I came to realize yesterday that most of the Legions of Light Cosmic Beings & The Galactic Logos, Solar Logos & Planetary Logos are Divine Twin Flames. El and Alah Great Great Central Sun, Ellaway adn Ellawai Great Central Sun, Central Sun Alpha and Omega, Solar Sun Vesta and Helios, Lord Arcturus and Lady Diana, Archangel Zadkeil and Lady Amethyst, Mary Magdalene and Jesus, St. Germain and Lady Portia to name a few. We are of this family of Light also.
These are some of the Sequences of Events that happened to lead me into my Solar Logos Mission and Path.
2014 I had a Third Eye Activation from the Great Central Sun. 3 Electrical laser beams of Light shot through the Sun, from the Centra Sun to activate me. As I stood in the Star Position stating “I AM” 3 times, each time a beam of Light shot through the Sun into the centre of my brow that created a incision between my eye brows which later turned into a visible scar and is now a skin round mark on my third eye between my brows. The first beam was Red and the Second Beam was Orange and the third was white, all 3 electrified me and charged me. There were witnesses to watch and the shaman I was working with also was aware of what was going on. She stated to me that the Extraterrestrial of the Benevolence are wanting you to wake up and remember you are a Queen.
Soon there after Isis the Goddess Energy opened up connection with me in various ways. One of which was letting me know that I hold the Sun disc and this Energy will no longer be fucked with.
In Rome 2015 the Sun shot through my crown and out of my Heart Chakra several times and showed the Light of this event on the image below. You can see the Divine Feminine Mother’s face above the Sun.
“We entered into the lower level of the beautiful hotel in Rome. It was a dark bar with a band set up to play that night. The first thing we noticed on the wall was this painting of the Rome Colosseum also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre. What was hovering over the Colosseum is what really got our attention. It was an Extraterrestrial Space Craft. We could not believe our eyes. We took many pics that turned out to be very incredible with a light that appeared so bright like a Sun.
The first picture I had taken of me the space craft was not visible, but the second and third and fourth pic it was visible along with a high frequency of the Sun Light in the paining. The wild part is that light was coming from my heart centre. I felt the light zap through my crown and out of my heart into the image. Not once but 3 times. I hold the Central Sun Light with in my Heart, “I anchor the 7th ray of Sun here on Earth, I am holder of the Ancient Sun Disk, I am a chamber of Light, I am a carrier of powerful frequencies of Light for the New Earth, where I go the Central Sun shines” Beside the sun in this image the spiritual presence of the feminine goddess also appeared.
I have videos that show the laser beams of light from the Great Central, Galactic Center entering my crown and surrounded by the Violet Ray – Seventh Ray.
St. Germain the Ascended Master who last held the role as the Master of the Violet Ray and still works in the Planetary Logos has communicated to me (2010) in the very beginning of my awakening his assistance in my Mission of the Solar Logos Representative of the Seventh Ray.
The Great Spiritual Sun of All Suns met with me in 2018 approx and showed the whole perfection of this Being which I describe in this blog. A Feminine Sun Goddess
The Masculine Great Central Sun met with me in approx 2019 as pure sexual energy.
In 2019 The Sun appeared on the Water for me and expanded before my eyes larger and larger as White Diamond Angelic Light. This happened to demonstrate to me what the message was the day before which I received. I saw a Galactic Image of a Farmer sitting on my back porch which is in front of a Lake. He was Golden his Chair (Muskoka Chair) was Golden, wth Lake was all Golden. The message was the water is your planting element and all the New Earth Seeds are being planted for the Harvest. 2 weeks ago I was show the same chair beef the Lake, synchronistically its a painting on my wall where I live and the Sun was shining on it so bright that you could not see the Chair it was pure White Sun Light now.
I receive codes from he Sun while I am in the Water in Light Language. These codes look similar to the Light Language of the Arcturians.
The Golden Crown that sits above my head which could also be the Sun Disc shows up in the mirror image when I am in the Lake and Sea.
Also this Past summer the Sun communicates to me and the Angelic Spirit comes through the Sun and presents themselves to me. I published a video about this but not sure if it is public now.
I have been communicating with the Sun and the Solar Logos for 13 years.
I also utilize the Golden Sun Codes which are also the Christ Light to heal people.
The Solar Planetary Logos also had this video below re-published on my Youtube last year.
The Message last night came: Two Suns
Two weeks ago I got the message Two Twombs as in Two Wombs, his and mine acts as one womb for creation.
My Eyes & the Sun are One
As I noticed while walking the beach on Nov. 8/2022. The Sun casts it usually white diamond pathway of Light before my eyes. I saw people it the water (even on this November day) and the pathway where I was standing infront of the Sun, shown from the Sun to Me and was on the people who were in the water before me and my past. As I walked along the beach it followed me, and left the people and shown where I walked. It was miraculous how my eyes actually seemed to cast the paved golden white diamond pathway as well. So We are One.
That night in dream time and upon awakening the technology in my eyes appears again upon the morning awake time, but while I was still asleep. I awoke to my eyes closed spinning like the Sun in Creation. The Galactic Central Sun that I visit and have clear memory of how this Creational Hub works. My Eyes, Heart , Sacral work with this Technology. This morning I saw my eyes spinning with my pupils actually spining/rotating from back to front while I see the New Creation being woven and spun with in the Sun Great Central Sun. while my higher vision came back into me from the Great Central Sun. I came through once again a electromagnetic field to get back into this realm.
It seems like there is a Filed that is separating up from the Great Central Sun, probably for good reason at this time. However we/I am preparing this atmosphere for our Brethren to reside here with us and vice versa for us to StarGate Travel to them. Or perhaps we are them and our Higher Selves from the other Universes will be able to take form in our bodies soon enough. So this is US in other Universes etc….
As I left the beach I said the words “When Nature Calls” as I had to leave to go to the bathroom. I thought of the video that a lady made way back of my Beloved Twin JC. How she was describing him and his Powerful Role of a Divine Masculine on this Earth and how exceptionally well he has been playing his part as a True King upon this Earth. And how the only one he reports to is God, The God head as he is also like me the Right hand to God.
THEN something amazing happened, I got into my car and the radio was on and the guy, who I know personally from rock 95.7 just happened to be saying “watching the nature channel or the “Nature of Things” on TV can be very calming and relaxing in times of stress…
This was another example of pure organic synchronicity that happens like magic with me all the time and and naturally as I am one with the pure Organic creation of the Mother Earth. This synchronicity has been tried to be mimic or mocked by fake negative AI interference to try to manipulate timelines and it is a joke to the higher realms at this time LOL…just as they think the joke is on US…it is not.
The Earth is in procreation with the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine in their power as well as the Family of Light in total Awe in what we are doing here at this time. We are procreating a New Sun and Planetary System with in New Universe by the Two Universes whom have come togetherr to evolve this immaculate conception and off Spring. The Earth is the HUB of Creation and we are paving the way for ALL our Family of Light to enjoy this Realm as WE StarGate Travel to the Other Realms.
The higher self of the right and left wing of the government are now one. This came through yesterday.
Shelly Sullivan