Earth Star Alliance ~ Mission

Earth Star Alliance

Who is this:

These are groups that are connected to the off World Beings that have the highest good for the Planet Earth and all its inhabitants, humanity, animals, elementals, new councils and new systems for the greatest good of all involved. This consciousness is all ONE and connected and works through the heart. Their interests are common in the sense of LOVE. They understand that heart based Love is crucial for the Planet at this time. They understand that Unity Consciousness is the way forward.

The Lion Beings are a big part of the Earth Star Alliance. They were here when the Earth was first seeded. When the wars and conflicts started they left as those low vibrations were not conducive tho their missions. The mission is to help worlds live in abundance, harmony, love, joy and creation.

Our World is obviously not that at this time. The Off World Beings – The Lions Beings and many other Galactic Races and Councils have great interest in seeing this through – that the Planet Earth World(s) get back to a place of stabilization and God Consciousness. This means that the Key Twin Flames of the Earth be in alignment and stabilization. This is the work that has been under way, to bring the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine back into balance. This is the KEY.

To bring about this balance, liberation through the chaos by the Feminine had to be achieved for renewal and change to progress. While the masculine conserved through order and control to help maintain and preserve what is Love and Good in the true Love, and balanced higher template of Love.

Below is text from a course Tim Whild on the Law of One.

“The Universal Law of OneThe Universal Eternal Law of One is embodied within all creation and solely governs frequency to ensure that all existence vibrates within pure harmonic frequencies.

All disharmonious manifestations are not sustained and reach a state of chaos so that they return to the pure harmony of the Law of One.

The impulse of the I AM Presence emanates infinite intelligence within every frequency seeking to raise vibration to its highest expression within the Law of One. These impulses form the Twelve Divine Principles of Love, Grace, Harmony, Manifestation, Polarity, Evolution, Correspondence, Nature, Attraction, Rhythm, Change, Cause and Effect.

The Source of all Life is invested in its creation – always in All Ways.

Spirituality is the journey of experiencing that which is Above, So Below and discovering our connection with that which is Sacred Within and Holy With All.

A Sacred Heart that is connected to the Sacred Mind will always speak Sacred Messages with a Sacred Voice. Listen carefully and feel All who speak, act and do within the Harmony of the Law of One.”

The HigherSelf of the Sacred Messenger is saying that the Universal Law of One has been working through the chaos to renew the surrounding fields of Earth frequency to a harmonic frequency to Love. This has been accomplished in the Etheric Realms of most Planetary Systems and they thrive in God Consciousness. Now the stage has been set for the Planet Earth to finish the work on the ground level of Earth to reach the God Consciousness state of Bliss.

To do this the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculines, as many as possible, starting with Key Twins and there Soul Monad must come into balance. This means a conducive environment for BOTH  the masculine and feminine. This is crucial at this time. It is not about separation where a feminine needs to be “financially independent” that is a old distorted program that supports separation of the trinity family units and distorted feminine. She is abundance in all forms already. The original blue print of the family unit is the original feminine and masculine principles and upon Earth they do have their roles.

The Feminine should be supported by the Masculine whatever the status once the balance within has  been achieved.

The Soul Balance has been achieved as the Lion/Felidae Family have integrated Spiritually into the Divine Spiritual Messenger(s). The Feminine Feline as the The Royal Blue Black Panther and the Masculine Lion as the Golden Royal Lion Head.

I have worked with these Beings for years and the Balance for Earth is set and ready for the final balance to be achieved upon the Earth Plane. The Etheric work has been carried out making Galactic integration within humanity possible, through the millions of Starseeds upon Earth. Many of which still need the guidance as to who there family origins are and we show the way (way shower) – Star Parents and Soul Family Leaders.

The Earth Star Mission

The mission is to teach about Love. To raise the frequency of Planet Earth’s Consciousness. The prerequisite is and Balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in order to successfully reach physical Reunion – Unity Consciousness with Divine Soul Family, Twin Flames, Soul Partnerships and to bring in the Feminine energies to Earth.

