Divine Mother ~ Breaking the Dark Spell

Here is the excerpt from the article “Isis Amassing her Team”

“The World has been under a dark spell.

We all have been programmed to think and feel false hate, anger and rage and this is targeted at people via there computers, TV’s and smart phones. They can control someones life and behaviours and do it all the time. If these dark groups for example want some one kicked out of school they can mind control the Principle of that school or teacher to thinking negative specific thoughts of the student and thus the student may start to experience negative circumstances that eventually get him kicked out.

They can program any individual to disliking another by a touch of a button that sends subliminal messages to any one. They can break up families, marriages and companies doing this as well. Of course people can choose to go into there hearts and discern what is really going on, and this is what humanity must do now. Question every thought you have, every feeling you have, every motive you have. Is it coming from a place of Love? If not then your are probably being persuaded. They can cause some one to take up a drug habit just by stating across the News a certain celebrities drug of choice. This has been going on all our lives.

Today is the Gateway to Justice and all truths will be revealed Los Angeles will become a “hub shocker” for the world soon, when they learn that certain control and manipulation tactics that have been rooted from Hollywood from individuals unknowingly doing the deed of the “Dark Arts” as a result from being fed mind control programming. A day after I wrote this, I found this video by Magenta confirming what I had written by the One Mind of God.

For example any actor highlighting COVID as being as the real killer in this pandemic has been a targeted individual to spread false lies to thousands if not millions of people. The dark ones can hone in on you all day long if need be to use you for there dark agenda.

ISIS Amassing her team

The true name of ISIS is to be restored

My Spirit Self aka Saishorie~Grace is here doing the work of the Goddess Mother Energy Isis. Isis is working through many at this time of Justice upon this Earth. She performs Magic – White Magic for the highest good of all concerned, although more powerful than black magic not to be mistaken for dark arts.

The Divine Mother Energy is here upon the Earth working the Divine Feminine Energy throughout for the Justice that is coming to all and to Isis as the Mother Womb Creatrix. Where her name has been tarnished by use of ISIS in terrorism and War that is extreme corruption on our Earth.

The Mother will expose the mind control programming game and through her voice great healing and wholeness will enter the masses. The Mother will take back the resources of this Earth and all will be distributed for the New Earth Creations. So today is a great day of celebration and in the years to come will not be a sad ceremony to feel grief over those who sacrificed there lives for war, but a celebration that their sacrifices helped our Planet to evolve back into a higher dimensional Planet along with our Great  Galactic Brother and Sisters.”

Shelly Sullivan