Twin Flame Prophecy 8 ~ Pushing Through World Dichotomy



Twin Flame Prophecy

The Prophecy IS fully underway and nothing can stop it. This Prophecy is further explained  here in a post (below) by Rick Jewers, who is a Brother, Leader in the Ascension Mission. He travels the World, doing the Work, Now with his Divine Twin Soul. Followed by his explanation, is my written knowledge of the importance of Divine Union,  that I have been fully aware of since 2015. I share written material from my book Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Book 1 ~ Twin Flame Prophecy ~ Pushing Through World Dichotomy.

With reference to Ricks post below, his explanation of RA, Hathor, Isis, Osiris Horus = Sun, The Trinity.  I see/feel the complete integration is complete. The  Divine balancing has been brought into wholeness via millions/billions of Soul integrations. Which I/WE have been working on for years. WE hold the TRINITY.  The Trinity is the whole complete Sphere Conneciton of Light Creator +  Cosmic Light + Galactic Central Sun + Solar Sun + Sun Disc Higher Self into the Heart of the Earth = The New Earth.

The following is a written message by Rick Jewers

“I was awakened out of the Divinely prearranged human role in approximately 2010 linear time. Prior to that, I led a life that was pretty regular and NOT spiritual in the least. When it WAS TIME, in 2010 or so, the veil was abruptly lifted in one day, and I spoke with Father, for the first conscious time in this incarnation. I WAS THEN BRIEFED on what had to be done here, on the surface, in this reality, with this Ascension, my powers restored, Divine memories restored, and rapidly taught how to utilize my ALLOWABLE Divine Powers WHILE IN A HUMANOID VESSEL, and of course, much more.

Upon my briefing and information process, came the Twin Flame/Soul concept and all derivatives of beliefs surrounding the concept. I WAS given then, and the memory activated into a knowing, that I actually had a Twin Soul here upon the surface, which was feminine. Although never consciously given the exact identity of who She is, I have met Her about 2 months ago and am reunited with the other half of my Soul. I am an ORIGINAL DIRECT branch from Creator, as is She. There are in total, in ALL EXISTENCE, through All that is, 13 pairs of us, the ORIGINAL TWIN FLAME/SOULS. Our powers/prowess, is BEYOND the human comprehension and acceptance, and may only be accepted from the higher conscious state, or from a Christ Consciousness state. In the video below on this timeline referencing Twin Flames, this IS TRUE, it is NOT A FANTASY, AN ILLUSION, ETC, IT IS VERY REAL AND FOR DIVINE PURPOSES.

It was Divinely ordained, for 12 of the Original Twin Flame Pairs, to be incarnated here DURING THIS ASCENSION, along with many Others, which ranged from NEW Twin Flame Pairs as these Souls developed, Ascended Masters, Starseeds, and even Ones that humanity NEVER KNEW ABOUT. The main purpose of the Original TF,s is to Create new timelines and DIRECT EVENTS AND DIVINE SEQUENCING OF EVENTS, WHICH ASCERTAIN AND ASSURE THE OVERALL PLANETARY ASCENSION. Like You, reading this, We are ABOVE the prowess of ALL darkness and human systems, for We ARE the Ones that decide what stays and what is torn down in this planetary Ascension and the progression of humanity, the human experience. This team consists of millions presently, and growing.

So, Femke Heuschele, my Divine Partner/Soul Half, ARE CURRENTLY Divinely working upon the higher schematics of this Ascension, which in the least, involves Us getting into the mainframe of the human belief systems here in Egypt. We directly ACCESSED the FULL Energetic Values of Hathor, Ra, Horus, Osiris, Isis, etc, to restore the values of these belief directives that were suppressed by the Anti-Christ, the Vatican, and Roman invasions. It is to be noted, in attempts to suppress the truth, the Gnostic teachings, those of Christ, etc, that original temples in many cases in Egypt, are NOT on their original ENERGETIC SITES.We remain, powerful Creators alongside You in these most auspicious Divine Times in this reality.”

Love and Light
Femke Heuschele and Rick



My Mp3 video followed by the written version of Part 1 & 2 of the  “Twin Flame Prophecy Pushing Through World Dichotomy” If you scroll down tho the 2nd part you can find the Light Work Meditation instructions for Psychic Protection.  As we Raise Consciousness and Psychic Empowerment, Part 2 is important.




