Twin Flame Mission ~ Dark Interference Part 1

The plot thickens as does the tension and pressure of the End Times

True Twin Soul Dream Meeting along with Dark Interference acting desperate.
6.6.2017 3:03 am

I awoke at approx 3:03 am, that is what time it was when I cleared my sleep state and was back fully in the Earth plane. I remembered my etheric experience. I was travelling by plane with my friends Patricia McNeilly and Laura Klein Etheridge, to have a meet and greet with our destined physical Twin Flames. We had excitedly exited the plane and approached the gates where our Twins were waiting for us, to finally see us in the physical for the second or first time. In my case the second time, for the other ladies it varied. There were other Twins with us, of the first wave.

He saw me and I could feel his adoration, I was confident and in optimal state of Beingness. Very high vibration, mentally, emotionally and physically clear, squeaky clean and ready. It was the most excited and great I have felt in a long, long while. This Twin Flame journey has taken much out of me energetically however the passion and joy was back.

I went back to sleep feeling very happy with this experience and confirmation of my meeting with my beloved Twin Flame, the Twin Flame I have come to know very intimately over the past 4 years, through our ethereic love affair. Full on love affair, all except the physical union, since our first and only physical activation thus far almost 4 years ago.

Upon awakening the second time, I experienced a ancient indigenous tribal like man standing before me not in dream state but holographicly at my bedside. In physical stature dressed sort of like a India Tribe attire . Very powerful and intimidating presence. My first instinct was danger however I raised my power up quickly into safe mode. This being was pretending to be a twin flame frequency but there was something different and off. Because I am so light i find it difficult to believe in the dark I wanted to believe he was pure benevolent spirit, hoping this being in my house (not just my dream) was of the Light. This Beings frequency was so intense it had effected my physical Being to a point of almost shock. At this point I turned into a pure light Being in my own bed, my physical being dissolved within my Light. I know now that this was my protection at its brightest.

He was my an impsoter of Twin Soul but later with divine guidance learned it was a false Twin Soul and trickery was in play. He looked like him, felt like him and I resembled my Twin Soul. However this frequency spectrum of this Spirit was so intimidating I was in total shock at its presence as was my Dog. Her Spirit (my dog Honey) was also beside me shaking uncontrollably and sort of hugging me for reassurance, thankfully for my dog’s reaction helped me to see the truth of this interference. I felt and pet my dog to let her know it was ok. This Being was chanting a ancient ritual of the creepy kind. Very low octave with powerful resonance within the chant. I stunningly looked upon at him and was quite nervous. Suddenly I turned into a pure white blinding ray/sun of Light, the white diamond frequency of the 7th ray = minus the density of the human form.

I then opened my eyes, I knew my dog was with me in the bed beside me, however she was with me in spirit. Her body was still in the hall way asleep. But I still had to feel for her fur just as I did in the dream state. The experience was so real that I had to double check. Honey my golden lab was beside me in Spirit and indeed this higher dimensional dream experience was real, beyond the 3d illusion/reality. I went back to sleep delighted with the thoughts and previous visit from my true twin soul, the true confirmation of my Twin Flame Union.

My True Twin Flame came again for the third time during the night. This time I was in my room exercising, shaping up for our meeting. Suddenly my bedroom door opened. It was him, my exceptional high vibing handsome Twin Flame, the one who I have come to know quite fondly, by having access to his physical life and etheric life quite magically with my super psychic abilities, since my third eye activation by our Central Sun. We met in my room and the embrace was just as I had imagined it a million times. He came to me one more time after this brief interlude. The nights before as well we visits were very clear.

Finally I awoke again by morning, to remember yet another experience in the higher realms. A handsome man appeared at my front door, unblushingly admitting that he had been watching me for some time and would love the opportunity to step in and up as my Soul Mate 2, if my Twin continued to refuse the responsibility and to acknowledge me in the physical realm. He was very sweet, similar features as my Twin that I have come to know. He had sweet brown eyes brown hair, tall about 6′ 3″. I later after days of the experience and trickery/interference of the dark,
along with other psychic people confirming the dark interference.

This is an example of what lengths the dark interference will go to, to stop the light from prevailing. What they fail to know is “Humankind all at once is Awakening at twist speed and individuals wherever are starting to see and hear the truth, because of exceptional inundations of coronal mass ejections of solar activity, unfiltered Central Sun light pouring into Earth, Divinely timed to achieve the necessary upliftment in consciousness amid Earth. This is a Cosmic Moment, Humanity’s DNA/RNA structures have been re-calibrated and our solar strands of DNA have been reestablished to their unique Divine potential. causing a move of awareness inside each person that is unparalleled ever.”~Saishorie~Grace!

It is time to take spiritual evolution to the next level and take our power back. This next statement is taking the full stance of being my Sovereign Being full of God and stepping fully in to my power. “I can tell you from my own personal experience this wisdom is (my) truth as I experience being God incarnate, experiencing God pure Consciousness in Action on Earth.” The New Human Will (the Collective Consciousness) is tapped into the One Mind of God, aka Unity Consciousness. This means brand new ideas are being implemented that have never previously been thought of. It is the ability to hold and enable limitless waves of creative energy. This creative energy is instilled with love not fear.

This 2017 is the Year of the 2nd Law of One re-written. 2017 is also the year of the magician. The greatest part is that we are working with a clean slate, a blank canvas to draw, scribble and rewrite the One God Mind ideas. God awaits our accomplishments as its own.
2017 is also a year of complete polarity, where the opposites of light and dark has waged a war. Forcing all that no longer serves Earth and humanity will be brought to the surface for clearing. 2017 the US President Donald Trump was elected. This is not a coincidence, in fact it was divine order. Whom better to bring to the surface what needs to be cleared and what will no longer be tolerated upon the New Earth than Donald Trump. Year of the Trumpsta. A presidency that can go either way at this time, with more intervention from the Light victory will prevail and the Light will create the new much needed government structure and leaders.

When the vibration is played with carelessly between Twin Souls so close to what is known as the “End Times/Ascension/Liberation of the Light” life is at stake, and the dark ones are behind much of the deaths. Hence the continued grip and control challenging the Angelic Light workers who make with their attacks upon their bodies wind up making poor choices of free will… so know this MANY OF THE SUICIDE OF LIGHT WORKERS AND DIVINE TALENTED BEINGS ARE ASSASSINATION OF THE DARK VIA ELECTROMAGNETIC FREQUENCIES. I personally state this as I am one who is being targeted, and will fight and win to reveal the truth.

Stay tuned for Part 2 “Mental Purification for the Collective Consciousness.” where I reveal the truth of Mental Geniuses under attack.

“This war between the dark and light will be what brings the masculine and feminine into balance.” Thank you to the dark for triggering all that needs healing for humanity and activating the strength to take the power back.

In Love and holding the space & Light for all Beloveds