Oracle Priestess ~ Saishoire~Grace

I have predicted and phrophecised the Twin Flame Union phenomenon as well as the New Earth / Old Earth Split and made videos about this long before these revelations became very popular within the spiritual communities. I declare this to demonstrate my accuracy of divine inspired oracular vision. As a true Oracle I also predicted the “corona virus” pandemic in the video 2020 – Energy Weapons and the Virus. I lived and have experienced how and why the Corona Virus was created. For 5 years I undergone a sever initiation that included direct/bio weapons attacks in order to uncover this sinister plan that was set out to severely harm and kill humanity. 

This is part of my life’s purpose to bring JUSTICE & TRUTH by way of exposing the evil plots and the groups of individuals behind this. I have a team from the Galactic Federation that work with me as on the ground level and in the higher realms. Justice and Truth are coming to humanity and this will prevent future evil plans from playing out. 

Here is a video from Lorrie Ladd that she made with in hours of our energetic connection took place online for one of her classes. The class was “Learn to Channel Angels” I was spiritually nudged to join even though I didn’t think I need any instruction on this. Later I found out why my information was typed in her sign up page before I even typed one word, my spirit pre signed me up as I was to get an urgent message to her. As I have said before I have the ability to channel through others as a Archangel or Ascended Master would. In this message Lorrie speaks about the U-Turn that will take place with this pandemic and my Sacred Union is a huge part in making this happen.

Simultaneously while I have been experiencing directed radiation exposure and chemtrails/smart dust harm my body and cause constant serious flu and auto immune symptoms, I have also been reporting this to the Galactic Federation of Light. This has been going on for over 5 years.

My sacrifice to under go this pain and torture for the past many years is for good reason and Class Action Law Suits have started and will continue to be filed and accepted by the JUDGE, victoriously so,  as I have predicted in my video from January before the pandemic was declared. 

So how does my Twin Flame mission tie into the sinister pandemic? One of the Key Twin Flame Pairs on Earth, namely ME/WE are going to expose the truth, with proof that is undeniable. This is part of the mission we have been prepping for lifetimes.

Not only am I/WE the oracle prophet but I am the Magician Creator of these phropecy’s. I am one of the Active Yin/Yang Principles – meaning I/WE (along with many others) hold the energetic signature of the Mother of the Starseeds as explained in my book as the “Parent of the Star Seeds” along with my Primary Manifestation of my Masculine counterpart.  This simply means we go as far back as the beginning of creation the first male and female split creators.

“She the Great Goddess and Mother of all, She is the Yin energy of the Universe. She gives form and brings into manifestation thy will and life force of the sacred masculine.” ~ Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth, The Fairies Oracle.

I witnessed my masculine in the galaxy as his Universal Body made up of stars into a massive perfected masculine form, designed for creation and penetration of the sacred feminine womb of all creation. A team of the Galactics were with me to witness his Universal perfection once he was energetically created from starlight. This energetic activation of the sacred masculine was put into place after we met in physical life. Picture this image of Stars and the stars making up a perfect masculine body.

For Twins who are going through this very difficult journey know that it is so painful because your tuning into an energy of the first ever Soul Split of Creation. Unless you are a authentic true Twin you will not understand this journey. Also there is a dark group relentlessly attempting to keep these unions separated by way of mind control. The best way out of mind control is awareness.

I just got this message of synchronicity to confirm what I see as the First Creations of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.

Here is the message from Divine Union Foundation & Speaking Tree of Life Face book page.

Fall’s Unparalleled 12:12 Equinox – Our TWIN’s “VENERATED EMBRACE” in 2020

The Ancients Ones stepped forward within a triple Medicine Wheel Womb of All Life to fully meet, see, recognize and set free the core wound of humanity’s very 1st twin flame soul split. Grace first bestowed wonders into the Divine Feminine pillar, so that SHE could completely hold the innocence of her sacred masculine King… withIN HER all embracing Royal LOVE. Benevolence then bequeathed treasures into the Divine Masculine pillar, so that HE could completely hold the unprecedented gifts of his sacred feminine Queen… withIN HIS all embracing Regal DEVOTION. 

“Thank you DEVI for bringing this Divine Union of the ancient femininity and masculinity to the balance of the Twin Flame Union on the Autumnal shift. This energy has been countersunk into the crystalline Earth of the highest dimensions. The core of the earth is now starting to resonate this vibration also in addition to the surface so it shall reach every single cellular creation that is on this planet. This is the beginning of the transformation of the terraformation of the whole Earth. The energies from the highest Source are now being activated in an alignment with the primal Earth.” ~ Luci McMonagle, 9/23/20 (

These EMBRACES in “PARTNERISM” became Gaia & Her wild Green Man’s erotic Wedding Garments… and they have sexually descended into this fertile marrow of our global CORE.  Our Universal Bride & Bridegroom have EMERGED as a joint ROBE of Mother Father’s original BLANKET of pure ADORATION, so we may all prepare for our World Soul’s upcoming 11:11 Altar of AT-ONE-NESS!!

==+> The Hieros Gamos is the Wedded Garment of Mother/Father CREATION, wearing the White Robes of the One. Hieros Gamos refers to the Risen Christos-Sophia, as the embodiment of the inner hiero-gamic union between the human being and the DIVINE. Hieros Gamos is the full resurrection of the body to the eternal light of divine masculine/divine feminine Christos/Christas, Cosmic (Kryst) Consciousness. In the bodies return to energetic balance, neutral in the Unity Field or Zero Point), the lightbody being is One with God/Goddess, and the Christos/Christas body is glorified in its perfection as representative of SOURCE’s eternal light image. ** Energetic Synthesis (


Just a ending note, in writing this originally to help me with my healing process and self empowerment I also became aware of something important. In expressing on paper that I am indeed an “Oracle” which I never called or considered myself this as I would rather exclude titles but this title is deserving at this time. Another woman in the FB community claims to be an “Oracle” but she claims also to have positive ties with the dark negative group that is trying to damage and sabotage these unions. I saw through her years ago and I mention this because as I was writing this, this truth popped into my mind, all will become transparent and nothing of the shadow or darkness will be able to hide any longer.

I am sending all encompassing Pink & Golden Light to the Sacred Masculine at this time. LOVE WINS.


In Love and Light
