New Sun Codex ~ Repost

Reminder of Who WE Are

New Sun Codex


Often Codes of information come through to the Way Showers as preparation for when Humanity is ready for the download. This New Sun Codex came through to me in 2017 and has continued with the coding downloading of the Galactic Central Sun where all of Creation is birthed.

After watching a video, I was reminded of the mission and my Sun Codex downloads. Here is the article I wrote and below is the video I watched that reminded me.

1.17.11 New Sun Codex

The below video @ 45:11 is where Sananda starts to discuss the Sun Codex. I just found this Twin Ray couple and after watching them it ignited a great inspiration of the Twin Ray Creators missions.

Every pair of Twins has its own journey and unique mission. What I find very common with this Twin Ray Story is how each upon their own journey did there work separately until it was time for their great massive expansion: Her, Shekinah is a walk-in of the higher aspect of the Divine Feminine and this took her 7 years to integrate her higher aspect. This is similar to my experience, however I integrated 2 Higher Aspect Divine Feminine over 9 years while still braiding the original Soul. This Soul Integration of the Divine Feminine Mother Energy has been a HUGE upgrading and healing in a (my)  physical body that is beyond comprehensible at this time. Not only is it a Divine Feminine advanced aspect it is also a Galactic Extraterrestrial DNA upgrading to prepare the frequencies for Union with our Galactic Family & Higher Aspects & Ancient and Future Spiritual Technology. #SYMPHONYOFLIGHT

Shekinah also found her masculine Twin Ray by guidance which she did follow and appeared to him in Spirit form. I found my Twin physically but was guided spiritually to this Union. His Spirit/Soul visited with me many times since our physical meeting. Later my Spirit/Angelic did fly in Spirit form to him and woke my Twin Ray up, very early in the morning, in the most powerful and profound way for our unique journey….


In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service
