“This is Cosmic Magic Happening, Hands Down Miracles are happening on Earth, this is HUGE NEWS”. ~SaishoireGrace~
My Spirit, a Benevolent Angelic Monadic Soul is a Messenger that channels through of high frequency of Light. This Soul is the Monadic Soul that My Physical Masculine Beloved and Myself are. Not only does this Star Parent Soul share messages via Light Beings in Human Bodies, but also creates by way of magic synchronistic messages and experiences for the Cosmic Operation happening now upon the Earth.
For about 3 or so years now, probably longer or forever, only now it has become so magically apparent and undeniably hands down true, that their is no denying the One Mind of God (our HigherSelf) IS working through our Soul Family and Soul Aspects as we are a Light Family here on Earth for The Ascension Mission at this time.
I had started to notice this 4 years ago when I had a encounter with a old friend and during our meeting he went into a trance state momentarily in the middle of our conversation, after the short integration of LIGHT Spirit his personality changed out of the reptilian consciousness, to GOD consciousness where a different personality, a much more understanding and accepting of the truth of our “spiritual” conversation, it went from the reptilian mind to the ONE mind. This portrayed by way of how our conversation transitioning from false to truth, from dark to light. The Reptilian part of him had been removed.
Reptilian dark entities have been cleared from bodies for this mission but full human bodies whom have been overly compromised and or people who sacrifice for the greater good have been removed form the Earth for this Cosmic Operation to assist. You can be the biggest heart and lightest of light and yet you will have had this energy attached some how and they can sneak in very subtly without you even knowing it, that is all about to change!
Reptilians have been using mind control, fear control/manipulation to ruin lives of sacred god conscious relationships for thousands of years. Since 2017 this their infiltrations has amped up in those who susceptible ardor those who are now completely compromised. We as Creators did create these reptilian beings and they have been the dominant part of our consciousness eons. Now the One Mind of God will be the dominant consciousness and nothing will stop this.
For thousands of years the “dark” reptilian chards have been working through people, spreading falsity, fear, control, manipulation and down right heartless, satanic behaviours and actions through humans. In 2017 this became painfully apparent to me through many I encountered including myself at times. However when they came through me it was a planned out experience and clearing/cleaning job. So to sum this up the reptilian fourth dimensional beings have been very prevalent in humans for quite sometime, the good news is that is all changed now. Because of the immense cleansing and purging carried out by the Light Warriors and our 144,000 Angelic Light Family they are near gone. To dismantle this dark energy at the highest level…well…”It takes one to know one” one must get to know it well and I have. All my life any one who I had close relations with ended up getting compromised on different levels. Levels from scales of 3 – 10. 3 being interfered with on various degrees, and the degree outcome would manifest on there behaviour would switch over time from loving to the opposite. 10 being completely taken over where their human body is now fully taken over by a reptilian consciousness and their is no clearing it and the human will eventually be removed. I have personally witnessed it all over my life of 52 years, this is now a great part of my mission.
Dismantling this energy and removing it from the consciousness and human vessels….I do this as I can open the mind of others to the God Consciousness. You could consider this a benevolent ancient technology. I can switch any compromised mind to ‘good” that is if they still have their soul heart in tact, which 90% do. Guess what this means??? It means more room for the Light to come in and work through these purified vessels.
And Guess who has headed this operation up??? You guessed it… THE TWIN CREATORS, The Left and Right Wing Angels of God . This LIGHT operation continued to display itself to me daily for years. I watched this play out as meeting I had with people, scheduled and not scheduled would speak to me messages from our Higher Self. Very miraculous interludes were taking place in person and over internet between myself and others regularly. I was witnessing the One Mind of God taking over in their vessel and “coming clean” – purified so to speak. Just as the dark ones have had a type of technology to use dark mind control over persons, I have Light technology to clear and Open the One Mind in individuals.
