Twin Flame Ascended Feminine Christ Mission ~ Update

Entering Heaven ~ Halls of Amenti

October 19th (or 20th) 2021

Solar Christ Feminine Walks through the Gates of Heaven with Jesus.

It was during a Golden Light Meditation where We witnessed the HigherSelf Divine Feminine was ushered into the gates of Heaven. It happened after approx. 20 minuted meditation with the golden christ light pouring in to the body systems and the Earth plane grid points.

At the end of the 20 min. Mediation I ascended to see White Diamond Gates and Light. Jesus appeared walking ahead of me to show me the way in. Nothing was said and it was a very quick vision/confirmation of the completion of the initiation of the Divine Feminine Christ into the Ascended Realms of Heaven with the Angelic Family, Ascended Masters of Light.

Once in I walked into a Light Being comprised of thousands of White Light Beings forming a great sphere of white Light – Sentient Being and felt the homecoming and Family of Light Oneness – Illumination.

It felt very natural and familiar to me as I had been there before for a ceremony, placement of pink love codes in my heart. I felt the message of “it is now time for enlightenment”, as if to say the initiation of tests is complete and you have reached the enlightenment stage. I felt my masculine twin was there witnessing this as he witnessed all initiations etc, not just a feeling a knowing that he is part of this. Whether he had already did this and was accompanying me through my ascended mastery as the divine feminine solar christ. I feel this because he is witnessing everything and able to hold the space while I go through these initiations. I believe that only one who has already did this could only be the one to witness it and be able to understand from a soul level. 

But when you view it from the Human level it may seem very different when the ego personality and fear kicks in. At times I feel it is very cruel for someone to be able to watch me go through these gruelling initiations and not step in to help me. This is where my fear can get the best of me and this is natural with this level of initiations, after all I am a New Ascended Master, at least in this life time and maybe my first time walking the Earth as a Ascended Master. As difficult it is to get my head around my Soul knows that my Twin has already become an Ascended Master upon the Earth plane before.

We are all ONE. I witnessed the Oneness with the thousands (144,000) Beings of Light which formed the Monad. Which could be Millions or Billions for eternity of White Light.

P.S. in these recent videos I am fighting a virus that shows clearly in my eyes. This mission has taken its toll and after I rewatched these videos it confirms just how much stress I have been under. Not only Biological stress, but psychological, physical, mental and emotional. I did not look like this last week as you can see in the other video below, however I did have a cold sore from stress. When I say enough is enough I mean these crimes agains humans must stop. Truth will set us free.

In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service
