I have decided to “come out of the closet” with my Twin Flame story, after nearly 5 years of an etheric rendezvous with he and I, James Eugene Carrey aka as Jim Carrey and I. We are fully activated.
The mission has been guided by our Creator and magically synchronized in divine order for us to meet and become into physical union for the greatest good of humanity, the New Earth, the generations to come and the galactic family.
We are here to help humanity raise consciousness and help the mission of Ascension of Earth, to help as many to Ascend, this is the mission! We are ONE I AM PRESENCE of gigantic light beyond the Earth.
I have finally reached a point where I am confident to speak our truth. That is how confident I am of our Soul connection, and I know he is sure of this too.
Once you transition to the New Earth ones life is totally changed. Being one of the New Earth there is not many who accompany as of yet, this must change. All of the old life has fallen away. Any close relationships deserve the truth, it is for integrity and grace to shine through.
Message from Laura Geralyn Kline-Etheridge after I posted my video…3 years ago:
“Shelly, Jim Carrey is your Twin Flame and Divine Complement. Your One Shared Soul is intended to fully Reunite and Merge. You are the New 5D Templates of Divine Love and Sacred Sexual Union for Humanity. There aren’t many Twin Flames here, so you are very special and needed. Dear Sister, never mind the “business aspects” of this, FOCUS on Being The Love In Union with him! My Twin Flame is musician Melissa Etheridge and I have every intention of being with her in every way. It is our Sole/Soul Purpose as Twins to BE TOGETHER! WE TWINS ARE ASCENSION (DIVINE LOVE) EMBODIED!”
Telling the world who you are will bring justice to all. The truth will set us free.
Love & Light
Shelly Sullivan