Energy Weapons & Neurotechnology Implants Republish

Energy Weapons & Neurotechnology Implants

Since the passing of my Beloved Yellow Labrador Honey, much has become clear about her ultimate assassination and the constant attacks, targeting and murder attempts on me and my dog.

Honey died of severe stroke by Direct Energy Weapons Attack (DEW). She along with I had been under attack constantly for 4.5 years as I have written about. Synchronistically I was guided to this Lawyer and Scientist just this morning. Here link is here and I am continuing to read it. Some parts that I have read so far that are exact to my sabotage and attacks are as follows:

Directed Energy Weapons

The microwave beams from Directed Energy Weapons with which Secret Services target their victims, which number in the hundreds of thousands, are invisible, penetrate walls and are so intense that it hurts. Imagine putting your hand in your microwave; then focus that into a beam and aim it at your face.

What on Earth are Directed Energy Weapons?

Microwave emitters, or more generally, electromagnetic weapons or Directed Energy Weapons are a new type of assault and murder weapon currently being manufactured in very large numbers (and very cheaply) by arms companies around the world, for example Diehl, Rheinmetall, Aaronia and Siemens (yes!). They are also known as directed energy weapons, scalar weapons, no-touch torture devices and, euphemistically, non-lethal weapons (ha!).

The nasty thing about them is that they penetrate the walls of a home. That is because microwaves pass through concrete, brick and wood effortlessly (like the beam from a laser-pointer passes through the glass walls of a conservatory). However, they get absorbed in the human body, where they cause pain and incredible damage. Microwaves damage cells, organs, cause tumours and cancer. And they can kill (think of a sausage in a microwave oven).

By this means, it is possible to assault a person inside his home from the outside (from even large distances!), cause cancer, organ damage, brain damage, a heart attack and death without leaving a visible trace of the assault. These weapons thus allow people to commit the perfect crimeon the cheap!”



Honeys images from 2017 and 2019  here demonstrate the lesions and wounds caused by DEW where ultimately she passed 2 nights ago a brutal harsh sinister death before my eyes.RIP Honey, we are getting Justice.

Here is the article I had written in 2019 that included Honeys first attacks.



In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service
