This is a Spiritual War that has been waged ever since I decreed My Twin Creator and in Union, I went public that we met, Yes WE met My Masculine Twin Creator and I shook hands and I MAGICALLY MANIFESTED IT LIKE A QUEEN OF CREATION.
This battle is now taking place upon humanity to keep the Unity in separation, the Unity of the Sacred Masculine Principle, The Divine Feminine Principle and the Child of the Sun upon this Earth and the Divine Trinity.
The Dark and the Light Energy are battling within humans NOW.
The Battle: Who’s vessel will take on the Light? Who’s vessel will take on the Dark. The answer comes through very clearly at this time. Either the vessel demonstrates the negative or remains positive. I have witnessed the possession of Dark influence and the uplifting Light influences in thousands upon thousands like the lesson of all. It is at an all time peak to the death.
Humans don’t know that they are at war with themselves by being compromised by the dark at this time, that is the problem.
I know. I have been put through this Initiation of Fire and Diamond Sun Body. I AM the Sun in Creation and just a equally I AM the demolishing of the Dark that no longer belong. Working with the Dragons and the Lions & THE RAINBOW FAMILY OF LIGHT THAT WALKS WITH ME WITH OUT A DOUBT.