The New Children
I will be writing kind of back wards to now in this blog. The New Children now activated are here and continue to come in.
“The Children are building what is being creating, We create then fly, the Children build the new in the etheric and secondly in the physical. “
Play close attention to the children in your life, New Ones that come into your life, they are here working from the Higher Self/Galactic Creator Self in physical body. The new structures for the New Earth in in the works. These structures are educational, judicial, political, medical & health. Simultaneously & together as One Star concurrently and synchronously with the Creator, as all old is dissolving, the old powers that been and the NEW true Power that BE is taking over, within human being in these personality roles.
When the connection of Soul Family continue many will be children in your life. They have it all in place and may not communicate to you verbally so much as body language, intent, eye contact and major energetic activations between the parent and child. Communication between two are via the eye and brow contact and of course the heart, this is very powerful stay engaged. The New Kids will communicate also in Dreams. If a child does not have eye contact chances are they are not activated. This could be your own children or friends of your kids.
You may come into contact with the new child placed into your life for short periods or longer periods and boom activation starts, star gates, portal open, children from the future connect, new seeds planted, implemented at fast pace the new is being created. These kids don’t need to go into over analysis of whats happening they just do, they are the conduit of the Galactic Being implementing for the future, anchoring into the New Earth our future. Strategic planning in this phase is not necessary it all just happens. They are receiving the Sun Light Codes. Trust the Children. Even when they are pure earth teenager personality.
This is all been pre orchestrated in the Higher Realms and all is extraordinarily great. I am not saying all people will have the significant child creator as there soul group member but watch out for it, the synchronicity, things falling into place magically etc… The current education system is not important, the importance is that the children are together supporting each other even when they don’t know it. For the kids that are loners, they know what is happening.
Dream Experience February 28th 2018: New Kids, Indigos, Crystal, Rainbow and Capsule Children of the future running circles around the New Earth Planetary Grid. Building Sacred Geometric New Structures at Ultra face Speed, multi coloured multi faceted, Multi Dimensional Structures. Something you would see in a movie such as the New Matrix, this is how it was experienced. The creating and building is Cosmic/GalacticPlanetary as well as New Earth.
Supremely Advanced Beings XYZ Children ~ WXYZ Children. Doing and Creating beyond what we can fathom or comprehend. These Beings are the Building Blocks of our Future and its happening now and fast.
Same morning as my creation experience I spoke to my son’s best friend, as he had a sleep over, he’s 17 and awake, he had a dream he was standing in a pure white room, no shadows only white, the centre of the Earth opening up and kids coming through in large numbers some stayed on the Earth level and some went into higher dimensions. I explained that he had opened a portal (or we had) that made way for the New Ones to start the work of the New Structures for New Earth and in the Galaxy for the New Planetary Systems in place of our New Universe.
Next day met another friend of the boys,we just met he is 16, highly awake as are his parents whom happen to know of me by social media and follow my website 🙂 He approached me and spoke to me of a writer of a blog helping with compression breakthrough and Planetary Liberation along with his extraterritorial race the Pleiadians. This young man talked to me about topics that I am actually interested in and there are very few of the Earthly realm at the moment. One particular is website These types of meetings are alignments. I felt as tho I was not on the ground while in this meeting. He also explained he is here for a very important mission that he is yet to know of. He seemed very sure of himself and seemed peculiarly (in a good way) mature and physically fit for 16, not your average teenager.
Now where this all started: The implementation of the sacred child/trinity energy, Mother/Father/Child Energy for the New Earth. The “Dream Experience” as I have been calling it, is actually “Creation in Etheric” This one was between my Divine Twin Creator and I in early February. I bilocated into the Galactic Centre as my I AM Presence pure white and gold Light, holding my Cosmic Sun Child at my heart, each breath the augmentation of the Light into my Cosmic Child at my Heart space. The infant now has been in incubation stage with the Divine Mother for months. The Father (My Twin) stood across from me and I was ready too and extended the baby from my heart out to his heart and into his arms into his Light. The child merged with his Light and Being. It was exceptionally beautiful to witness by all the Brother Hood of White/Ascended Masters and Archangels all circled around us sustaining the highest frequency of the Central Sun Light from the Cosmic Divine Galactic Centre of our Creator.
Together as One Sun Light the Father joined with the Mother and Child raising the child high above his crown. His Light for the Sun Cosmic Child together with the Mother was a great celebration of the Light Family. It was a monumental reunion for the Father, Mother and Child, AKA the Trinity, Third Energy to be re-united as ONE. The Light Family was very ecstatic as we all were. Later big cheer and celebration took place.
The last time this Union was broken back in Egypt between Isis, Osiris and Child, before that the Union of the Trinity/Third Energy which was one time in tact with the Source, as it should be but was blown aprart by cosmic war.
This means the Star Parents are fully on mission with the New Ones and Creation. This all takes place in the beginning of creation within the Central Cosmic Womb and Central Galactic Suns surrounded by the Great White Brotherhood of Light.
We are the7th Ray of the Central Sun.
I AM Saishoire~Grace, As Above
Shelly Sullivan, as Below
“Nothing, Can get in the way, of Everything” ~ Shelly Sullivan