2009 is when my Awakening started as did many others, since this time of 2009 -2012 the “Clean Up” ~ “Purification” followed. This clean up has brought up the depths of shit that has had to surface in order to cleanse the collective consciousness. This is what we have been doing, alchemizing the darkenss into pure gold.
Since I met this beautiful man Jim Carrey, I have mirrored his transformation as he has mirrored (vice versa), the clean up FOR the COLLECTIVE consciousness and this is successful . Upon my activation this is one of the first videos that kept coming into my life, now upon Victory it showed up again. It is so beautiful to see the completion through the depths of darkenss and still have unconditional Love for all of it. 2020 is when the New Awakening IS.
The New Awakening is Upon Us.