LOVE HAS WON Twin Flame Prophecy Pushing Through World Dichotomy Pt.1 & 2

What is to show through in the collective consciousness firstly comes through to the Key Twin Flame(s) in a experience/lesson. This latest experience dictates the dichotomy of Light and Dark, Heart guidance vs. Ego guidance, Trust and Fear or Duality and Oneness.

HigherSelf Spirit has been working with and through me for the past years performing Magic and Alchemy. Showing me messages, signs, numbers and transmissions to guide me on my life’s mission as a spiritual teacher to help with Love on the Planet. I refer to HigherSelf not as just my HigherSelf but “The HigherSelf” because I share a HigherSelf with my Twin Flame.

Many Christ Consciousness Beings are being born thus many Twin Flames are returning to help the Planet Earth with its Ascension. The Twin Flames share the identical resonance reverberation of the same frequency, with the different male/female bodies of energy. When you experience Christ Consciousness and unconditional love for yourself and others you will create a resonance within your being that will attract the identical essence within the opposite body of soul energy. This twin soul  energy essence which abides if the female twin flame and the male twin flame are identical frequencies.

This charge of energy is felt at the cellular level. The love of true genuine Twin Flames when presented to you in your life through synchronicity is the highest love between human beings. This mission of the Twin Flames can be called forth with romantic partners or parents and children.

Twin Flames are not new in fact they are the first Soul ever as a complete whole male and female created by the Masculine and Feminine, Father Mother God, the continuum of creation is through our Monads as aspects of Twin Flames/Twin Rays/Twin Souls~Yin Yang male/female polarity and energy.


I will shed some ancient knowledge about Twin Flames, to more clearly make my point of the importance of this lesson/experience I will share in this article. As well to let you know that the time is upon us now on Earth that You & Me, The Twin Flames & their Twin Flames and Aspects of the respective Twin Flames have been sent to Earth to help with the Ascension of Earth and the volunteers of humanity.  HigherSelf is working through us to make sure we complete our contractual mission.

The HigherSelf I speak of is a powerful Spirit of the first Twin Flames created ever by Mother & Father God. When this Higher Self is called into action with the physical bodies to carry our/this mission dictated directly from Source God Creator, it is a mission that will not be denied. The help and support of other Angelic beings are working around the planet. We the physical vessels and original Key Twin Flames “WE ARE THE CENTRE OF THE EARTH AND ALL OF ITS CREATION” ~ This transmission came through last night by HigherSelf just as the transmission “BE ALL OF YOU, BE THE CONTINUUM  FORCE FLOW OF LIFE” came through around this time last year.

Several thousand of years ago the remarkable “sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce, spoke of Twin Souls, he said this ~ “Several hundreds of thousand of years ago the male and female were ONE. There lived in this land of Atlantis one Amillius , who had noted the first separation of the beings as inhabited that portion of the Earths sphere or plane of the peoples, into male and female as separate entities or individuals”

Another reference to Twin Flames from the book The Dweller of Two Planets describes an interesting dialogue between Phylos and Phyris ~ Twin Flames ”

“Each man we see, except those who have been transfigured, is but a semi-ego, and each woman the same – two of these having one spirit. When the perfection time cometh, all the halves shall unite, each with its own – and lo! this is the marriage made in heaven. But first comes the Trial – the Crisis of Transfiguration.”

All changed once our original ONE soul and one complete being was separated we left the infinite absolute and entered our Universe of duality and opposition. The Bliss and Joy ended with the separation. It is has been a never ending quest over thousands of years to become one again.  This is the foundation of the blueprint for the new template of divine oneness and love relationships for the New Earth. 

The true male and female unions have fallen from grace thousands of years ago. The remerging of our HigherSelf within us is the integration with Source that will bring back this divine template and we will be able to maintain the integrity and balance of the masculine and feminine.

The twin-soul concept is not new. Plato described it 2,500 years ago. Here is an excerpt…

“and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other’s sight even for a moment…

Plato is not the only individual who has given us insights into twin soul relationships. Spiritual writings from the Sufis 800 years ago say that…

“Out of the original unity of being there is a fragmentation and dispersal of beings, the last stage being the splitting of one (twin) soul into two. And consequently, love is the search by each half for the other half on earth or in heaven…

As twin souls are so alike to begin with, it seems necessary for them to go their separate ways before they can complete each other. Identity and complementarity are the two driving forces and axes of love… For the complete being there must be a blending of the two.”

