The Goddess takes on Darkness & Casts it out

The Goddess casts off the Falsity of Darkness that has been plagued here upon Earth. In the past thousands of years the Goddess Energy has be falsified. These falsities however inaccurate have been very damaging to the Divine Mother Goddess Energy, High Priestess, Divine Feminine Presence here upon and around Earth.

The damaging old stories have been repeated so many times in so many different stories, mythology, timelines and era’s here upon Earth. These pervasive implications are being cleared and will continue so. The Restitution of the Goddess Energy is what is to transpire. The Divine Feminine has taken her rightful place back, she has taken her seat back at the round the table of creation for the highest good, she is in the centre of the round table.

As my HigherSelf carries out the work in the higher realms and in the Earth’s Grid, I am shown signs to confirm what is transpiring as well as I can feel it as my aspects carry out the work. The sign “LILITH 1” was presented to me last week as I went for a drive. This happened immediately after I receive a Goddess message from “The Light Lilith” about the clearing of the false black Lilith and what is being transmuted back into the Divine Mother Energy. I held off posting this as interference was also coming in and had to be cleared and discerned first.

Just as the name of the Goddess Isis has been blemished badly by the terrorist and evil of this Earth which is so obviously the desperate use of her name, to even attempt to go up against Goddess ISIS/The Mother of Creation is so jokingly futile NOW in the big scheme of things. Also just as Inanna had gotten a bad rap and was cast as a thief and this was not true, she took what was rightfully hers. Mary Magdalene was depicted as prostitute by the jealous Paul and her sexual power demeaned when contrary is powerful healing energy of monumental magnitude to heal planets.

God Has a Plan

The “Greatest Beings” have been sent to the Earth, to carry out God’s Will and Gods’ Plan. These Counter Parts of the ONE Androgynous Being of Light have come as the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine to reverse the distorted Goddess Energy into the Sacred God and Goddess Energy in Union with the God Head.


I have endured the correction of this distorted shadow demonic feminine programming. Although the correction has happened firstly on the etheric plane, it will soon manifest the reversal and healing on the physical collective consciousness of humanity. This is hard to really articulate what I have experienced in order to bring divine order and justice to this Luciferian crime but it is happening and as the healing processes transpires physically it will be much easier to write about.

After 3 years of this battle the Bright Light Divine Mother, Goddess Energy is being restored here upon Earth. The Goddess Energy is being restored by the PURE LOVE of the Divine Mother and Divine Father exchange and integration. This energy encompasses around, on and in the Earth, of divine Sacred Sexual Energy. Hieros Gamos this is what is capable of restoring this demonic distortion, this is the only sacred energy powerful enough to reverse this along with truth.

Any distorted emotions of the sexual energy has been brought up for clearing & dissolving.

For the correction of the plagued Goddess to be restored to her Truthful Essence is and was to feel the distortion and clear it. I was shown this Black Widow sign last week and it was scary, but in time as always the truth would be revealed for me to understand what my Spirit is doing. All the signs images were received last week.

The Divine One Mind of God and the Light comes through as usual form me to get confirmation of the work being carried out. I found the explanation of exactly what was being cleared through my Divine Feminine Spirit guiding me to this link below by Lisa Renee.

“Baphomet Deception
Gnosticism has been intentionally associated with the symbolic images of the Baphomet, an anti-life reversal of the dark mother principle, manifested through the lower 2D demonic hierarchies that answers to the Serpent Queen Demon force that is conjured and projected through the archetypal Black Lilith. Thus, it must be clarified that the Baphomet was designed as an intentional anti-Christos-Sophia emanation, used to pervert hierogamic union and inner sacred marriage through sexual energy harvesting and exploitation of human beings. Baphomet Rituals were spread on the earth through a secret pact of blasphemy and sacrilege designed to utterly destroy the Christos-Sophia architecture, made popular through the teachings and practices of the Luciferian Knights Templars for over 9,500 years. The Baphomet Deception was mainly carried out by the Luciferian Knights Templars in order to distort and twist the original Gnostic teachings from the Christos Essene Templars, the blue flame grail lines of the original 12 Essene Tribes. From the earliest Luciferian Templar sects, this signature was promoted over many generations to be adopted into Islam and to pervade the Satanic sects, in which it became the Church of Satan’s GOAT (god of all things) symbolism.[1]

Black Lilith: Night Specter. To Gamaliel, Black Lilith is attributed and is the grand lady of all demons. The demons are sometimes considered to be the children of Lilith and is said to be the woman who comes to men in their dreams.[2]

Shedding the Lunar Woman
Humanity has been in a dark cycle of separation, which dedicated the female principle as made in the image of the Moon Goddess or Black Lilith, as the stages of being a woman were matched to the shadowy reflections and phases of Lunar light. Being equated to the secondary reflection of the male solar light, was the set up for descending the female image to be linked with monsters of darkness and hidden mystery, where the seeds of Misogyny on earth began. The fear of the spiritual womb power inherent in females was robbed through rape, humiliation and menstrual disgrace. These fears feed the Dark Witch Female archetypes, such as the Black Widow Mother promoted by the voodoo superstitions in the moon chain lineages. This hell spawn Mother would eat her young and decapitate her husband, if she was not put in her place, kept barefoot and pregnant and commandeered by her husband. The fear of menstruation as evil, dirty, or a punishment for sin, the fears of the female sexual organs swallowing up the male, are still being massively fueled by the dark ignorance promoted to subjugate women to the status of breeders or prostitutes. In many places in the world today, women are told the only life purpose they are good for is as brood mare or for the whims of male pleasure.[3]”

link :

As dark and scary this journey has been, it is about to be legendary, beyond words how much of a unprecedented monumental victory this is. The Divine Partnerships are about to be aligned and ignited for more of this sacred sexual energy to take precedence and do away with falsity of the sacred union of feminines and masculines.



Related links,

Universal Synthesis of Divine Mother & Divine Father

In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service