Preparation for SStargate Travel

This is a mediation I have been preforming for the past years. It has been ongoing preparation for the Earth and all of humanity Ascension process. This is for Stargate Travel of the Sun. The StarGate exists here upon Earth. One of the purposes for the Stargate is to infuse Earth and all living beings with Light from our Cosmic Source Sun, other purposes will be revealed later.

First I visually connect with the Source of all Creation and Light, I know how this looks as I remember my visits and communication with this presence. Then I connect with the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Principles. Then I telepathically send on a invocation the Cosmic Mother, the Father is present as well as the Third Child Energy.

I have 12 main Suns around the Cosmic Sun’s I AM Presence and they shine like a million Suns, This looks similar to or like a Sun God and within this is a Golden Goddess Womb, The Creatrix of all that is, it is sacred geometry constantly writing new creations with mathematical equations of Gold and White Diamond Light. Pouring out of the Heart and right Hand of the God/Goddess Sun is like a Niagara Falls of golden liquid light, that creates and gives light as well as burns away all that no longer can exist in this light.

This Light of the I AM Presence then pours into the Galactic Central Sun, into the Galaxy reaching all the Brothers and Sisters of Light and all the higher dimensional Planets of light and Light Beings. More and more Ascended Masters and Archangels join in around this light and join in the symphony of light and sound, the light and sound is resonating the soul signatures and filtering the intense light frequencies preparing them just right for our Solar Sun.

Then the Light is ready and comes through the Solar Sun.

From here it enters into my Sun Disc above my Soul Star Chakra, spinning and creating a Golden Seal around my body, running up down my Chakra Chamber of light into my brain, throat, heart, solar plexus , sacral and root chakras, this is the sacred serpents of fire of the Cosmic Twin Union, infinity 8 rod of one clear sphere of Light intertwining and creating like columns of DNA. Spinning and activated with the rainbow body of light within the body then receiving more light.

This Light is then anchored into the crystal Sun in the Earths core, instantaneously when the core of Earth receives this light it expands in light, a light flash so powerful and blinding exudes all around the Earth and to all its inhabitants.

The Brotherhood of Light inside of the inner Earth absolutely love this when this connection is made, like they get pure ecstatic. As their Light connects with the Cosmic Symphony of Light and the Great White Brotherhood of all Light. This is the Galactic Family reunion, Soul Star Family reunion.

Then I ground deep, deep my roots of my physical being into the Earths core. And take in all the nutrients of the earth’s mineral and precious metals for stabilization and ability to keep this process up without burning up.

I take the Light back up my chamber and all the way up through the Ethers into the Cosmic Mother & Father and back to Oneness with Source.

I will filter in the 333 Rainbow Rays of Creation through out the ceremony, as well as the Divine Feminine Pink Ray of Light. The Blue Ray of the Divine Masculine is always present thus the Violet Flame is always transmuting away any lower frequencies.

This Symphony of Light Ceremony and meditation is a requirement of the future for sustaining Earths higher dimensional reality by enabling all other Beings of Light to come through. The Beings of light who are activated with their light body will in the future be able to Stargate Travel.

Other steps will be added in as the Zenith Horizon approaches and transpires.

In Love and Light,

Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service,


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