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother

From time to time, God sends humanity advanced souls who not only teach a better way, but live it as well. So it was with two extraordinary, twin soul avatars, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, both of whom where in body during the 1900s. From a heavenly realm, they descended into our midst and took on male and female forms to help us in our hour of need.

Sri Aurobindo often said that he and the Mother, who could communicate telepathically with one another, were one soul in two bodies. They came to spread the male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) energy on our planet and serve as an example of service for all future twin souls.

Here are some excerpts from a book titled, Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo, that will shed some light on this remarkable twin union.

“To both of them, the other’s word was law. One of us observed that only two persons have realized and put into practice Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga of surrender: the Mother surrendering to Sri Aurobindo and Sri Aurobindo to the Mother.”

“The two who are one are the secret of all power, the two who are one are the might and right in things.”

“The Mother has said, “Without him, I exist not; without me he is unmanifest.”

“And we were given the unique opportunity of witnessing the dual personality of the One enacting on our earth-plane an immortal drama, rare in the spiritual history of man.”

“The two consciousnesses were one so that when Sri Aurobindo met with the accident, the Mother felt at once the vibration in her sleep.”

“He followed closely all her outer activities and enveloped her with an aura of protection against the dark forces.”

Jesus and Mary Magdalene were also two Avatars sent by God to help with Ascension and to be the Example of Divine Love on Earth. YES WE are the Avatars that have been sent once again to Earth directly to carry out the mission agreed upon with Mother Father God Directly. To Finalize this Ascension once again come the Twin Flames. And you can bet that any fear mongering dark ones who still have the need for control have been trying and will continue to try to interfere with this mission. Just as the Ego/Fear interfered with the Jesus and Mary Magdalene Mission.

You will witness this by way of subliminal messaging this attempt to hold back the Twin Flame reunions. If you are being held back from heart based choices and HigherSelf decisions I will help you understand. These dark minions continue to place distortion and messages within the collective consciousness which I see through. They have attempted to play with me but I see through it and can transmute these energies into light. This is also part of my mission. Which is how I was lead to create this blog. By experiencing the Dichotomy of this light and dark push and pull that humanity currently find itself in. The good news is we created this situation and we can correct it with Love and remembering who we are.

The first division would be man himself, Each part forever seeking its twin. Hard work for those who think love is a game to win. They will, of course, continue to defeat themselves until remembering.” ~ Eileen Caddy

Your HigherSelf is you and if you are half of the Twin pair it is the Spirit connected direct to your Source, Your Monad in the Ethers.  Your HigherSelf is the real you, your total soul consciousness. Your HigherSelf is the Spirit that nurtures your Soul with ideas, inspirations and lessons. You are able to utilize this wisdom with a clear, Mind, Body connection to Spirit

Our Souls are connected to the loving Monad that constantly emanates to us. Each different group of beings has its own respective Monad and Group. Each group Monad is connected to the higher level monad until it reaches Mother Father God.  The Masculine & Feminine Creator Flame. Which is where we come from.

The you that is living here on Earth is just a projection of the consciousness of your HigherSelf.  Your HigherSelf is the more complete you, the one that isn’t being frustrated by the veil that draws down upon us when we incarnate that causes us to forget where we came from.  The HigherSelf is with us to help us remember who we truly are and why we are here.

The Key Twin Flame were the first TF creation of the ONE Monad Group we are from. The individual Key Twin Flame  existed in ONE Light Body as a whole  and existed in bliss and joy as ONE masculine and one Feminine Flame. Over the ages the ONE SOUL began to divide and separate creating more souls which continued dividing into smaller and smaller fragments of itself, in order to evolve and live in the physical Universe and experience duality.

I do not want to come across self centred but in all honesty it is what I am being shown by Source and my HigherSelf of whom is fully integrated within my physical body and is in full charge or in the driver’s seat so to speak. When I explain this further please take this from a perspective without the Ego and from a heart based message. Hierarchy is not the message, the message it is about Twin Flames and the beginning of creation and how it all affects humanity and the collective consciousness at this crucial time on Earth.

