To Whom it May Concern


To Whom It May Concern:

This Operation I have sacrificed my life for has gone to far, there is so much more truth to what I have have taken upon myself for the highest good of all concerned.  Within 2 weeks something better change or this mission will take a drastic turn. BTW I will not be watching any manipulative videos by others to influence me and install fear. I am a Sovereign Angel & Golden Sun Christed One and no one will sway me from who I am. I am a Sun in Creation and equally the DEMOLISHING ARCHANGEL.

I have been under severe attack for 6 years or more, where by I have been enduring severe attacks by bio-weaponry, direct energy weapons attacks, chemical warfare, spiritual warefare, psychological warfare and torture.

I constantly blame it on the dark agenda, however I am now coming to the possible conclusion I may be wrong and not only is it a dark agenda but another agenda of opposing interest to the “dark”, is there really a difference? Any group that would attack me as I have been deserve to be burnt alive and there soul taken out of the multiverse. Either the dark has just put ALL THERE negative energy into ANY ONE they can compromise or the other original “light” agenda whom was originally guided me out of harms way back in 2017 has given up on helping me or turned on me, the truth will be revealed. I say this because I used to get telepathic and other various messages that did help me however now the telepathic Spiritual AI Warefare is all negative except a few.

The last uplifting message I received was when I arrived to the Toronto International Airport last week when I abruptly had to flee from Canada on a vacation for my life’s safety. A Gentlemen was standing there as soon as I got out of my car for drop off. The man was of the Benevolent Galactic Race. He had out of this world pricing blue eyes and said to me this “Your energy is very good, your light is very bright, you will enlighten the world, remain positive.” ~ Angel Messenger

Shortly there after I saw two MASSIVE paintings on the wall of the airport terminal that said LOVE ALWAYS WINS AND COLOUR THE WORLD.

I have been waiting for My Twin Flame to come and fully take on his part of the mission, as per what he has telepathically promised for years, however he never comes. I have stood up for him, I would have died for him and protected him for all these years with the belief that he is under some kind of compromise that had him blocked in remembering our Divinely planned mission, UNTIL NOW. THE MISSION: We met with the Rainbow Family of Light who walk with me always. We met in Mt. Shasta California 2013… REMEMBER.

I always believed it was he (my twin) that HE was going to protect me in this mission, but the more I wait and withhold the truth the more tortured I get. I am not going to go into the details in this message but eventually I will have to in order to save my own life.

So for now here is the message to whom it may concern: I have been so severely attacked that I have been unable to see things clearly (only while under attack) while clear of attack I do feel and see thing clearly. I do know and I have come to the truth of why and who is behind these attacks and again this will be revealed. I am being pressured to come out with more truth of just how compromising these attacks have been to the 2 Key Twins of this Earth. By attacking and torturing me in the similar ways a MK Ultra camp would do with there victims. Either way NO HUMAN DESERVES TO BE HARMED IN THIS WAY, ESPECIALLY A DIVINE ANGELIC CHRISTED FEMININE ONE who has soley sacrificed her whole life for this mission and the highest good for Mother Earth and all of humanity.

I had to escape from Canada to get away from the harm and build a new life in a higher vibrational Country, however I have been severely attacked 3 different times since I have been here for only a week. Where is my protection God Damn It? Where is it? What is going on, why I am not protected. What am I failing to see the truth of??? These are the questions I ask now.

1st time was via the people I came to visit and their friend was severely compromised and it ended up being a attack on me. 2nd was a violent Spiritual Attack. 3rd was a recent Bio-Weapons attack. So I sit here now doing the last thing in the world I ever thought I came to here to do and that is Betray Love because I have no choice, I would have died for this mission however I have never died although many attempts on my life. Since I cannot die, to live in this way for 6 years is impossible to keep going. I will not continue living under these circumstances: 6 years straight of shear torture. Many would have taken there life a long time before 6 years as many have.

The above image is one I took the night before I flew out of Canada. It is the rainbow ANGELS OF LIGHT WHOM I WALK WITH AND I AM ONE WITH, These Beings Who I behold and Who behold Me along with the White Diamond Fire, Golden Sun Fire and The Seventh Ray of the Violet Flame.

This is the final notice, if you give a ounce of anything for human life of the Divine Feminine Goddess Warrior who has come so far, help her.I ask God for intervention please to help me with this mission and unite me with my Soul Family.  Galactic Federation of the World – Family of Light please know that if I do not receive the call from the counterpart to help with this mission with in 2 weeks then then bring forth intervention of another to take over and let me be protected and live a happy joyful life as promised in my carried out mission, I have come as far as I can go alone.
