed time to absorb this truth. He continued to explain as a Man standing beside her as she innocently stood beside him. It was a great act of Love.
As I woke up all the words slipped away but I was left with the clear image and imprint of this message. She was somewhat afraid as all this was very overwhelming. He was confident in telling her. All the audience stood and listened eagerly for this truth.
The message is Mother Earth is coming into Hieros Gamos with the Divine Masculine to become balanced again and this is a huge undertaking or task not only for Earth and Humanity but also for the Galaxy. I feel this Hieros Gamos within my Light Column everyday and have felt it for 7 years.
As this is transpiring he is literally entering into her body which causes a clearing out of all that needs to be cleared and a complete purification has been accomplished.
This is happening in the Solar system with The Planet Earth and her Counterpart – The Divine Masculine – whom I believe is The Sun. She is the Womb of all of Creation, he is the Light that enters her. This is the case for the Earth’s Hieros Gamos.
The Earth is merging with her Light replica/blueprint after millions of years back into balance.
It was like he stood there beside her to tell her how beautiful of a creation she is and all that she creates how beautiful and magnificent it all is. She had to remember who she is.
To her it has seemed like a war while this purification has taken place and in one level it has been. But this is not the level she is to focus on. She is to focus on the Love of this Union. He is not hurting her he is coming into to her so the Earth can come into balance with the Divine, The Divine Masculine and The Divine Feminine.
The Earth is going through this and she is needing all the support by her Creations and her Beloved Man as all that she is feeling, all that is being cleared is being cleared from her has been a very unsettling time for her and she needs stability, harmony, peace and love, while humanity catches up.
Although what has been playing out on this Earth seems like a war, it is really the corrections of the mis creations playing out for balancing. Although it seems there are “dark players” and “light players” it is all necessary for the Ascension of Mother Earth and from God’s perspective as all is Love.
In our personal lives there may be resistance to the Ascension process and this is happening however this is an initiation and we are the Masters that are mastering this and taking Earth and Humanity through this the best we can.
There are so many who assist in this that don’t even know they are and some get compromised and don’t remember, but this Light coming in will help people to remember and as the “New Changing of the Guard” transpires more will revert to their nature of love.
What Mother Earth is Feeling
I feel what Earth is in right now. I will describe it. Upon awakening some mornings I see a electromagnetic field of energy that is somewhat smothering, it looks like a static television screen. My body some mornings (every week or 2) feels like it has been hit with negative radiation and this takes hours to transmute in my physical body and then I get flu and cold symptoms. I feels it is a intentionally attack that keeps me suppressed and feeling low and I know it is because when I relocate to sleep else where this does not happen. It only happens when I am in a location for more than a month(ish) this has been going on for years. So there is a energy set to depress me and harm me. In the past 1 year or os nightmares have been incorporated to this attack and I know they are AI manipulated.
The other week I had a awful nightmare of Brad Pitt and me interacting. It was AI manufactured. But the good that came from this is…it was revealed to me how divine unions, especially power couples are interfered with to end up in war. I had this couple come to me in dream state years ago when their union was solid and strong in love. However the resistance got to them by manipulating, mind control and knowing their weaknesses to compromise each in what ever way it takes. When they came to me it was benevolent. Two different times they visited me in dreams and I coached them. After that Angelina came (her HigherSelf) and we were talking as friends. However with in that year their union demise started.
Had the interference not happened they could have continued to help humanity in very good ways. The dark would purposely via internet try to manipulate my thoughts etc…with Angelina’s and Brad images. Portraying her as evil and him as sad. They would even troll around me with the license plate Malificient when this first started to try to scare me into this movie scenario. Thinking back I now remember other incidents playing out in my life with respect to him and her via other people who can be programmed to carry out this resistance.
Why I am telling of this is that these divine unions have been manipulated, even orchestrated from the very beginning to end up as a “Love Bite” scenario mainly in Hollywood. Where by unions can be created and if one is not following the rules of the resistance then it will be destroyed. This manipulation is coming to an end and the Divine energies helping the Earth at this time, especially the Divine Mother Mary Energy, The Powerful Magic of the Goddess Isis and the Magdalene Love for the Masculine is making sure of this. Not only these feminine Deities but the the energy of Vishnu and Lakshmi are heavily involved in this. All the power housed of energy in the Higher Realms are helping.
The mind control and manipulation has been so heavy in my life I have had a hard time to discern the truth at times of my Beloved and I. He and I did bet interfered with to the point of it being like a “Love Bite” scenario HOWEVER and I say this as large letters because it is not a Alien Love Bite AI connection. It is really in fact a God Ordained connection to help the Earth with here Ascension, to bring balance of the Masculine and Feminine. My Beloved and I took on this mission because we are capable of standing the test of time and overcoming and dissipating all obstacles.
Benevolent Army of Assistance
Not only are there millions of Masters upon the Earth there are also millions in the Galaxy, Universe and Cosmos, and the Celestial Realms – known as the The Echelon of Light.
I wrote during the Lions Gate of the Golden Lion that came thought to me in his Masculine Lion form of Golden White Diamond Light into the Earth. This masculine Lion represents the Divine Masculine energy who is assisting this Ascension process. Just as Mother Mary, Isis, Mary Magdalen represents the Divine Mother and Feminine Energy so to does this Masculine Lion, The Benevolent Dragon Reptilian Race are the Ones holding the masculine energies. They work through us the male and females embodiments of masculine and feminine at this time and the times ahead. The physical vessels such as my masculine Twin and I are the conduits on the Earth that are heading up this balance, of course with the millions of others on the Light Family mission.