When someone physically works out and becomes stronger, they need to increase their challenge to continue to grow. When an individual gets to a certain level of spiritual advancement, they naturally become inclined to take on greater spiritual challenges for their continued growth. There are few tasks harder in the universe than taking on the challenges of “Soul Braiding.” Considering that we are Multidimensional Beings, this is really not a strange experience.

The soul, as a spark of the Creator, chooses to express its creativity in many different dimensions of time and space all occurring simultaneously! Another aspect of your own soul may participate in both (or either) the soul braiding and/ or walk-in process. Or, another entirely different soul, one you know from another dimension of time and space, may blend with you for the present dance of life upon the Earth. Interactions such as these are quite common.

The Divine Royals,

133 is the Christ Consciousness, 144 is the Lion Consciousness. I have been shown this for a long time however not until today did I full understand that we as a collective consciousness are evolving into a higher consciousness. Picking up where Yeshua and Mary Magdalene planted the Christ Consciousness and now evolving this Christ Consciousness into Lion Consciousness.

Since the Lion Consciousness Merge, I have established my HigherSelf Lion Being. This is a massive Golden Sacred Sentient Being of Lion Consciousness that is my OverSoul. This energy is a combination of Sun, Lion, Sacred Geometry, a Spine that reaches into the sky with a long strong tail.  He is Sun Energy with a thick mane like the masculine Lion. He has guided me/accompanied me through my initiation into the Christ’s Bride, through anointing, baptism finally God Head Oneness for the Masculine and Feminine initiations.

2 nights ago I lay awake most of the night. Drifting off into theta here and there when all of the sudden I see a Lion Being. He is a majestic masculine Lion in a human body. He is dressed in deep purple/violet crushed velvet with gold trim. Jewls are around him as he stands in his God Presence. I just see him through out night, appearing as I fade in and out of sleep. Then I hear the words Consort not once but 3 times.

Later the Divine Lioness came to me and she is a “Royal Blue” is the name of this Royal Group – Blue-Black Panther Divine Feminine of extraordinary beauty that I cannot describe in words. Her fur is rich blue and black as her blue/black eyes. Her paws caressed me in motherly love and it was beyond beautiful love essence. She stood upright like a human disposition

I have written a lot on the Royal Masculine Lion whom I have merged with and in the meantime have just recently as per the above experience with the Black Panther been reminded of her.  I will share this from my book that I have been reminded of as who the Divine Feminine is:

“I could feel another being with me. The energy of the being within me was moving back and forth with my being. I even asked the teacher if she noticed my body wavering back and forth during our weekend training. She answered, “No.”

Whenever I closed my eyes and felt with my higher senses, I could feel another being with me. This was when I discovered I had another being braiding within me.

Our Reiki teacher went around the circle to do an attunement. When she came to me, I couldn’t wait to hear what would come about. She said, “Shelly, you have a very strong Presence/Being with you. It is communicating to me. It is coming through with the Energy of a Black Panther as your Animal totem.”

She was very intrigued with me and my energy. Just after my merge with Divine Feminine Source back in 2014 (My walk-In experience) The Black Panther showed up to me again and again messaging me as my predominant power animal…other ones are the White Owl and the Horse. Animals have messages for us. Here is the Black Panthers message which holds truth for me:

“The Panther is a very ancient and powerful spirit guide and picks up subtle vibrations. This power animal contains knowledge of a galactic origin, and have a responsibility to look after and respect this knowledge.

Panther holds the secrets of worlds that are unseen and are associated with lunar energies. Within the darkness of night resides the truth of creation.

Black Panther’s Power Includes astral travel, guardian energy, symbol of the feminine, death and rebirth, understanding of death, reclaiming ones power, ability to know the dark, aggressiveness and power without solar influence, reclaiming Power.

When experiencing the presence of panther, one of their most striking feature is the eyes, It seems to see right through the body. Those with panther medicine can use their eyes as a healing tool and have the potential to heal on a cellular level.

The black panthers sleek, smooth and sensual coat has been linked to sexuality. If panther comes into your presence you will feel the power of sexual energy triggering you to embrace your sexuality fully and heal any issue surrounding this.”

Black Panthers are known for their mystical powers, the feminine energy; they are natural cellular healers, guardians and shapeshifters. (

To demonstrate this to me further the Cat eyes presented through my eyes throughout a video I created. I believe this transpired to help heal those who were receptive to the healing while watching my “video”. Here a video clip of the video in its full version titled “How I manifested Meeting …(My Famous Masculine Counterpart)  as I was just now prompted to share it by my mouse cursor scrolling back up to the word “video”



This information brought into Earth by the braiding in of this spirit being was feminine energies of ancient wisdom and spiritual knowledge. However, the most predominant feature was the pureness of the energy that came in. Pure Source Consciousness Energy was brought in to heighten the overall vibration of my Mind, Body and Soul. This enabled me to further propel me on my mission here on Earth.

Lastly I will share a dream message I experienced years ago about Donald Trump, when it was first announced he was to act as President. At this time many were astonished at this twist of events for Earth. When I heard I knew it was divinely orchestrated as I wrote in my book in the last chapter.  His role whether people chose the perspective of his role as a villain or a hero was also orchestrated. Just as those chosen to publicly support this role or as villain or hero was divinely orchestrated.

The Dream Message (2018): I watched Trump on a podium amidst millions of people speaking on the current affairs in the “World of Revelations” coming out now. He was nervous inside, very nervous before he started to speak but he conducted himself as poised and ready as natural. It took him a while to start to speak in front of the millions waiting to hear. I was in the back dressing room area as a nobody apparently somehow got in back stage. I was there as a nobody, yet I was everything in Spirit – The Divine Feminine Spirit.

The reason he was so nervous was he was to announce the importance of the Divine Feminine Energy in this World. The merge of the “New” Patriarchy” and the “New Monarchy” becoming ONE.

Patriarchy: relating to or characteristic of a system of society or government controlled by Divine Masculine Energy..

Monarchy: a form of new governmental council with a monarch at the head Divine Feminine Energy.

This is what is happening now. However I believe there will be Councils directed by off World Royals who have returned for this vary purpose. There will no longer be One or Two male or female leaders controlling countries there will be councils fully balanced with their feminine and masculine within. Millions of the Starseeds on Earth are source connected with their Star Family and know it or will soon know it.

The dream of Trump was symbolic future message of a Divine Masculine Energy that is ready to come out. Just as I was symbolic future message of the Divine Feminine Spirit that is ready to be known. Although I feel Trump has had his place and purpose for this clean up, I do not think he will be solely leading the U.S. like many think, I feel and have been shown there will be other Male and Female Council Member of the Earth Star Alliance who will assist with this change over of the Guard.

So this brings me to my next point. I included to you about my experiences with ET’s. The one in particular important one is when I awoke on a galactic ship with a team of scientist testing my light body and blood. Here is the excerpt in my Book Adventures of Saishoire~Grace, Sovereign Being.

“Here is what I experience:

I was put into a “paralyzed” state of being. While I was going “under,” they moved my body to see if I could still feel it. Eventually I could not. They took tests of my crystalline body. Its holographic form was white light frequency, I viewed this remotely with my Higher Self. They took blood out of my physical body using needles in my thigh and front veins on my foot. That’s when I got distressed because my feet are very sensitive. I saw that they were a crew of Scientists and Doctors of Extraterrestrial Beings. While all of this was transpiring, I was being distracted by a friend sitting on the bed with me pretending to read me a book. I wasn’t scared, just curious. I did not see what the faces looked like only the bodies dressed in medical attire, I only felt their presence and knew exactly what they were doing. I felt safe, the only part I did not like was the paralysis, though it felt like I knew this was a necessity at this stage. I was purposely allowed to be in a certain consciousness to remember. It took me about ten minutes after the procedure to open my eyes and move again even though I was fully awake. I went outside right away to get some fresh air. When I was 22, I experienced the same procedure but different samples were taken.”

Since then I have remembered a lot. The samples that were taken when I was 22 was not the ET Group the Arcturians, it was the ET group from the Orion Grey’s and they took eggs from my ovaries for a Hybrid operation (they were not suppose to do this).

Then over the next few years (2015 – 2020) I noticed bruises consistently on my feet where the blood has been taken from me. I am now anaemic and building up my blood. Not sure if this is part of why I am low in iron or not. My dog also had track marks on the veins of her back leg (ankle area).

 In 2010 I was shot up with a (metal) drone wasp in 2014 that contained massive amounts of toxins to slowly start to show up as a myriad of auto immune disease(s) in my very healthy vessel that I had worked diligently on perfecting over 20 years by becoming an expert in anti-aging (holistically) and by my lifestyle as a Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher and Spiritual Messenger. I was shown by Spirit we are to live well beyond what most are programmed to believe.

Spirit then showed me more about this drone attack, here is a excerpt from my book about this:

“Not only was she implanted with false beliefs and false programming, which she eventually conquered, but upon her spiritual awakening, the dark adversaries tried to suppress her again and planned and executed an attack on her. This attack was very subtle but very effective. They intravenously forced venom into her blood system. The venom was darted into her arm by way of a drone type wasp insect that was full of liquid toxins and created disease in her body. This venom is known to the human race as “Lyme disease.”

She was joyfully driving down along one of the main streets near her house and going about 60 km an hour, out of nowhere a wasp darted onto her left arm from resting on the open window. The attack was rapid and forceful. Immediately, she looked at this wasp injected into her arm and shook the drone like insect off her limb. The stinger remained and she had a heck of a time pulling it out. Her arm was so irritated that she drove right to the medical clinic. They prescribed her antibiotics but she never filled the prescription as she knew the serious side effects of this other pharmaceutical killer.

The following many months she questioned this incident and instinctively knew this was not natural. She eventually received answers from her Higher Self that this venom would act as a wakeup call in one sense.

She kept her body so healthy that symptoms did not appear until 3 years later. The symptoms started to appear when her journey was at a peak of stress in her personal life and as Gaia shifted into her 5th dimension.

The infectious virus deliberately shot into her bloodstream was about to be revealed to her.

The story started to become clear. She recalled 6 years ago when this very peculiar event took place with the wasp. Her intuitive knowing shouted to her, it was the wasp that was darted into her arm that poisoned her. She started to take this very seriously and did more and more research. She learned that every symptom of the manmade disease was showing up in her body. The biggest tell-tale sign was her compromised immune system that her body was constantly battling, and yet, she always held herself in a perfect state of health and treated her body with the most respect and integrity as it is her temple. She used methods that ran the spectrum from mindful meditation, to exercise and yoga, maintaining a superfood diet, juicing, positive and creative visualization, cellular healing, vitamin therapy and everything under the sun to keep her temple healthy.

 This venomous attack must have been a huge dose, and she questioned if this could be an ongoing attack. Are there other ticks and mosquitos affecting her system to this day? Now she was on a mission. She was worried and not in the present moment, until an old beat up farm truck swerved before her and cut in front of her. She slammed on her brakes and boom, she saw in front of her windshield a license plate with “LYME DIS.” A feeling of utter revelation came over her. She was out of body with her Higher Self to accompany her while she received this sign as if it were straight out of a movie, an unbelievable event transpiring here in front of her eyes.”

Although this felt like a dark attack a psychic had told her in 2015 that this venom was a divine wake up call. If this was true the divine wake up call was to lead here into the ultimate mission of being the stewardess of uncovering the Corona Virus Plandemic.

Autoimmune Disease- Bio Weapons is what the Corona Virus is along with 5G direct energy weapon attacks is what causes the slow death if not cleared out.

Now 5 years later in 2022 I was again hit with Lyme’s Disease and Spirit orchestrated the whole thing. All this information is leading up to a huge point of my email please read on…. Here is the excerpt I wrote recently about my recent bout of Lyme.

“One day while in work at my Nutrition job September 2021, it was a quiet morning and I decided to open book from the shelf. I grabbed the book Liver Rescue book from Anthony William. I intentionally communicated to my Spirit before opening up a random page to please show me a message that is best for me at this time. I opened the book and it opened to the random page. The page was the 1st page of the Chapter Lyme disease. I can say I was not completely surprised as I am no stranger to Lyme disease as I have written about in my Book, and experienced so much and healed this once already. My first book Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Sovereign Being is the name of my first book where all full content is written.

I read the beginnings of the chapter and it explained that Lyme is often triggered by betrayal. When I first contracted Lyme in 2010 the symptoms  did not show up until 2016  this is when major betrayal on various levels started to unravel in my life. In 2017 is when it was the most debilitating for me, as I was very sick with fevers and flus for 2 years.

I thought I had gotten rid of this virus. But opening the book to the Lyme Chapter showed me differently. Not only did Spirit show me this Chapter, but not two weeks later after visiting my beloved son’s dog did I get bit by a tick. This happened twice on two different incidents. I have video of the ticks and they were pulled out the back of my knee joint and the elbow joint. The second tick bite looked like it got me as it had the red bulls eye symptom around it. I decided not to go into panic or fear and let it slide. However I did start to think about a Healer I know who has become an expert on Lyme as he mysteriously contracted it while treating me back in 2016. When he contracted it I knew he was targeted and that’s how he got it. But try to tell him that. Any I gave him my protocol and he used his own methods of trial and error for 16 month and figured the treatment to kill this parasitic dis-ease.

He The Healer kept coming into my mind for 2 days and I wondered how he was and if I should call him because of my new epiphany on Lyme. The third day after thinking of him,  synchronistically he came into my work place at the store. He had a mask on and I was walking out of the bathroom and felt him. I did not see him, I felt his energy and knew it was him. Then I looked at him and it was him ( I know energy).This was DIVINE INTERVENTION. I have since got onto the protocol to kill this virus and get it out of my blood once and for all and teach humanity how to get the current (jab) parasite out of there blood stream.


Every thing I go through is a direct mirror of what Mother Earth and humanity is going through, this is fact and I have proof of experience many times over. Earth and Humanity has been infected for eons with a parasite that is being cleared out.

 Again the truth that I had Lyme came out. The symptoms were triggered by a traumatic event that took place among family. This traumatic event was orchestrated with out a doubt and left me sick, really sick for days. This is when I knew the tick bites were in fact a re-infection that got me again to wake me up FULLY HEAL ME, so I could come into Union of Love with my Counterpart.

These fevers and flus were accompanied by Direct Energy Weapons Attacks (DEW directed at me. I have written a PDF short book on this, here is the link. **************

My point is the injection of the toxic liquid put in me is a much greater volume than the injection of bad vaccine (some were not toxic) that has been shot up/injected into millions of innocent people. Direct Energy Weapons such as 5G that can be activated to become a weapon at any time and directed at groups or families or neighbourhood, or individuals on demand, go hand in hand with the toxic injection. 

Further some of the nano technology injected into people can be triggered as a weapon when traumatized people are targeted with mind control which is already happening on the “old mainstream media” and wireless 5G technology of phones, laptops and iPads and radio – affecting its viewers and listeners.

I am a living example of what can happen to people who get these jabs and don’t take responsibility. Even though I have taken responsibility, just that I have been targeting heavily. As much as I have been targeting with this toxic venom, psychological warfare my body just keeps getting lighter and more powerful. My human is vulnerable but my Sprit is in charge. Just like the movie Lucy, where she gets all those chemicals put into her and transmutes by technology of her Light Body. 

When I watched that movie again in 2019 I was shown and felt this was a very significant movie for my mission, and to pay attention to how powerful this Lucy character became. She ascended out of body, I ascend in my body. Holding my fully activated Light body and my Human Body.

More to come…

Shelly Sullivan
