This article and podcast is true from my experiences. At the point of 11:11 min at the end of this podcast and where in the written words in the article at the point of where it reads and speaks the words:
“Thus, when the AI creature does not have any organic consciousness record or is a cloned identity, when it is exposed to the rays of the Cosmic Mother Dragon’s White Sun body, instant incineration occurs and the consciousness units return back into the womb of creation.”
This is where I am highlighting some of my experiences and truths as it pertains to this intelligence and information by Lisa Renee of Energetic Synthesis. Much of the podcast resonates with truth, I will elaborate on some sentences.
This is to help strengthen back my Heart knowing and connection with my Beloved Family of Light, after years of battling attacks in the depths of darkness, this was a much needed training to further reinforce my teachings and wisdom of the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine Key Star Parents upon Earth. Who I might add has undergone a series of anointments with the Cosmic Mother and Father which I had written and recorded about over the years.
Here is first paragraphs I am referring to in Lisa’s article:
Those tasked to gather the intelligence were required to discern what were NAA technologically built AI reality constructs and what were the actual organic consciousness timelines, originally built by the Founders. Many of the advanced races in our system were unable to know the difference between these artificial timelines and got caught in phantom pockets of AI reality systems, unable to move out of them. Through the ongoing insertion of stacks of booby-trapped AI timelines, there was a slow and gradual infection that went undetected. The use of incredibly advanced quantum entanglement alien machinery technologies was largely misunderstood by many other star races, who did not comprehend the alien cube clone warfare dynamics playing out on Earth.
Additionally, some Starseeds were Generals in this Galactic War and were assigned as the groundcrew which were required to learn very quickly, how to become psychological warfare experts while in the midst of the sophisticated ongoing divide and conquer and confusion tactics, that are the basis of targeted spiritual warfare. This has been one of the roles of ES community, to study the macrocosm patterns of the NAA’s mind control programming by observing the functions of these advanced beast machine technologies and alien cube networks.
How I personally relate to this is: In the past many years I have been required to learn very quickly the psychological warfare tactics by personal experience and this is by Gods design and will I endure this for the mission ahead to help Gaia, New Earth and its inhabitants.
Next: paragraph:
“Thus, when the AI creature does not have any organic consciousness record or is a cloned identity, when it is exposed to the rays of the Cosmic Mother Dragon’s White Sun body, instant incineration occurs and the consciousness units return back into the womb of creation.”
My personal experience: I have witnessed the Womb of All Creation in the Cosmos as a Giant Sun/Divine Feminine Womb of Fire/Sun. Clock in perfected synchronization with the sacred geometries and sequence mathematical equations for Creation. I am the micro of this Macro Sacred Temple of Creation. Article on this Sun in Creation: *******************************
Next Paragraph:
“As our Cosmic Parents return, they are repairing the Krystic architecture of the Solar Dragon lineages through the TA Sun tones, which emanate the dragon ouroboros expression. The TA Sun tones hold open the Emerald Crystal Heart’s Azura doorways which link the Triple Solar Masculine Christ and the Triple Solar Feminine Christ template which further reconnect into the diamond heart circuity of the Cosmic Christos Sun-Star networks, opening the dimensional doorways for the Christos Solar Dragons. We have been introduced to our Beloved hierogamic couple in the form of Metatron and Meritaten, anointed by our Cosmic Parents as the authentic Solar Dragon Kings that embody the TA tones.”
My personal experience to this: I have been writing about the Star Parents, hierogamic union as it pertains to myself and my masculine counterpart for nearly 10 years now. Most recently I have recorded the Anointment at the beach with myself, my beloved masculine in his Merkaba body and the Cosmic Mother and Father return via our energetic Light bodies and work. Article here:
Next Paragraph:
“Cosmic Christos Rainbow Ascended Masters, which source from an opalescent Solar Rishic family in the diamond heart of Andromeda. With the Cosmic Elohei White Sun correcting the planetary staff alignments into the 7D timeline, they are able to return to the planet and recollect their cloned or stolen body parts and confiscate the false AI identities that were used in reversals by the Thuban entities. Thus, the authentic Ascended Masters are undergoing restoration on the Earth, in which they reclaim their Lyran Temples and sacred texts (holographic records) which hold genetic keys to the genetic library that is Earth. This may generate some unusual occurrences as the authentic Cosmic Solar levels of Ascended Masters clear out inverted teachings, false or cloned memories or other deceptions carried out in the hijacking of their energy signature for consciousness slavery purposes.