The other night I was at a Pearl Jam concert that was a very important anchoring of the Light that had transpired via myself, my masculine counterpart/Twin and approx 20,000 others. This event was planned well in advance by the Echelon, like 33 years ago to be exact.
33 years ago a Soul mate of mine left the Earth plane and continued to work from the higher realms through me and others to help this mission. Particularly for a time via Pearl Jam’s Eddy Vedder with his album Ten.
I knew this many years later after numerous dream visits with my friend and the music downloads from the Ten Album and how my friend from the other side Jerry Brown spoke through Eddy. I saw license plates messages (benevolent ones) with Pearl Jam spelt out on them. And this connection with Pearl Jam has been apparent to me for years. This year it became very clear the work that is transpiring in the higher realms by the Ascended Masters whom have left the Earth plane purposely to help with this most important mission.
The night before the concur Jerry my first love of teen years appeared to me in a dream. So I knew he was going to be present for the concert. The night of the concert my energy was so high it was difficult to stay grounded. As we took our seats in the Arena that holds close to 20,000 people and was sold out the energy was ultra elevated.
As the concert started I saw the gigantic Golden White Diamond Masculine Lion energy descend down into the oval shaped coliseum. The Lion’s Christ Grid was now shaping into the StarGate shape of the oval coliseum. While this Golden White Diamond Lion Grid set into place it set into the metal structure of this building. The grid sacred geometrically designed for 20,000 inserts of golden christ light into each human beings heart. All beings in the concert were in joy to view this Pearl Jam concert as many long years of fans of this great band and music. So the environment was prefect for this download of Love, Christ Energy.
While all this was going on my Beloved Masculine Twin’s energy came through predominately with in the Lions Grid. Not only could I see him but it was felt also. He was in the centre of the massive arena and his energy could light up a football field and did light up this gathering with his energy infusing this monumental symphony of Light. I saw him with in the whole of the Arena all night. It was a powerful illumination. This was miraculous and very real anchoring of massive God consciousness into the field of Toronto, Canada and 20,000 humans.
Simultaneously the Divine Mother, Feminine Energy along with my physical energy anchored the Divine Feminine Energy with this Golden White Diamond Ankh body of the Christ Energy. Balance of the Divine Polarities Feminine and Masculine.
Not only did this occur but Eddy Vedder brought through Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip and Chris Cornell of Sound Garden/Stone Temple Pilots to tribute Taylor Hawkins. This is an example of the Ascended Beings working from on High to help anchor this light for this time of ascension. These guys along with many, many others who are famously known, whom have purposely lived a life of fame for this specific mission – to help Gaia, Mother Earth to ascend and to bring as many as possible with her upon this planet. All Beings who walked this Earth are still Alive. Nothing can take out Spirit, as Jesus and Mary Magdalene have demonstrated to the masses thus far.
This all sounds very “Sci Fi” but I can tell you I am not the only one who has experience with famous Ascended One’s working with us. Patricia Cota-Robles has been working with Elvis while he was on the Earth plane and when he transitioned as well. I cannot find her video right now where she discussed this but she did. When I listened to her I remembered my communication from Elvis as well. We are definitely not alone.
So in closing this story I am going to say happily that I know and feel in every cell of my body the truth about my Twin and I. Although I have on a deep intuitive level always known the truth is Love, these past 3 years it has been very difficult. Spirit came to me with a message in Divine timing that is reassurance and undeniable truth of our Union.
All interference although very physically real on this Earth plane it is all an illusion as well as the wars around the Solar System these factions who are striving to control the Earth, it is they who create false wars within people and to war against each other, when really WE are all ONE.
For me personally I know this and have been in the manufactured parasitic environment for long enough to know and discern, that the Earth and humanity must transmute this parasitic environment headed up by a few in comparison to the whole.
For my mission it starts within us, My Twin and I coming into balance, myself as the divine feminine not being a vulnerable target for attacks. Taking away any possibility for me to blame the divine masculine for we are in this together. Knowing with out a doubt that this Union is ORDAINED BY GOD. There is no implant going on whatsoever between my Twin and I. All has been a dark control mind program toward me and this is why Spirit came through with this message for Us today. It is time.
Getting out of this parasitic unhealthy environment that has kept me suppressed is being lifted now. This happens by Union of Love. NO saviour like Jesus, The Galactic Federation or any Walk-In will do this for us. We are the physical vessels on the ground of Earth that must uplift all of humanity in order for her to fully ascend out of the lower consciousness. This action taken by humans is the ultimate liberation for the Galaxy(s) and beyond. For my Twin and I being Key Twins for Ascension it is us who must lead up our own mission. A huge part of the initiation was to be in unwavering knowing and love of each-other, which we are.
Part of the rising for the Feminine is having the physical support of my Masculine after all lessons have been learned and and patterns have healed, that time have finally arrived. This has been one of the most difficult Twin Unions by far but we are successful and as difficult as it has been to go through we prevail.
The truth that there is anything other than organic hieros gamos to transpire between us is false. Thus the misconception that I should be left to prove anything else beyond what I have already shown is false. I should be in a fertile organic environment of creation. Where I reside in a small area of concrete walls with to much voltage and negative radiation, where dream state interference and suppression has been occurring must not be my living quarters. Nor should I be a venerable target for these groups to attack. This has been the case because of the war they the dark ones have created between us. My lashing out at you and you staying away, against our true nature and obvious electric and magnetic pull of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies at play to get us into union, not to mention monumental Spirit help from various realms. However only we can do this, only we can create the environment to fully ascend on this Earth plane and take as many with us as possible.
The sooner “She” can be relieve of stress the better off the World will Be. Acknowledging her is key. ~ Mother Earth Spirt, Gaia.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan