Last summer when the pink sky appeared in Muskoka Canada upon the Night I arrived a man (stranger) who witnessed this sky with me said what I was thinking “This is the work of The Ascended Master in the sky “. Since that time the purification, operation and experiment continues to play out.
I have my Higher Self who is also all of the Ascended Masters who work through and with me. They come through in magical ways and one way is by speaking through people. You can tell when another is channeling a benevolent Ascended Master and or who is One, by kind spirit they exuded and words that are chosen. If out of balance these words can energy can be very negative from my experience.
I have experienced the benevolent Ones speaking through people with me for years and it has always been very pleasant and magical. It is magical because these interactions take place after I am thinking something positive and or seeking positive advice. One such occurrence happened this after noon.
I was laying out in the Sun and the telepathic communication taking place was a dialogue about my updating my tan, so I can look great and feel recharged and fresh for what is to come. This was all thought and no verbal speaking. Later I went out to run an errand, the taxi drive who is very pleasant said to me on the way home that my tan looks very good. He said this not once but twice and it was obvious communication of the Masters.
Ascended Masters can telepathically communicate effortlessly as I know. I was also told that I would be told when this time has come, The arrival of the Masters. The time is Now. We are ready.
I also wanted to include another cool synchronicity that happened within the One Mind of God that we are connected into. Today while watching Todd Medina and Patricia Cota-Robles on there video, I watched as Todd speaks of the Creator as a woman, in his opinion and how the Creator created her Twin. This is very synchronistic and resonating with my experience of the Creator and the perfected Masculine Counterpart.
First here is my article about this Creation.
Here is the video and comment by Todd about the female Creator and her Twin that is similar to my experience in the Cosmos. I don’t have the time stamp but I will get it.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service