Update Lyme disease

I have been guided to do a update and pay attention to the 4th last update that I had written about “White Flames of Purification”



The article I had written about the White Flames of Purification has been settling in my awareness and more realization has come from it. Before this Miraculous Message from Spirit came another similar message came in a very similar manner. I will explain:

One day while in work at my Nutrition job, it was a quiet morning and I decided to open book from the shelf. I grabbed the book Liver Rescue book from Anthony William. I intentionally communicated to my Spirit before opening up a random page to please show me a message that is best for me at this time. I opened the book and it opened to the 1st page of the Chapter Lyme disease. I can say I was not completely surprised as I am no stranger to Lyme disease as I have written about in my Book, Adventures of Saishorie~Grace, Sovereign Being.

I read the beginnings of the chapter and it explained that Lyme is often triggered by betrayal. When I first contracted Lyme in 2014 (I believe) this is when major betrayal on various levels started to unravel in my life. In 2017 is when it was the most debilitating for me, as I was very sick with fevers and flus for 2 years. These fevers and flus were accompanied by DEW directed at me.

I thought I had gotten rid of this virus. But opening the book to the Lyme Chapter showed me differently. Not only did Spirit show me this Chapter, but not two weeks later after visiting my beloved son’s dog did I get bit by a tick. This happened twice on two different incidents. I have video of the ticks and they were pulled out the back of my knee joint and the elbow joint. The second tick bite looked like it got me as it had the red bulls eye symptom around it. I decided not to go into panic or fear and let it slide. However I did start to think about a Healer I know who has become an expert on Lyme as he mysteriously contracted it while treating me back in 2015 or 16. When he contracted it I knew he was targeted and that’s how he got it. But try to tell him that. Any I gave him my protocol and he used his own methods of trial and error for 16 month and figured the treatment to kill this parasitic dis-ease.

He kept coming into my mind for 2 days and I wondered how he was and if I should call him. The third day after thinking of him,  synchronistically he came into my work place at the store. He had a mask on and I was walking out of the bathroom and felt him. I did not see him, I felt his energy and knew it was him. Then I looked at him and it was him ( I know energy).This was DIVINE INTERVENTION. I have since got onto the protocol to kill this virus and get it out of my blood once and for all and teach humanity how to get the current (jab) parasite out of there blood stream.


Every thing I go through is a direct mirror of what Mother Earth and humanity is going through, this is fact and I have proof of experience many times over. Earth and Humanity has been infected for eons with a parasite that is being cleared out, I know this and recently I have received confirmation of this on this on video by Brad Johnson the other day, her is the link below.


Not long after the third confirmation of me having to deal with this Lyme issue once and for all, I had experienced a dark attack via someone very significant in my life. It was very savage attack by a savage dark energy working through not just 1 person but a few. This savage orchestrated attack triggered the Lyme again. It was extremely painful and very apparent as after this drama (dark set up) where by a dark entity works through someone(s) to attack me, left me very sick. I was devastated by the betrayal yet again and was sick for days.

When someone gets compromised like this I understand its not there true soul doing the attack but a dark entity working through them to attack me. Thus my love doesn’t change only my tolerance to the person is zero as I cannot align with that dark energy. Hence I must keep my distance unfortunately (even from a most beloved family member) who has been compromised.

Any way the Lyme is being wiped from my Divine Blue Print on the Physical Plane and on the Etheric (as above so Below) the Parasite is being wiped out with he help of the “Celestial Royalty” my Family of Light.

Now combining these two messages that both included the books from Anthony William and famous Teacher Brain Weiss, Author of Many Lives and Many Masters (included in the link above “White Flames of Purification”.) The grand message is about Betrayal of Soul Family. Which has been going on for eons of Life time. I have become aware that this must be the case for my Masculine Counterpart and I and this is also being purified. However this does not justify the betrayal going on in my current life as I type this.


I have been guided to hold the Light for my family, which means seeing them is there highest, purest form as a White Diamond Rainbow Light Ascended Being to bring about healing for all and to actually get me through this extremely difficult time in my life. This is why I saw my Twin in his White Diamond Rainbow body amidst all the dark interference to make me think and feel other wise. This experience took place while in my work place and I had experience numerous individuals hacked by mind control coming in to my work place to harass me and try to make me feel awful and think awful things of myself the Masculine Twin Counterpart.

I am beyond at my wits end with is this a million times over, obviously I am doing something wrong: I have been in a sacred sexual, heart merged, brain merged connection with this masculine counterpart for a very very long time. All the while I trusted in his integrity to come around. This sacred connection has been used to torture me and the communication from him via  mind telepathy and Kundilini communication has been very misleading over the years. I get that he has not been fully awakened to the game playing out in the past years. However  he is very aware and this gaslighting is not acceptable. I have held off on ever writing these words however I have no choice as every aspect of my life as been distorted masculine energy harassing me, bullying me and harming me. There is a reason for this, even if it is strictly dark interference.

What is not acceptable is that he (My Twin) turn a blind eye and pretend that no harm is being done here. When in fact the Divine Goddess Energy has been under extreme attack by the dark faction , causing death, not only in me numerous occasions of my life, as I have flatline and come back 3 almost 4 times (this past week), but my beloved dog has been murdered.  And for him to continue to try and communicate to me in a way that has completely lead me down a very dangerous path is utterly unfathomable.

To this day these dark entities are working very hard through various people in my life to harm me and it does not stop, I only get stronger and wiser. But still FOR YOU to watch and do nothing is just aligning with the dark. I will not have it in my system any longer. It is cruel and you owe me a serious apology and any way you can help this situation would be the work of God’s Will. your own Free Will has been used in poor decisions, choices and has caused me immense harm.

Now all of this could be going down as The Final Purification and removing the last of the Parasites for Mother Earth and The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine could come into harmony for the utmost healing. Not for one second do I believe I should be hurting and harassed as I am because of this connection, but I am.

I was designated the Goddess of Purification way back in 2016 with this message from Mary Magdalene. (below) and so far as ALL MY PROPHECIES have proved to be EXTREMELY ACCURATE. Such as the New Earth/Old Earth Split, The Twin Flame Prophecy, The Purification Prophecy and ALL my other various other messages and teachings. My validation continues by Spirit…. indisputable.

Mary Magdalene ~ The Divine Feminine Cleans Up

Bring the truth to light, respectfully.

Shelly Sullivan