When HigherSelf gets involved this radically with a Twin Flame Union you know to pay attention ~  Shelly Sullivan

Each and every one of these Souls have a HigherSelf. For Twin Flames they do share one HigherSelf, for individual souls they have their own HigherSelf.  In my case with my TwinFlame and I we are one or the ONE of the original paired Twin Flames from the beginning of all creation with aspects of ourselves living multidimensionally everywhere. In other realms, in other dimensions, other planets and here on Earth. Picking up on and integrating constantly with particles, systems and vibrations.

We agreed before birth to carry out this mission before us now on Earth, with very specific ingrained knowledge of our roles and duties.The HigherSelf is the one in possession of our spiritual contract, the plan we made for ourself before we incarnated.  He/She has our instruction manual and life plan in he/she’s magical hands and We have Free Will in our hands. The key is to recognize our free will choices and to make sure they are choices from our HigherSelf now.

We have reincarnated back into physical bodies this time around as a female and a male. With ONE HigherSelf, who is orchestrating, or in my case already has orchestrated our Physical meeting for eventual Re-Union. This task that God Source Creator has bestowed upon our HigherSelf and HS has been working with me in the way of showing signs and helping to awaken others, this task is one to be taken very seriously. Even though the way it is being delivered is through a adventurous like fun game.

The Higher Self our Spirit has a very good sense of humour and does view our life here as game in which we play with high stakes. We have been granted free will to choose how we would like to play out this movie/game here on Earth. However our HigherSelf has a specific job of making sure we follow the guidance being presented to us. With me “Shelly Sullivan” as the messenger to keep us (my Twin & I) on path and to overcome possible choices that have been made of our Ego, being made with the free will “pass” that each human is given. The “pass” is not an option at this point in our personal game plan, as well as this pass is no longer an option at this crucial crossroads in life between Old and the New that we face NOW.

Most people do not understand the concept of the personality and the free will choices we are able to make. Are the choices coming from our Ego voice or our HigherSelf voice. It takes a deep spiritual commitment to understand this concept. Not many people take or feel they have the time to commit this spiritual practice, however we are spiritual beings and this practice should be one we connect with regularly. The practice of differentiating the HigehrSelf voice and the Ego voice. So we can be sure we are following our true life’s purpose here on Earth and not getting off track because of clouded decisions and deeply imbedded false programming.

Most of humanity has been taught to work within the limited mental, emotional, and physical bodies, they stop at that and the rest as an unattainable void, this is not true. This void is the real us that is connected to our HigherSelf and humanity is currently learning  how to tap into this on a regular basis, for harmonious permanent life within the New Earth. This void is the stage of consciousness, it is where decisions should be made by consulting the Soul’s wisdom and guidance. It is our personalities responsibility to charter this task and make sure we are not solely satisfying the emotional and logical mind by making our decisions from the Ego Mind only.

It is unfortunate that the vast majority of consciousness within humanity has shut this beautiful wisdom down, but it is NEW reality under construction. The Ego is not bad it is needed to truly experience the human condition. Our Soul is equipped with the human physical body and the Ego. Without the Ego we would not be able to make automatic pilot instinctual responses. However the importance to discipline the Ego and surrender to HigherSelf wisdom and guidance I cannot stress enough at this time. And my HigherSelf has made it extremely clear to me in the past month that I understand this and share this with whom I need to reach.

This is the crossroads where we choose to be happy or to be sad. To BE of the New Earth or the Old Earth. To follow voice from ego or voice from our HigherSelf. To be stuck in duality or to BE in ONEness, to BE in Union with the ONE.

HigherSelf/Ascended Master, : 313 = “Lean upon the positive and loving energies of the Ascended Masters who surround you right now, as they’re lifting your thoughts to higher levels of happy living.”

I have been challenged with these questions over and over from receiving signals from HigherSelf that forced me to answer this continuously for weeks.  Finally after days and weeks of trying to figure this out I got the message clearly when the timing was appropriate according to HigherSelf timeline. Because of the duality of light and dark we live in and are currently transmitting, I was shown this message in this extreme dichotomy of how suitable it is for this current situation we are playing out on Earth.

