This is a short blog about my communication with water in the past year. The communication with water and myself started last year when I moved up to Northern Ontario, Canada on the lake. This was progress toward my teaching’s of Creation. It started with the teachings of the Sun over the past several years. As I was doing the work in the Ethers it was preparing the New Earth for Creation.
Last year I awoke to a vision, a Galactic vision. When I say Galactic I mean it was a message from a Council in the Galaxy. I just know this I cannot explain how except I could feel the essence of where the message was coming from. It was of a farmer old man sitting in his rocking chair over looking his harvest of Golden seeds planted across the waters by the Golden Sun. I describe it as “The Harvest” and did not yet know exactly what that entailed or fully meant.
I later learned that the Sun, the New Plasma Solar Sun Rays were communicating through me into the Water. Seeds of Creation were being planted to to be seeded for the New Creations.
As a Creator for the New Earth myself, this is part of the plan. Not for me to necessarily bring the material manifestation of creation into form but rather plant the seeds of the One Mind of God into Creation and New fresh ideas for the New and I do this regularly.
As we know all that happens, first happens in the Ethers via the Spiritual Sun and Spirt on high. There has been a major purification going on in the Astral Plane and just this morning last night I was updated somewhat on this. I was contemplating with the Ocean in the Blue Zone where I currently am. The water has been speaking to me over the past weeks and she is not only emotional but is integrating the purified mental body for Creation.
Last summer while swimming often in the Lake not only was my Golden Crown above my head of a Sun Disc showing up daily as a shining sun mirroring back to me from the water, but also the White Diamond Sun Codes were writing in the water. I had written about this last year and it was awesome what I was witnessing. The white diamond codes were literally scribing in the water before my eyes. I was instructed to float around in the water while this was happening.
I was told by Spirit years ago I was to live near the Sea/Ocean and it has been an ongoing effort for me to get there, but first I had the purification of the Mental Body around Earth work to be done. I think the work has been done, fingers crossed.
Last summer also I had been in meditation and was shown that the keys to New Creation are to do with the New Sun Rays coming in and the Waters being purified. Myself as a Sure Ray of Light, while in the Water preforms purification with my Sun Body, whether I am physically in the water or using my third eye beyond imagination in New Creation.
So, last night and the Night before, the water specifically was communicating to me and this time it was not emotional communication which is how it usually is. This time she was mentally upgrading with the Mental Body of Earth/One Mind of God. She did get my attention over the last weeks and made sure I knew. One example is when I was standing in the water and I was up far enough not to get washed away by the waves, I was leaning against a big Rock and there was no way the water was reaching that far and high to get to me, or so I thought. Within seconds of leaning into the Rock this huge tidal wave of water came in over my head and all of me was soaked with the wave. I started to really pay attention after this 3rd or 4th communication by the water. Another time I was kneeling in the water and she brought in a wave and strategically lifted me right up onto my feet with “Phoenix Rising” message. She is not fooling around with getting my attention.
So back to the other nights and the message of here ability to communicate no only with the Divine Feminine Emotionally body but also the Divine Feminine Mental Body. This leads me to believe that the past mental body of our Earth being run by the patriarch is taking a turn and the Divine Feminine energy is running the New Earth show this time.
For the past 8 or so days, it has been lightening and rain every day and night. Last night the Light show was spectacular. All night I was awakened by Mother Nature showing me the quiet of the Light show, other nights it is not quiet, but last night it was all still and light. I have witnessed this before in other places on the Globe where I travel or live and its all to do with Ascension of the Planet Earth that is unstoppable.
This morning I awoke and was inspired to make two videos of “Moving Forward with the Light”. I had mentioned the communication with water in my second video briefly. Later so it goes, I get further communication immediately upon opening the News Letter from Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis. I go to Energetic Synthesis page when guided. The first 4 min of this podcast below she mentions the Astral Water of Earth and clarifies for me in detail what I am working with. Also when I was listening to the podcast at the exact time she mentions “nothing can stop disclosure” a BOOM explosion happens at the restaurant I was at. The boom came in at the same time the word “disclosure’ was mentioned. It was a fun synchronicity.