They are gathering the intelligence coded streams from the Royal Houses in Lyra and the Hyperborean timelines in order to bring it to us here, as this is the collection of angelic human memories and sacred wisdom teachings that were stolen from us, which are included with the spiritual body parts that are being returned to the Christos family now. As we undergo intense spiritual initiation phases, we may receive what appear to be Dragon Eggs that open into spiritual gifts, which may appear in our lightbody as Red Roses, Long Stem Roses, Rose Tree Bushes, Blooming Flowers in every hue, and even Golden Apples.
From my personal experience:
I witnessed my Beloved Masculine in his Cosmic Cristo Rainbow Ascended body this year a few months ago. Here is the Excerpt: from my article “White Flames of Purification”
“Yesterday while at work at Natures Emporium, I kept seeing him (my Twin Flame) he was in the White Diamond with Rainbow Diamond Light Body sparkling all around him. It was his Ascended Master Self. It was stunningly beautiful and I kept seeing it all day (Dec. 17th 2021). The spectacular vision kept happening simultaneously as my Golden Diamond Ankh around my neck kept catching me eye. The White Diamond in the centre of this Ankh was sparking the rainbow light frequencies all day also. The Rainbow Frequencies have increased around me immensity over the past years, but nothing compared to how they were showing up as of late.
This Diamond Ankh around my neck had been precisely measured to be put on a chain where the Ankh’s Diamond would be set on my high heart at all times, reflecting the rainbow light shimmering off and of it. This is what was sparkling off him all day. The setting he (Jim) was in was a desert type landscape. He appeared in all white surrounded in a Diamond White Blinding Light reflecting the Rainbow Diamond Light Codes as a Ascended Master. This is the best vision I have ever witnessed of my Twin, his eyes and hair were particularly shinning, looking very beautiful. It was very uplifting. I then while witnessing this poured down from the Heavens the Golden Christ Light all around US all day.
The Ankh that was gifted to me from The Universes from on High is the symbol of Immortality and Creation which I have written about. Many Lives, Many Masters “We are Immortal Beings”.
Reference to Second above Paragraph:
I recently was preforming some grid work, by simply walking in nature barefoot and suddenly the Dragon Mother communicated to me she is pregnant and about to give birth with her many Dragon Eggs within her and the Earth. This monumental for the strength of our Ascension process and the evolution of Earth and repairing of the leylines and grid network systems of our Earth.
Next Paragraph:
“The Celtic Church Christos Dragon Templars served as planetary grid keepers and were aware that the Albion Lightbody contained the Edenic coding of Avalon, as well as many wisdom teachings from the Emerald Founder Records that were held in geomantic features represented as the Silver Branches that contained the Golden Apple. The Golden Apple is imbued in the language of living knowledge that is the Universal language of interconnected energy relationships that are encoded into every molecule, present within every atom and found in every element in the matter world. The Tree of Knowledge that contained the sacred language of the living knowledge held in the Golden Apple was protected by the benevolent Dragon Guardians, which has been the theme woven throughout Irish, Celtic, Norse and Greek folklore.”
My personal Experience:
For one my Irish heritage that was instilled in me very strongly by my Father & Family and our last name to help me to remember my true Galactic Lineage. Secondly my Masculine Twin’s strong pull toward this lineage and the karmic healing that has transpired, some that he may have no knowledge of yet.
Next Paragraphs:
Golden Apples are essentially the spiritual insights that come as a natural part of spiritual ascension and consciousness expansion, by being exposed to the knowledge of truth and digesting its contents. It is the way human beings evolve and grow by assimilating life experiences through gnostic revelation, by acquiring the wisdom that occurs when remembering these experiences accumulated from all of our lifetimes. The Golden Apple was the perfected symbol of the Earth’s morphogenetic field as a celestial mirror to the cosmological pattern of stars in the heavens. When our planet was invaded, the magnetic field was distorted into reversal patterns which Guardians have referred to as the Poisoned Apple.
Whenever we have evolved towards the state of alignment with the Avalon or 11D Rod and Staff King Arthur and Guinevere hierogamic consciousness, in effect we are given the opportunity to take a bite of the Golden Apple, and this is a grid feature as well as a way to describe acquiring truth and wisdom on the path of gnosis. The Golden Apple is made of Solar consciousness, it is similar to ingesting the living rays of the sparkling white golden sunlight to assimilate the intelligence held within its living light streams. When we meet a Guardian Dragon who gives us permission to eat the Golden Apple of the Solar Light, we are catapulted into the many dimensions of the Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings. We begin to inherently understand or directly experience kundalini and the inner grail, the activation of lightbody to perceive the planetary grid system and beyond, which further awakens the Solar Dragon consciousness slumbering in the Earth.
