PUSHING THROUGH WORLD DICHOTOMY ~ The Prequel of the Events transpiring NOW

Presently we are witnessing a monumental time that is being written to be in our History books as the “The fall of the Dark Alliance, service-to-self structure, extreme polarisation of humanity and the New Earth and Old Earth world split.

Here is part of a chapter 11 (page 155 = 11) of my book along with updated info up to this point of my experience of the World Dichotomy that have already taken place through my experience in the etheric realm and with in my lessons, playing out upon our Earth now. This excerpt of my book that tells of my experiences and lessons I “predict/experience” as of 2014 and forward of what is playing out on the world stage presently and at its peak. I share a video of my Higher Dimensional Experience in the Galaxy of the New Earth Old Earth Split ~ The Prequel of the Events transpiring NOW.

Dichotomy is:
a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different. Such as the belief that there has been “a rigid dichotomy between science and mysticism” contrast, difference, polarity, conflict; repeated branching into two equal parts.

This is exactly what we are experiencing between the energies of the New Earth and the Old Earth. Many people are stuck in between these energies, experiencing a feeling of being yo-yoed back and forth, and it is enough to make your head spin and want to quit this game. However, this is not a time to quit. It is the time when just before you break-through, you break-down. You break- down and surrender to it, allow it to go into the hands of God and it will all become clear.

This is when you are invited to completely TRUST, to tap only into your heart and push the egoic head out of the way. It is time to simply surrender, to trust that all is as it should be, and to make your decisions with the Guidance of your intuition, that Higher

Self wisdom that is coming through. Make your free will choices only from the heart and do whatever it takes to tell the ego to move out of your soul mission’s way, once and for all.
This is a time of living between two worlds, the simple question is which one will you chose. The higher vibrational new Earth or stay stuck in the destiny 3D soup. Will you choose balance between the feminine and masculine worlds or Chaos. At this point if you are in between the 3D will feel like a sludge of dense stuck-ness. If you feel called to follow the higher vibrational path, now is the time to choose, otherwise it may cause chaos and bi- polar symptoms. This I predict will be very common in the coming times between two worlds.

What is to show through in the collective consciousness firstly comes through to myself to prepare me to what is to come as an experience or “lesson.” What myself and my Twin Spirit have experienced throughout 2014 -2017 is the dichotomy of Light and Dark, Heart guidance vs. Ego guidance, Trust and Fear or Duality and Oneness.
The Spirit of our Higher Self – I AM Presence has been working with and through me for the past years performing Magic and Alchemy. I am shown messages, signs, numbers and transmissions to guide me on my life’s mission as a spiritual teacher to help with Love on the Planet. These signs and messages are also tests for me to decipher what is good and what is evil.

Some of the signs I presented to myself via alchemy are not loving or positive in nature it is up to me to decipher and choose what I desire. I will give you 2 examples. Few months ago I was driving to have a session with psychic healer/therapist and on the way was a parked truck sitting under a tree out in the middle of no where and the big beautiful restored truck license plate said “BE EVIL”. I was completely blown a way as this is the opposite of what I AM, however I know these signs to be coming from my Creator Source Higher Self (of Love). I did not like this sign and questioned it for a while. Later I shelved this sign in the back of my ego mind. Next test I saw a black restored old beautiful gangster Cadillac drive by me, with the license plate SORCERY. I pondered on this message and it brought me to decipher the light and dark difference between White Magic and Black Sorcery, and the question which do I practice? The answer hands down is White Magic, however I was shown to beware of the Black Magic that is prevalent in our world.

Next one that I experienced just yesterday was RUTHLESSS, I snapped a pic of the license plate and asked myself yet again why did I see this. I looked up the word ruthless and read “ruthless is someone or action absent of love or compassion. I thought I AM here to be and example only love and compassion so what is the message for me I asked my self. The message is I have been dealing with and transmutting Ruthlessness into compassion and love as this is also very prevalent in our world.

The message Creator is to convey to the world at this time is you are being offered a test of free will choice of Good or Evil, what will it BE for you?
People are being Guided to meet and cross paths and work with certain others by spirit and synchronicities. Never question this, always follow this Guidance.
Initially, the mission being accomplished starts with the Soul’s yearning to reunite. It is evidenced by a mass awakening on Earth that is happening now. We must do everything we can think, feel and act upon to make this happen NOW. The positive energy of unconditional love must replace the negative energy attached to the lower Ego. Do you see the dichotomy we are living in now and the importance of the free will choices we are making now? This is extremely crucial in timing and is not to be taken lightly.

Keep focused on the target of the mission of being ONE.When you have a choice to make, ask yourself, “Is this decision or action I’m about to make coming from the Ego or is this from the Higher Self in service to the highest good? Is it for human evolution and for the Ascension of planet Earth and the surrounding life in the cosmos?”

These messages from Creator are to share where we are as a collective consciousness of the Planet Earth. We are at a crossroads here and, like children facing a crossroads, we have to understand how serious the decisions are at this time for setting the structure of our future mission. Our Higher Selves are like the parents of the child. They are giving us their undivided attention and drilling into our minds and consciousness to be aware of the decisions at this crucial time of our lives.

If you feel like you need Guidance for a certain situation you are dealing with at this time in your life, ask for help, not from your ego mind, but rather from your Spirit. Your Spirit is not just your wild imagination or fantasy; you Spirit is the real YOU. The Soul is in the Spirit and the personality is in the Soul, beware of the dichotomy of the ego personality and choose love over ego

What is “The Dark”? The Dark are shadowy concepts of energy that tend to attach themselves to us through our fears. They can be an array of any spectrum of lower forms of vibrational energies of Being that attempt to interfere and degrade the integrity of our innate Being of Source Light and Love. For instance, Dark energies utilize tools of disempowerment slavery such as motivation through guilt, duty, anger, judgement and obligation. The Dark may also use tools of separation such as greed, lust, gluttony, malice, envy, etc. These tools are what have been incorporated in the prevailing Old World patterning and programming of “Might Makes Right,” and “Predator versus Prey,” for thousands of years and multiple generations on Earth. These tools are used to separate us from our Divinity, disempower us, divide and conquer us on an individual (ego) level so that we are easier to control and manipulate. The battle is within us and it is up to us to catch our triggers with mindfulness so that we do not stay entrapped in these fears which separate us.

This is what we are dealing with in this world at this time heck even the President Donald Trump is of the “Light and Dark Test” he is the epitome of what is playing out here in our Planet Earth now. He is indeed being swayed, interfered, guided and enlightened all at once with the dichotomy or the world stage and given a choice.

2017 – 2018 is also a era of complete polarity, where the opposites of light and dark has waged a war. Forcing all that no longer serves Earth and humanity will be brought to the surface for clearing. 2017 the US President Donald Trump was elected. This is not a coincidence, in fact it was divine order. Whom better to bring to the surface what needs to be cleared and what will no longer be tolerated upon the New Earth than Donald Trump. Year of the Trumpster.

Meaning of the word Trump: “A playing card of the suit positioned over the others, which can win a trap where a card of an alternate suit has been controlled by a specific source of power”.

In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service