Extraordinary Balance of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Principles


Extraordinary Integration of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Principles

Mother Mary has been powerfully showing up to assist us with the balancing of the DF and DM. The Lion Headed Being(s) have been powerfully showing up to assist with the DF & DM as well and as I have written about .

The past many years the Divine Mother has been working through and with Us. She first appeared to me in the Granite Mountains of Rock in Muskoka, where by I did capture her image, particularly her face in the Rock formation surrounded by Rainbow Colours. I have a copy of this on one of my stored hard disks and in my book. Another time was while I was in Rome she showed her facial essence in an image the same way with her feminine face which I have published on this website a few times.

A statue I have of Mother and Son was on my shelf in 2019 and it fell off the shelf as to let me know she is working with me powerfully. This was at a time where I was firstly separated from living with my Son and was dealing with this. This past Christmas time while buying my son a Christmas gift, Mother Mary, The Divine Mother, The Divine Feminine of all came through again. I purchase gift wrapping for the gift and miraculously the tag for his name was Mother Mary with Child and a golden strip of paper with it. I still have this in my car today.

A couple of weeks ago a co-worker who was off shift came rushing into the restaurant needing to charge his phone his energy caught my attention and I went over to talk to him. While talking I looked at his phone and on his saver screen was an image of the Mother Mary with Child. A week later a different co-worker (last night) walked in with a Mother Mary T-Shirt on. I had to take a second glance to see if I was really seeing this and holy holy it was her again Mother Mary in this T-shirt, my friendly co-worker was happily sporting.

Another significant time was back in 2016 or 2017 I attended a ceremony for the Divine Feminine. It was the month of May when Mother Mary is celebrated. Before we headed our from the church to the sacred stone circle to do ceremony my phone started to play the ceremony of Mother Mary in Paris, France and I had not even known of the event taking place and the host of the ceremony was shortly leaving on a trip to Paris. This was a live telecast of the ceremony taking place in honour of the Divine Feminine/Mother Mary. I cannot quite remember the other synchronicities but the 20 or so other women with me were astounded at this sign and message from Mother Mary.

I have had several other significant powerful messages from the Mother and the last one I will include was when Mother Mary/Mary Magdalene came to me in her Universal body in 2017 when I was being initiated into the great purification of the Divine Feminine and Masculine by the Divine Mother.

The Divine Feminine’s Universal body appears to me in the most poised calm, elegant fashion while sitting in the Volcanic Fire of Purification. Mary was sitting in the Lotus position and her attire was the finest tailored suit available from the Yeshua-Jesus/Mary Magdalene Era. This Universal expression of Mary in the most calm state in the eye of the storm was the most Powerful essence and image of the Divine Feminine ever. I could write a book on this.  Mary Magdalene symbolized the Clean Up, however I see know that it was both Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary showing up in the Universal form as ONE.

Mary Magdalene ~ The Divine Feminine Cleans Up

Now that the purification has fully taken over the Divine Masculine is showing up in his most powerful way. The Divine Masculine Lion Headed Beings are here as I have demonstrated in my last YouTube video.  Since this time on August 14, 2022, the morning of, The most powerful Lion of Creation in its Celestial form integrated into his physical form showed up to me.

This is the 5th or so time the Lion Beings, specifically in the Masculine Lion form communicated to me. Before this communication began I was fully integrated with the Lion Headed Being back in August 8th, 2015 during ceremony which is written and published in my book. I described this Lion Headed Being in the Masculine gender as the essence of the Divine Being holds the qualities/essence of the Divine Masculine. The male characteristic of the male mane and physical body along with this male power energy, which is breathtakingly soft and powerful at the same time.

On August 12th, 2022 this is how the Lion Being of Creation showed up as I had written about on this date after this miraculous experience I had.

“So I asked my I AM Presence the Higher Self about this. When I ask for assistance from my Spirit it is not every time I get it. In fact they leave me on my own much of the time to figure things out with my own intuitiveness. But this time they came through. So this indicates that this is a massive event that has taken place.

My Higher Self came through to me in the Golden Water and Sand that I had made a video of last week. My HigherSelf showed itself to me. It was the Celestial Golden Lion Head. This was not just an image shown to me it was the Spirit itself, in its Golden White Diamond Spiritual form as a Lion of Royalty with a full mane. The head of the Lion came through from in the water facing to me as I look at him in the water and of the Sand  (looked more of the masculine Lion with gorgeous full mane) in all Gold. The eyes of the Lion were closed as were mine in this experience. The Lion was in the Water and of the Golden sand, a massive Lion head facing back to me as I stand looking into the Waters. This was the most real Light Being I have ever seen. Made up of the Sand, Water and Lion Essence. It is hard to explain but the feeling was a more real Being of Light Spirit not holographic even such as our own bodies. All I can say is this was REAL SPIRIT = What true Creation is made of and it is Golden. Speaking of Golden, a lady spoke those words to me a couple weeks ago stating to me “You are Golden” and know I know what HigherSelf meant. Although I know this, it is easy to forget when you are in the human form.” ~ Shelly Sullivan, Saishorie~Grace. 

Below is an image that best comes to mind to depict the image for this Lion Being made manifest from the Celestial Lion Creator and Heavenly Light – Spirit into Matter.

One of the times before this when the Lion in its full form of Royalty came forth was in February of 2021, when The Divine Feminine through me was honoured by the Star Family in the Sky, and the Divine Masculine was reconnected with or healed back into the God Head, along with the Lion Beings of Creation.

Details of the Feminine Christ Lion God Head Reunion ~ The Rebirth of the Sun

So this is a time of the celebration of the balance of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine as the purification work of the Divine M, F Principles work has been carried out by myself and my divine masculine other as well as million of other across this Planet and Galaxy, and Cosmos. The work that My Twin Flame and I have carried out has been massive and monumental for this Ascension  process upon Earth. 

The last blog I posted with a private Youtube video sharing to my Beloved on this website describes a little of this.

Lastly David Manning held a teleconference today synchronistically where I was guided to partake. I virtually attending along with 100 others across the globe live. What transpired:

Firstly the Lion Beings and Mother Mary came forth to join in ceremony, heading up the ceremony with us.

The Global Earth Masculine and Feminine Hearts were merged energetically, just as was carried out by myself and my masculine twin flame earlier this month. 

The Rainbow Light body of consciousness between our hearts danced in a celebration of Infinity 8 flow.

The Golden Christ Light was brought forth as the StarGate in the Galactic Central Sun was connected to all Hearts open to receive on this Earth.

Mother Gaia’s Heart Centre receive all of the Love and Golden Christ Light from the Lion Beings and the Great Galactic Sun.

The Hall of Records will be opened up as we have the access. I cannot write about this at this time but I can say it is all in the Eyes.

The distortion of conflict between the Masculine and Feminine was vacuumed out of my Light Body DNA by the Universal Powers that BE.

The Etheric Heart of the Masculine and Feminine became on Divine Blue Print.

The Angels partook as well as the Lion Headed Beings of Creation.

Golden Seeds of balance of the two polarities were seeded upon and in this Earth for all to receive. 

The Union of the Divine Key Twin Flames (My Twin and I) fully integrated our etheric balance and honoured each other with the utmost unconditional love.

The Power of the Lion and the Softness of the Feminine was symbolized by the Lion and the Rose as brought through by David Manning. The perfect conduit to carry out the Higher Self, I AM Presence Essence and Balance pre Ceremony of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. As always HigherSelf finds a way to convey the messages that are of the experience and work that is being carried out at this time. 

Now Humanity is Ready to come into Balance.

This image was taken by me in the summer of  2016 while visiting the Twin Trails on the Great Canadian Shield which I also have documented. The image is a real etched symbol of the Yin and Yang symbol that  I miraculously sat in front of in the Rocky Lake, you can see the waves of water flowing on the rock. So the symbol was made on the shore line of the Lakes tide. The Golden Rock etched with Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Balance. It was miraculous moment in time as I began this miraculous journey back into Love.

In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service