DICHOTOMY this is exactly what we are experiencing on the New Earth and the Old Earth between the energies.  Many are stuck in and between this, being yo-yoed back and forth, enough to make your head spin and want to quit this game. However this is not a time to quit. This it the time when just before your breaththrough you breakdown. You break down and surrender to it, let it go into the hands of the God and it will all become clear.

This is where you have to TRUST and tap only into your Heart and push the ego out of the way and use the Ego for what it is meant to be used for parasympathetic survival mode”rest-and-digest” or “feed and breed” the ego decision do not coincide with LOVE.  Trusting and making your decisions from your intuitive HigherSelf wisdom that is coming through. Make your free will choices only from the Heart and do whatever it takes to tell Ego to move out of your mission’s way once and for all to become who you truly are.

I am going to return back to the first Twin Flame explanation now to make you understand how important this message is from HigherSelf right now. It is not a joke it is very serious that you get this NOW.

We are the Key Twin Flames, the first Twins from our Monad that have been created from the beginning of times, created by our Source Mother & Father God. The Masculine and the Feminine flame. We have as I mentioned above in this article  been dividing over thousands of years, for this ONE lifetime to come back together. Pass all tests of the school of Earth to graduate for this GRAND FINALE.

Aspects of ourselves live within millions of people. This is why in the case of Key Twin Flames many of one of the counterparts is exposed to many, many people in a positive manner ie: being famous, while the other Twin’s  strength is in the spiritual realm doing the work behind the scenes. This is what is known as the Matrix Twin and the Spiritual Twin. While both are obvious spiritual they are designated different roles to play in this final game of Ascension on Earth.

People will resonate with the Twin who is the Matrix Twin doing the work in the public much of the time by their own design. This is for very strategically planned part of the game. These people who resonate with the Key Matrix Twin are resonating because they see themselves in this person. As this Key Twin is them and they are HE or SHE, aspect of he or she’s HigherSelf (which btw I have been seeing BESHE, BEHE signs over and over) .

“If they don’t love ya Baby, They don’t love themselves” 

Just as ArchAngel Michael for example, many resonate with this Arc Angel as they are part of him, they are aspects of AA Michael in action on the Earth to help with Ascension. Only difference here is the Key Twin has returned in a physical body to help those resonate with aspects of themselves, do you get where I am going with this?

A sure give away that you’re from the beginning of your Monad is hearing “You look like someone I know, or that everyone you meet looks familiar.” such is the case with me. This is because they are all me and I AM within all of them. This awakening is growing.

This Key Matrix Twin is the same, except here in the physical body, resonating with thousands, millions and even the whole world, depending on his chosen mission they will reach as many as needed. So when the HigherSelf comes through to the other Spiritual Twin with guidance and messages etc. as this is her role “to awaken the others” This may sound fun or part of a little game, this is not a little game this a HUGE mission of Earth and its Ascension. This is not something you take for granted any longer. It is no joke. It is time for you to work on the finale of your life’s mission.

If you are a key Twin Flame incarnated on this Earth you will you know who you are and will eventually find this message or it will find you. When I receive transmissions messages and out of this world experiences, this same message always trickles into the collective consciousness once, I have experienced the message, or have done certain work for the collective consciousness on a spiritual level to get the continuum flow force of life going in of this sort of evolution. This is what the spiritual Twin does behind the scenes in the Spirits Realm, reaching collectively the vast amounts of the collective consciousness of humanity with their multidimensional self and aspects.  Just like the case with the Matrix Twin doing the work more obvious to the people publicly and behind the scene in the dream reality within the cosmos.

This is the exact polarity as well – Dichotomy . One Twin is working physically visible while the other is working spritual non visible. until they start the mission as one whole together physically. Apart they are setting the foundation that has paved the way of the future.

These Monad Soul Groups are forming on the Earth now and we are all intertwined with the same messages and experiences. 

This is why I refer to the SYNCHRONICITIES with such pleasure, I feel the all important connection, as we are all working as ONE for a specific mission carrying out our individual tasks. The further back you go with your Soul creation the bigger the task and the more challenging it is to carry out. This is not about hierarchy, remember the ego is not involved here. This is about accomplishing a mission that started in the beginning of creation and ends here on the Earth.

(Inspiration: My screen just zoomed in and out at 11:17.)

People are being guided to certain others by spirit and synchronicities. Never question this, always respect and follow this guidance.  