For the past 4 years I have been seeing this play out and have documented many incidences where the mind control would come out of people during conversion. I was seeking guidance or confirmation of the truth playing out for this Operation by way of other Light Workers and Reptilian controlled consciousness and it came through very obviously. This Operation is of such collaboration with Creator and Higher Dimensional Beings there could be no other way to demonstrate God taking charge of its OWN Creation. This is not an over night fix and I will need help and I will get it. When I do become public again this will be a fast and furious clean up of the Reptilian Consciousness to be removed to allow for the God Consciousness to shine forth.
I used to wonder why I did not channel other Angels etc..and about 5 years ago I realized it was because WE are the Archangel or God Creator embodiment. What works through my vessel at this level is Light. My Twin and I answer to God and we are aware that we are ONE with the Light Family ~ Great White Brotherhood. This is the time of Ascension this is LEVEL UP TIME – Level fully up to God Consciousness, dismantling all reptilian over lays.
I have lots of interludes to reminisce about but it would take me to long to list the times and I will begin to write about them for further confirmation and teaching. I can tell you on of the first extraordinary example of this was by a very gifted Angel who IS a messenger of God and she shared her messages by way of Card Readings. I won’t say her name for privacy reasons but she will be very well known if she so chooses in the near future. Any way she channeled my Twin Creator back in the winter of 2018 as prompted by my psychic connection I purposely opened up between us. I wrote a blog on this as it was jaw dropping accurate and very creatively delivered by her. She was in a phase of channeling pertinent information about some prominent public figures and shortly there after stopped. She explained our Union in very intimate detail, stuff only we would know and stated we only answer to God, no one is above us. Other than God. And this is showing to be truth. This was part of her Soul Family contract to get this message to “US” my Twin and I to further us on our miraculous partnership, and this she did do.
It is no easy task to come into the human body with this high frequency and wake up to your God Self when you have been in the trenches for so long high lighting and battling these entities. At least it was not easy for me, my Twin’s divinely ordained story is very different as he came in switched on and was rarely shut down as was I. However I was ordained to go through the trenches to build my strength for this unique mission of mine. This Gift is ONE of a Kind.
My blue print, DNA and wiring is now fully intact to carry this mission out and to Open the Minds massively on a Global Scale. This is a Revolution and my Twin and I will pickup and move forward where Mary Magdalene and Yeshua/Jesus left of. The purification and Karmic Cycle of the past 7000 years when the Reptilian Agenda started is now Completed. This completed Sept 11, 2020. I have been preparing and working this mission all my life and the most intense work/removal started in approximately 2016 through me, where the reptilians have been working through people around me constantly and I have been working to dismantle theses systems. I experience and when the time is appropriate a Light worker will show messages to assist me in my work – God’s Work. Here is a must watch for Lorrie Ladd on the Reptilians- Great Awakening that is true. This is very important to watch so you yourself can start to decipher who you are dealing with. Are they being interfered by a Reptilian Consciousness or are they in a purified state of the One Mind. Chances are if your High in Light you may have some close to you that need to be transmutted, you can do this by shinning your light and dismantling her lower programs of reptilian interference. Must watch video.
This next link is a blog I had written and kept the names private at the time. However now due to the severity of the compromised state affecting One who is closest to me I will Post. It was written at a time when my son had to move away from me to go with his dad who has been compromised, I had to watch this play out as the interference of the reptilian consciousness had become such a battle in my life attempting to destroy it all, I did not fully realize at the time what was happening and today I do. I watched seemingly helpless while my life was spiralling down so horrendously my son had to go live with his dad. I didn’t realize at this time his Dad had been fully compromised. This has been the most painful experience of my life . I thought back then my son would have a chance open the heart for his Dad but unfortunately this was not how it worked out – link:
So to get to the amazing proof of this I will share two ground breaking examples here that prove the One Mind of God working via the Light Family. Couple of weeks ago I was rummaging through a box that had stuff in from 4 years ago approx. A shiny light appeared from something and I grabbed the old video tape. It was an old vcr video tape form 2003, of a trip me, my ex and I had taken to Arizona, given to us from the friends we were with. Inside this video tape backing was mysteriously a significant white gold/gem ring. I could not believe my eyes. I had lost this ring 5 years ago. I returned form a BBQ put the ring in the sink soap holder and woke up the next day and it was gone.
