I decided to publish some interesting facts I realized and came across tonight.
The Image I receive of My Twin Creator and I when we are Merged has been like a Sun, A White Diamond Golden Fire Sun carrying Love Codes. Here in this Video is a depiction and explanation of our Twin Creator Being.
This got me to do some research on the Twin Flame and I came across some interesting information. The following write up was published in 2007 and much has changed from the “old beliefs” of the spiritual teachings and Twin Flames. I don’t agree with all of this article but some of it was very fascinating and I had a question answered that has been a mystery for close to 4 years. Firstly here is a paragraph I liked from this link: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/dream_expedition/about-twin-flames-t5240.html
“The Twin Flame originates from the same One Essence which was created by Father/Mother God from the Ocean of Love. That One Essence divided itself into two exactly equal and opposite intonations in order to experience form. In the beginning they remained always united as a perfect sphere with one center of gravity and one common equator or Zero Point … and functioned as a non-dualistic Trinitized Extension and Expression of the God Source of All. However, as the three-dimensional experience unfolded they became separated in a dualistic system which pulled them into an unbalanced equilibrium expressing itself through two extended and separated forms. The Twin Flames are now coming back into unification through all dimensional frequencies in order to restore the Unity of God’s Creations and collapse duality. Accordingly, there exists only ONE true tonal mate of the Twin Flame which is expressed in a male and female form … the exact equal and opposite frequency intonation.”
Then as I was scrolling down I came across this, that answered my mystery question about my body changes in 2015 (after physical meeting and alchemical merge with my Twin Creator).
“That Which God Has Joined Together
Let No Man Put Asunder
Chemically, every element is both alkaline and acid but it is predominantly one or the other. The alkaline male actions of sodium when united with the equal and opposite acid female reaction … are neutralized and in equilibrium. They become salts.
Accordingly, the union of the exact equal and opposite frequency intonation of the Twin Flame in a momentum of non-resistance … is the bringing together of the Harmonic Note in the Symphony of Creation … which creates an Trinitized Equilibrium of a Third Force or Overtone which automatically creates a Unified Field of No-Time.”
In 2015 my body mysteriously went acidic for no apparent reason and many changes in my body started. I had blood tested and my Doctor was very surprised at this reading as my whole diet is alkaline. I had to go on sodium bi-carbonate pills to try to balance my PH levels, I quit any acidic intake (wine), I haven’t checked my PH lately (5 years later) but wouldn’t be surprised if it was still the same as it was 2 years ago.
Any way this top paragraph I found explains also why I have been seeing the signs ‘SATLMAN as of late and SALTLYFE for years. After I went acidic I was intuitively drawn into bath water with salts almost daily, I thought I was becoming a mermaid lol… I had to stop going into situations or places that were to hot for me other than Sun and Sea Water.
I remember 3 years ago telepathically telling my Twin we need to come into Union as these symptoms I have are from being alchemically merged yet still physically separated. After years of this I forgot about this inner knowing as much more “assalts” started happening to my body causing heightened and worst symptoms. So it feels like one hot mess and a myriad of symptoms upon my body for the past 3 years. I suspect when I do come into physical union with my Twin a lot of symptoms I experience from the PH state will rectify.
As well since my etheric merge with my Twin my sense of Gravity has changed drastically. To me this is authenticity of a God Creator Androgynous Being. An off spring of this Beingness would be similar to a Twin Flame Merge of two Angels forming one ball of light. These are the Light Shards = Twin Flames.
In Love and Light