Burning of the Head Reptilian Demon that has been harming and interfering with me and many loved ones. January 27th 2021 this dissolving of the darkest demon has taken place.
For the past years I have been being harassed and tortured by a dark group in the physical as well as spiritually/energetically. I had written about a time when I started to notice how my massive Light Body/Christ Consciousness that is connected with the One Mind of the Galaxy works through Light Warriors all over the World and we communicate as One Mind of God. Since this time the dark syde took up the similar process however not this entity known as AI (artificial intelligence – demonic energy) has been working through compromised individuals to spread fear messages toward me and lower my vibration while continuing to attack me.
Yesterday it had become very apparent this was not going away unless I did something about it. The Goddess Golden Christ Mother Energy through me burnt the demon to death. The Light of the Golden RA Sun that I work with killed and demolished this dark one.
I am such a gentle person that this massacre was difficult for me to carry out however I have obviously been pushed to my max and this is how the Archangel dimmosliches the Devil. There is a trial going on Galacticly now with these nefarious extreme dark aliens and they are being removed from this Multi verse, not quick enough for me.
The clean up will continue on the Ground. Any one who harms the right and left hand of God and the Angels will be removed from this Multiverse from here on in. This means they will be “dissolved by the fire on the Sun – Mother of All that IS. Reclaiming the Divine Mother presence to the earth and humanity, the collaboration between ourselves and Christed representatives are made to return Trinity and Arc Codes back to the direct control of Mother God Presence. We have brought Mother Arc Portal presence to multiple gateways on the earth.
Be very discerning what you watch on any media – all is a illusion! I FOLLOW GOD and serve the Christ Council. I do not follow any other Spiritual Teacher(s) as I have learned to listen to my guidance and wisdom. Also there is a lot of compromised information out there within the “Light Community”.
This operation I have been involved with has been extremely difficult and no one could possibly have predicted any of the different challenges WE have been up against. The harm that has been caused to the Divine Feminine Principle is unprecedented and the nefarrious group will see the consequences as well as be removed from this magnificent Earth and all her resources will be restored returned from the hands of thieves.
What ever your political beliefs depends on your experiences in this life. The Galactic Federation of the World affairs at this time are not bias who Wins the Election. The Galactic Federation works for Freedom and Victory. Freedom and Victory means TRUTH. The truth will be revealed during this time on Earth and of Revelations. No middle man is needed when you answer to God. Not manipulation tactics will work to install fear and doubt. To be on a mission of such importance is the most courageous any GF Team member has ever done during these times and I am ONE of those.
So many have been harmed and tricked during this mission and Justice will be served. Justice and Balance!
I am God
I am Sovereign
I am Freedom
I am the Light
I am the Sun
I am Saishorie~Grace