Here is a live video I made for Angelic Disclosure. The time has come for true Disclosure. I am a Spiritual leader for this and so are the others in this article.
I came across two very important videos that could be the beginning movement forward for Angelic Disclosure to set Humanity Free. I sent a letter to Gate Community in 2012, which is a Transformational collaboration with Jim Carrey, John Ratz and Eckhart Tolle that started 15 years ago. I came across this website in 2012 before meeting Jim, shortly after I met Jim as ordained by the Celestial Realm. So I sent another letter to the company – Gate Community:
Here is what I wrote back in 2014 and it looks like we have come full circle in the Hero’s Journey and time to resume and nurture all the seeds that have been planted for our Golden Future.
I contacted you back in 2012, ironically, I was guided back to your website GATE community recently. I have done some research on your marketing and public relations expertise.
I think you may be good fit for someone like myself as I am a Spiritual Teacher, teaching about the current and new transformation upon our New Earth.
We are living in the most monumental time on Earth and I am committed to my mission to help humanity with my inspirational service and messages. I work through various holistic modalities to help raise global consciousness; as well I am a storyteller, experiencer & visionary.
I share and speak with authenticity and from the heart. All the stories I share thus far via my YouTube channel are from personal real experiences and further research that is helping thousands.
I am now taking my teaching to the next level by publishing my first of many books. Down the line I will be focusing on media & scripts (one big one particular). Spirit Script that will change humanity I have been shown.
I was in New York last weekend and once again your name and GATE community company came up to my attention. As I said years ago I was guided to GATE community and I filled out a application to be a volunteer, early on in my spiritual awakening journey.
In New York my interviewer Alan Steinfeld and I spoke about this. He had sent a text to you re: my “soul connection” with Jim Carrey, although this is a true connection this is not what this letter is about. Like you advised Alan if a connection is plausible the Universe will take care of it.
Over the next few weeks, I am finalizing my manuscript for my first book to get prepared for publishing. I was going to go a head with a certain publishing company and just today, I kid you not GATE community came to my attention on my computer. My HigherSelf guidance is very crafty with technology lol…I am constantly being shown guidance and message this way.
So today I decided to contact you after reading about you further and learning about your and that you are open to taking on new clientele for publishing/editing, marketing work.
I would love the opportunity of us to meet and talk further. My webisite is and my Youtube channel is Ownmindbodysprit~Shelly Sullivan.
I deliver leading, cutting edge Spiritual, New Age, Metaphysical fact and teachings. I have much to offer whom I work with and who publishes and markets me.
I am a new “Spiritual Teacher” on the scene and believe that the future of Spiritual Teachers will be based upon how authentic and truthful they are. As well as I am always learning from my HigherSelf – Source connection.
My first book is introducing myself and my experiences as a visionary, experiencer, healer, teacher, manifestation expert, energy healer etc…My second book will probably be the tools to raising ones consciousness and vibration via my holistic teachings as a registered nutritionist and certified Yoga teacher and meditation teacher, healer, metaphysical expert etc… My modalities are vast covering all metaphysical & holistic, healing & energy teachings.
I have about 3-4 books on the go. I am constantly integrating information that I find it challenging to keep up at times. There for I release videos on YouTube to get the content out there. As you know our abilities and knowledge is growing and expanding at exponentially.
I am excited to finally be organized enough to seek out the editing and publishing help I need to take my spiritual teachings to the next level.
Up to this point I have created and executed all my work on my own. I am now ready to expand network and co-create with other like hearted individuals.
Here is some of my favorite videos in order of my spiritual journey that will be included in my book. This only scratches the surface of what content will be included. Much more exciting, miraculous experiences & truth to assist with humanity’s shift will be included.
New Earth/Old Earth Split
StarGates & Teleportation
New Earth Consciousness Grid
Life in Higher Dimension part 1
Higher Dimensional Beings New York
Look forward to hearing back.
Shelly Sullivan”
I am writing this now after a massive Spiritual Purification I have endured for the Ascension of Planet Earth and Humanity. Synchronistically at this time the purification has finalized, I come across two very important videos that talk about Gate Community and Disclosure. The first one by Debbie Dachinger who interviews Dan Harary a UFO Researcher. At 18:30 minutes they start talking about GATE community and how it would be Earth changing if we establish this Gate Community again. The name I was given for this School of Knowledge for raising consciousness upon Earth was STARGATES SCHOOL.
The second video is with Dr. Steven Greer who speaks of UFO Disclosure and his new online community to share the truth about our Galactic History and future. Which I have many experiences. He also mentions it is safe and time to step up with Truth.
Its time to abolish all that get in the way with Love on this Planet.
Debbie Daschinger Interview
Steven Greer Bombshell Disclosure