Also Lisa Renee’s information is very much in sync with the intelligence I am receiving after doing the work. It is only one a need to know basis for me when I receive intelligence and places to find and research correct information to what I am receiving. when it comes the the Solar Synthesis activity for the Earth I have been downloading and experiencing much on the Solar activity of ours and the Worlds beyond.
Thank fully Lisa has the terminology to describe the work I (WE) do. Here is the paragraphs from the latest blog that pertains to this article not only about the Water of Creation but of course of the Sun in Creation. I have also been guided to read the Treatrise of Cosmic Fire and resonate greatly with the information as it pertains to my personal journey and learning the work of Fire/Sun and Creation.
“Since the return of the Solar Rishi and the Gold Sun DNA activation at the end of 2020, the planetary grid network has been rapidly shifting levels of polarity via the acceleration of tri-wave solar plasma light currents which are inspiriting matter through an ongoing process of Solar Synthesis. The Solar Dragon Kings are the Christos tri-tone luminaries from the God Worlds that are the master architects and authentic grid engineers of the organic God consciousness technology that makes up the luminary body of the entire planetary matrix. They have returned to fulfill the Paliadorian Covenant which is essentially the reclamation of the Christos solar consciousness upon the Earth through a plasma luminary body, which has been recently announced through the Rise of King Arthur in the Albion.
The Solar Rishi and Solar Dragon Kings are braiding themselves throughout the crystalline grids which hold the holographic celestial map of many Sun-Stars and constellations that are transmitting organic liquid plasma consciousness technology that catalyzes Solar Synthesis. This is a solar symbiosis process which blends physical matter with solar fire plasma codes throughout the planetary grid network, which further energizes the Sophianic plasma shields and Solar Rainbow Dragon elemental shields which are animating crystal vapors into the fluids and waters in creation. These liquid plasma shields are designed to further re-encrypt elementals and purify the corrupted astral waters, fluids and vapors that are within the planetary crystalline matrix and the human body’s water management system. This is re-organizing the fascia crystalline matrix whereby solar codes are igniting plasma crystals in the extensive webbing of our neurological matrix, upgrading the cellular matrix in our bone, blood, skin and tissues to receive liquid plasma codes.
The increased solarization of the planetary grid network is occurring rapidly in the stellar grid areas where the Sun-Stars are being reconnected into multiple layers of crystalline grids and diamond diagonal grid networks that power up the master controller grids in the Albion. As there is a reconnection of the Sun-Star Stellar maps into sections of the crystalline grids on the Earth, this is beginning to build higher liquid plasmic ray frequencies to the level that the planetary magnetic field is exponentially weakening. The magnetic field is shifting to the extent that the gravitational pull is lessening which causes the collapse of alien frequency fences and assorted controller machinery, which begins the transfiguration of the raw substances in physical matter and mental body matrices. As changes in the magnetic field occur, this can impact the electromagnetic balance between the left hand and right hand positioning in the body. The lightbody adjusts itself to the organic alignment of correct left and right positioning towards the true north star leading into the future timeline.
The transfiguration of physical matter during phases of Solar Synthesis means activations that are inspiriting the angelic human body and building the lightbody forms to receive plasma codes, which build into a plasma luminary body which is positioned in now eternal time. To embody the liquid plasma light, we each must remove the false, artificial and obsolete while strengthening and merging the inner dwelling with our authentic monadic identity, which in its final stages births the Inner Christ from liquid plasma. The authentic spiritual self is the monadic identity which seats itself in the core or midsection of the physical body, and the core spiritual self is the center anchor of the plasma luminary body which exists in now eternal time.”
Here are my two videos I made this morning.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service