I was confused as I know I put it there but shortly accepted that Spirit had taken away as this has happened with other jewelry of mine from my ex/my son’s dad. I knew I did not misplace the ring 100%. Well just two weeks ago the darn ring appeared shining out, stuck in a video tape that I had never watched from 17 years ago. I was tipped off also of this from 2 psychic friends in a row a few months ago. One said “do you ever have Spirit hide things from you to only reappear again?” I found this question peculiar and knew there was a reason for it, now I know why.
Upon finding this ring I knew immediately it was the closing of this karmic cycle with him and the past life within the Roman Empire, Magdalene past life and to make way for the New Lumeria. We as Soul mates had a contract to clear the old Roman Patriarchy, and God could not have picked a better couple to play this clearing of karma out. Total opposites of polarity light and dark, the best past prime models of the suppressed feminine and the patriarchal Italian male. When I say light and dark I do not mean bad or good, I mean light and dark and this is neutral from the higher perspective. Our Soul Contract did play our to clear the karma of the pst 7000 year long cycle of reptilian consciousness. That Soul contract is another long interesting, actually another miraculous story from the higher dimensional benevolent perspective. This is a license plate of his full Italian name Tonino with a no at the end. This was presented by my HigherSelf couple of years ago when I was being nudge to re-start the clearing and closing of this this connection…you can’t make this shit up!
So now this beautiful lady Cindy has demonstrated through her readings our Soul connection many times but here are two video examples. These video’s below she channels My Twin and I’s Spirit to convey to us a message that was greatly needed as confirmation. We need the confirmation because the clearing of the dark has been so gruelling, stomach turning, and difficult that we both have needed all the help we could receive from Spirit to keep us strong. The Vow videos below explain the returning of a ring and the old karmic cycle closing accurately for the time I had experienced this and did perform a ceremony to close this past life Chapter to make way for the Loving Colourful future ahead with myself, my beloved and the Soul Family. The ceremony was followed by major deep cleansing and purging of the old feminine and masculine to usher in the divinity of the balanced masculine and feminine for the collective. I have been doing the painstakingly difficult clearing of the past lives for 3 years now intensely and purifying for the New for 11 years, (I have been celibate for close to 11 years) I should say “WE have been doing” the clearing, as my Twin has felt this, and I am sure he can attest how burdensome this has been – talk about dying on the stake and resurrection.
The videos are jaw dropping miracles. The other two below are another two that came the week before that are also miraculous. She refers to a significant experience I had with a red squirrel. You cannot make this up, it is proof of the Awakening to Spirit, which is also her channel name.
I have been awaked to Spirit for over a Century but to this God Creator level is a Game changer for the Earth and our guaranteed Victory. Spirit of the Light is in charge NOW.
Here is a part from the blog I published with Cindy’s other channel few weeks ago.
“The Friday, before the Saturday lol… I did the first Yoga class here this summer and I took this pic of a red squirrel whom was communicating with me, synchronsictly Cindy from Awakening to Spirit release a video to confirm my victory and our connection of the ONE MIND OF GOD. Below please see her video titled “Tower Moment Already Exist Within You” and her extended. I will also include the video I released in January specifically addressed to my TF, Jim.
This is pure magic taking place for the Divine Light Operation. Their is NO DENYING THIS NOW.” ~ Shelly Sullivan
Since this letting go of the past cycle 24 hrs ago, Spirit is full speed ahead, providing me with synchronicities and miraculous signs and incidents to support our Benevolent Union between my Twin Creator and I as well as the Soul Family of Light. I love you all.
Thank you Soul Sisters that made these supportive artistic gestures of support and Love for the Fam. Your Friend Shelly.
In the Highest Regard for all involved,
Shelly Sullivan
Of the Light