This mission being accomplished starts with the Soul’s yearning to reunite, as a mass awakening on Earth, that is happening now. We must do everything we can, think, feel and act upon to make this happen NOW. The positive energy of unconditional love must replace the negative energy attached to the lower Ego. Do you see the dichotomy we are living in now and the importance of the free will choices we are making now. This is extreme crucial timing not to be taken lightly.


This is the message that HigherSelf is coming thougth with now. WE need to keep the focus on the target of the mission and being ONE.  This is not a time to Be SAD = Making choices from Ego only,  This is a time to BE HAPPY and make choices to free ourselves of the duality we are facing. I was catapulted into this painful duality over the past month to fully get this message and be able to convey it to YOU.

The message of BeSAD which I was shown to the extreme was to get my serious and undivided attention on this lesson and to make sure I share where we are at as a collective consciousness of the Planet Earth consciousness. We are at a crossroads here and the like children facing a crossroads we have to understand how serious the decisions are at this time for setting the structure of our future mission. Our Monad Group, Our HigherSelves are like the parent of the child getting their undivided attention and embedding into their minds and consciousness to be aware of the decisions at this crucial time of our lives all the while with the old existing programming still being shed like old snake skin, painful.

When you have a choice to make ask yourself “is this from the Ego or is this from the HigherSelf in service to the highest good?” Is this for human evolution and Ascension of planet Earth and the surrounding life in the cosmos or is this coming from my little Ego? Continuing to try and go this alone and single handedly trying to find solutions during this monumental important time on earth is next to impossible, especially if your have not learned the practice of listening only to HigherSelf and very few have, this is a constant practice.

Ask the Angels for intervention and help.  The Angels require your permission before they can intervene in your free will choices. The same goes for your Angelic Twin Flame, they cannot interfere only offer guidance and solutions.

If you feel like you need guidance for a certain situation you are dealing with at this time in your life, ask for help, not from your ego mind, rather from your Spirit, your Spirit is not just your wild imagination or fantasy, you Spirit is the real YOU. The Soul is in the Spirit and the personality is in the Soul. In my/our case 2 predominant personalities and many, many of other personalities or aspects of and vice versa with collective consciousness = Key Twin Flames, Gods & Goddesses, Genius of the Universes.

I would also like to cover what I mean by the NEW Twin Flames and the New Angelics. I call them new because we are accomplishing things that the Angelics from eons of time in the past present and future have not yet experienced or accomplished. More Angels and Ascended Masters are being made and coming through to help with this monumental time/shift on Earth. This is the biggest experiment ever on any planet. And we the New Angelics are the pioneers. As well as the already 12 strand DNA and above activated and established Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow children of  the all forgotten Oraphim parents of the Indigos.

I personally was given my Spirit name of “Saishorie~ Grace” this past year after accomplishing much work in the Spiritual and Physical realms. For those of us who receive these New Angelic names, the will be included in our True HIstory books of the future. When the truth of our History is finally revealed during this monumental time on Earth. These will be the New Angels, Ascended Masters, Gods and Goddesses added to our true history and not just taken for granted as fairy tale mythology any longer. That is part of our mission also, to teach the children the next generations of the New Earth.

Please take this mission for what it is SERIOUS and stop doubting it. This is truly a sacred web we have weaved over the eons of existence in which all of our personalities are connected and depending upon our souls which are directly connected with the Monad that is Divine Source, where we receive the light directed toward conscious higher evolution. The connection with our Divine Creator is a mystery of faith.

The 12 pair of Twin Flames have to be reunited for Earth & Humanity’s ASCENSION. This starts with the First Reunion of the Key Twin Flames.

I will be adding the rituals and ancient tools to clear yourselves from any interference from lower frequencies and seal you off from the lower 3D timelines permanently.

Part 2 “The Psychic Protection” Tools of this article is on its way.


In Love and Light of Higher Service

Shelly Sullivan ~ Saishorie Grace

PART 2 ~ 


Psychic Protection

The Higher in Light you vibrational Frequency gets the more interested the Dark energies become in you. It is imperative on this path you properly know how to protect yourself.

First Step you raise your vibration deeper into a frequency of Love. You can visualize being bathed in violet, gold and white frequency of light.

