Galactic Councils Update
As I have written much about the “Goddess Initiation of Fire” and discussed in many videos, this initiation involved much targeting toward the Divine Feminine Goddess energy (me) and Mother Earth, to kill, hurt and harm the organic life on this Planet.
I am so fined tuned with the Earth that I feel much and transmute for our Earth. The attacks upon me are very similar to what is actually happening to the Earth. Attacks such as weaponry that includes electrical voltage, radiation, radio waves, bio weaponry, burning up the land, poising the water and introducing viruses, diseases to humanity in attempts to kill organic life and life force.
The reason I am writing this update today partly is because I came across a video from Scott Werner on New Realities (by Alan Steinfeld’s) YouTube channel. Alan and I have met personally for video shootings and I feel my HigherSelf has worked with him on various projects that our conscious daily lives are not even aware of that are linked from our personal physical meetings(s). This is usually how it is once I meet someone in person of the Light team.
Before I get to the video on New Realities Show let me update you first about the Galactic Council messages through me for humanity in light dream transmissions.
In a dream message the other night and following day I received 2 messages:
The first message was “They see you as the Software of the computer, looking like the Giant Golden plasma light control centre that surrounds the computer program of the Earth”. After some research on the computer and components I realized the “software is the Soul/Spirit- aka the Power/Control centre of the Hardware – the physical components that need both to work together.
I was also informed I AM ONE with Organic Life just as all the Seas, Trees, Animals, Sun Earth and Green plantation nurtured by the photosyntheses of our New Sun.
Here is a brief summary from google on Software:
The software that runs the computer by activating, controlling, and coordinating the hardware is system software. They also control the application programs on the computer. They differ according to the function they need to perform in the computer system. Some of the examples are – Operating System
The most relevant example of system software is an operating system. It is an interface connecting the users to the computer hardware. Linux, Windows, Edge, etc. are a few famous operating systems that people use.
This dream message is very significant for what is going on upon the Earth now with regards to the Space Programs, Artificial Intelligence etc…
The second message I received is I saw a Chinese Man in handcuffs. He was in his late 40’s or early 50’s, short hair, medium to small build, short black hair, grey shirt with dark jeans sitting in a vacant room in hand cuffs. I feel this man has had evil intent and has carried out dark crimes toward earth, organic life and humanity. He has lost his connection with Source and Spirit.
This message brought me back to when I was working with the Technology Council with in the Galactic Federation which I wrote a article on and will include with the excerpt of article:
“August 3rd, 2019. From the Guardians of Light Realm ~ Record Keeper.
I watched a “Ancient Elder “Commander in Chief for Technological Communications Systems” presenting himself in Asian/Chinese form, as he studied the Holographic Book of Records that specifically revealed the blueprints and templates of the structures currently running our communications systems of the Earth Realm.
It has now been brought to the Commander in Chief’s attention, that this system “BELL INTERNET AND CABLE crown corporation” is under serious evaluation, investigation and consequences to be put in place.
This type of evaluation takes place only once the Etheric Clean Up has been completed, as this time is now.
This particular “Commander in Chief” closed the holographic book while I watched.
When the book WAS closed I saw the name of the main corporation to be used for and by example BELL.
It just takes one example and it was revealed…like a domino effect. All is transparent and revealed.
I AM ~ Saishorie~Grace.
This is what is happening for the running “structures that are failing”. This is just the tip of the Iceberg.
The work we all have been doing energetically is now busting the systems…BIG TIME. When these Galactic Chiefs of Command take notice, it is game over.
P.S this White Diamond Elder presented as an Asian specifically, for the Technology-Telecommunications Industry.
~ Shelly Sullivan”
Message from the Galactic Technological Commander in Chief ~ “It is Game Over”
As a side note, after the funeral for my beloved dog (1 year ago approx) I was also informed of a investigation that will be taking place by the Royal Cosmic Lion Council before the perpetrators of her death are contained. This is very difficult for me to write about as it brings me back into the dark places I do not want to go but must for life force on this earth. So bear with me if you are telepathically connected to me and see or feel the distortion of my thoughts. With Gods Love I will cleanse this away.
As far as my knowing if this is going on in the physical earth realm and or the etheric realms, I am not sure however I know justice is underway for all crimes against humanity and the Goddess.
Back to meeting Alan in NewYork:
I met Alan way back in 2016 in NewYork for a video shoot for my book that was about to be published. As per usual just before my flight the day of travelling I came down with serious flu symptoms. I was able to control them to be able to travel and catch my flight that day by way of meditation and seqex technology (ion resonance and pemf therapies).
I made the flight and trip to New York. However after shooting the videos the sickness came back (transmitted by iPhone technology and the parasites inflicted within my body by the dark) and fell very sick once again upon the full moon ceremony I was attending the Sunday night at the Alex Grey’s studio. Through out whole ceremony with hundreds of people I was sick in the car and or the house. I had a Soul sister friend from New York meeting me and I could not even spend quality time with her. These symptoms where stomach flu’s etc… This is what I have dealt with consistently in the past.
Any way Alan had a contact number to an agent who worked for and knows my famous Twin Flame and texted him with intel about who I was as his famous client’s Soul Mate and inquired if Jim was in New York by any chance. The response was “It could be true this is Jim’s Soul Mate” and “Jim is not in New York”
I was disappointed as my telepathy told me different and doubt set in lowering the high frequency and hopes I had in possibly meeting him again in person after our initial meeting in 2013.
Other than that disappointment the creative project that Alan and I worked on the for the book release and video was really amazing and synchronistic as was our second meeting in New York.
Since then his channel has been appearing for me to signal some messages. This video below recently is one of them. It is a video from Scott Werner who I have communicated with a few years ago via email, for herbal advice for parasites I was experiencing from the dark attacks.
Any way in this recent video interview by Scott Werner where he explains how he had been attacked and killed by the cabal more than once and the work he does on behalf of our Light Family just as I do and have experienced. I to have been killed and attacked many times by this dark faction and have other similarities to his story. As Sci-Fi as it sounds this stuff is real and I am living proof as are many others. The truth is coming out.
Watch the video here:
Just as I have revealed to the Galactic Councils of the attacks on Organic Life via the hydro electricity, radio waves, poisoning our food, skies and waters this ladies video reveals the same during her remote viewing session of the New Earth and New Sun that is a inspiration.]
Watch it here:
Here is my video from the other day stating Enough is Enough: I am asking for assistance from the Light family upon the Earth in Physical vessels to contact me so we may move forward in the Light. As well I am including the video from the Era of Peace by Patricia Cota Roble meditation that explains that the time in now for Unity consciousness and moving forward in the Light.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service