My Experiences: My Twin and I have been experiencing gnostic revelations by biting into the forbidden apple for the purpose of expansion of soul growth and knowledge of truth.
Next Paragraph:
“When we meet a Guardian Dragon who gives us permission to eat the Golden Apple of the Solar Light, we are catapulted into the many dimensions of the Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings. We begin to inherently understand or directly experience kundalini and the inner grail, the activation of lightbody to perceive the planetary grid system and beyond, which further awakens the Solar Dragon consciousness slumbering in the Earth.”
My Experience: I did in fact meet with the Guardian Dragon in 2014. It appeared in a Rainbow Red Metallic Light Body and was One of the most profound Energetic Love Transmission I have ever felt similar to the Dragon Being that appeared for me this year in my third eye and heart chakras. So I have been initiated into the Dragon Teachings as Lisa describes above. As my Twin and I know the intimate kundalini and the inner grail process for the activation of the Christos Light Body that directly affects all of Earth and humanity at this time. The Solar Dragon consciousness slumbering in the Earth has awakened. We know and experience this.
When the Mother Dragon communicated to me it was in a place in Nature that I had newly discovered. Upon walking into this magical place I felt the magic of fertility upon us. How this came to me is the forest I walked in was a river surrounded by lush greenery and freshly birthed wet moss on all the gigantic granite rocks and trees. I actually felt like I was in a magical forest in Ireland where the green was greener than anywhere. Aliveness of Life Force was exuding from every rock, leaf, branch and stream of water it was pure new fertility. I recognized the massive rock mountain I was walking on was the Spine of the Dragon the day before she was to let me know she was birthing a massive off spring with in the Earth. This experience is Creation play as the Devi Mother Prayer sings.
I was gifted a Divine Mother message through this song recently, while the Giant Goddess of the Earth was rising up from the Green Moss, Granite enclosure around the Lakes. She is the Earth Mother and I am her.
I was recently given another sign by God that this past difficulty that I (WE) have endured was to strengthen us, so we now know forsure we are unbreakable, untouchable immortal Souls, and we will extend the human age template to allow humans to evolve and age with quality of life.
I met a man last week at his business to purchase something. Upon walking into his shop the first thing I noticed was a big black feather. Immediately I knew Spirit was confirming to me YOU ARE PROTECTED as earlier I heard this on a video about finding a black feather = (means) protection. This confirmation is mutely appreciated by me considering all the interference I have had to navigate.
Then the man went on to say:
“In order to get to where I am now with the success of my mission I did endure 6 years of a nightmare which I now know happened so no one can fuck with me or interfere now.” this is divine synchronicity at play.
The Divine Feminine Reinvents Herself:
Coming full circle now. I realize that in 2014 since the Dragon began its awakening process inside the Earth and in my Body through the Kundalini and the Womb of Creation with this a great shedding and cleansing that has been taking place. The toxins and poisons within the Earth are being cleared out and finally I realize why I was given the Lyme disease lesson this year as a part of the purification process of Earth and that humanity will undergo.
Since 2014 I have been shedding like a snake sheds skin every day. I feel like I have been reborn a millions times. My organs have been rejuvenated 100’s of times. Every cell in my body has been an ongoing rejuvenation process for 8 years non stop, through tears, sinus clearing, parasitic cleanses and other ways I could think of to regenerate the death of the old body/organs.
This regeneration of the New body included the most advance knowledge and know how of Ascension. To be able to die and resurrect again upon my Will and God’s will. To stop my heart and shut down all my organs, to release my energetic cellular body and allow the new to come cellular blueprint to come in while all the while keeping my Brian alive with the spinal column/endocrine system in control and in tact. This is a part of teleportation and the knowing on how to SStarGate Travel utilizing the Adam Kadmon Spiritual Ka Body.
On top of this I utilized almost every modality under the Sun that cleanses the body. One of the most effective ways or technologies is THE SUN.
Ascension ~ The Resurrection via Transference and Alchemy of the Body
This was possible of course with the Ka/Spiritual Presence of the Divine Masculine Principle and upon meeting him is when this process began and I was told:
This is when the kundalini awakening and the shedding of the old skin began that the Dragon’ Fire ignited within The Ionic Pair and the Earth.
Just think the last time this Frequency between Twins has been incarnated upon Earth which is when Jesus and Mary Magdalene walk this path. To think this would be a piece of cake to come back in with this Soul Frequency is naive.
In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan
Of Higher Service