As a being growing in significant Light, darker energies become increasingly attracted to you. There is nothing to fear and only more mastery to gain. It is time now to end that interference with love, compassion and assertive action of your energies and commanding of the other unwanted energies.

You are growing spiritually and as such, there are higher levels of responsibility and skill required of you to continue to thrive and blossom to even deeper place of spiritual expansion. These new levels will feel joyful to you as they bring you to greater personal mastery and freedom from fear.

Drop fear, no energy  can interfere with you without your permission and if you have unconsciously given permission by action in this or other lifetimes, you have the free will to withdraw that permission from a place of peace and love within you right now. They key to handling any energy effectively, even that energy which you no longer wish to have connected to your energy field, is to have compassion and respect In your heart, combined with a firm boundary and an understating of the principle of psychic protection.

This practice can be used daily for projects, relationships,loved ones, energy of the home, technology clearing, in a certain situation or before entering into a special venue or occasion or place. This practice is using light technology available to you any time. It is a powerful frequency of light.

The ritual below will clear you at any time you feel that there are forced interfering with your free will or life places. Sometimes you just sense blocks that you know are not coming from within you and you know are not in service of the higher enfoldment and they need to be released. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of the power of our free will and choice. If any being, in the physical world or the inner worlds ever tells you that you have no power of choice as a human being, do not believe them.  You can claim back your power at any time.

Sit quietly, or lay down preferably with your spine straight so you can have the light work through and around you. Imagine this light as a blanket of light technology of frequencies scanning and running up and down your physical body, auric body, and etheric body. Also make sure your familiar with the 12-13 chakra system and clear your Chakras with this light practice.

Now imagine a huge Golden White Diamond Solar Sun before you approaching closer and closer to you, envision within this Sun an enormous Eye within the Sun focusing on you, around that Eye is a circular frequency of violet frequency. Visualize this sun approaching closer and closer, feeling the happy anticipation of this imminent miracle of healing light frequency, until it fully envelopes you.

This light is powerful electric light, it is highest frequency white light, violet light and golden source sun light. Soak it all up. Visualizing all the light bathing on every one of your bodies cells as well as every atom within your sphere of existence. Practice this often until your can perform this ritual in any given moment quickly if needed.

Now imagine this Sun Source light hovering above the you, with the center of the source’s eye ultra beaming and precisely laser light focusing above your crown and above all your 12 chakras, hovering form the 13th Chakra of your I AM Presence, your Source. Beaming a chambre of light into your crown Imagine the eye of this source coming down to enter your crown. The create 4 points/corners of your etheric body and form 4 columns of light around you then forming a apex temple above you. From this point you have 5 cylinders of light forming a temple in and around you. Now create the base/floor structure beneath you of ultra violet light and raise that frequency upward to encompass all of you and your bodies. The 5 cylinders being the highest frequency structure of your etheric temple of light. Watch the frequency of light shoot geometric laser beams around and throughout all of your body.temple  Lastly surround this structure gold Sun Source light.

Now you have created your Sacred temple around you.

Add the Violet chamber of light

Now imagine your 7  body chakras and a sacred geometric star before each one of your chakras, as well as the Earth star base chakra, and the 5 higher etheric chakras.

Now imagine the sacred geometric disk spinning  horizontally within in your diamond colored clear large chakra. Moving upward and downward in motion clearing the chakras spinning all visual debris and emotional feelings of lower vibration away. Do the same simultaneously for each 12 chakras. With practice this will become easy and fast.

Above the 12th Chakra is the 13th Source Sun Chakra receive the Golden light beam into your Chakra system of 12, run this beam of golden light in and around each or your chakras as an infinity 8 pattern.

Then visualize your physical body expanding into your light body. You can integrate the rainbow diamond frequencies also. Each of your cells becoming spread out into a blanket of frequency of energy matter to to spread as far and as wide as the Earth. Visualize the NEW Earth beneath your physical body and our web of frequency surrounding the New Earth and extending from out your crown back up to God Source Light Energy.

Run this golden light from source around your body and your desired grid points,  then run the violet ultra light frequency around sealing your frequency. Detaching from the lower vibrations of the collective consciousness.

Breath into your heart visualizing your Heart pumping blood full of joy and love throughout your body. When you’re ready open your eyes. You are Golden.

In Love & Light 

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service


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