Lion Consciousness


Today is a very joyful day as the Lion Being Creators have contacted me in a different way than my connection previously. In the past the Lion Being-ness has contacted me in Spirit. I have written much about my experiences with the Lion Essence that I share my life with. 

2015 is when the merge with the Lion Consciousness took place. It was on my birthday, August 8th. I was in nature attending a webinar with Celia Fenn on the Lions Gateway and while preforming the meditation with the Lions on the Lions Gateway I merged with a massive golden lion head. It appeared before me and merged into my body. At the time I did not know how significant this is however I felt it.

Shortly there after Cecil the Lion connected with me in his Spirit form and channeled a message to me. He sacrificed his life and made this know to me. I again did not know the significance of his sacrifice and the depths of work that this was just the beginning of. This was the beginning of the ushering in of the Lion Consciousness here upon this Planet Earth. I will include many of the links (articles) I have made to show the Lion Consciousness, I will insert them at the end of this blog.

133 is the Christ Consciousness, 144 is the Lion Consciousness. I have been shown this for a long time however not until today did I full understand that we as a collective consciousness are evolving into a higher consciousness. Picking up where Yeshua and Mary Magdalene planted the Christ Consciousness and now evolving this Christ Consciousness into Lion Consciousness.

Since the Lion Consciousness Merge, I have establshed my HigherSelf Lioness Being. This is a massive Golden Sacred Sentient Being of Lion Consciousness that is my OverSoul. This energy is a combination of Sun, Lion, Sacred Geometry, a Spine that reaches into the sky with a long strong tail. Although this Lioness Being is the Divine Feminine Sun Energy she still has a thick mane like the masculine Lion. She has guided me/accompanied me through my initiation into the Christ’s Bride, through anointing, baptism finally God Head Oneness for the Masculine and Feminine initiations.

Today I made a YouTube video telling a bit of my most recent contact with the Royal Lion Creator God Head, here I will go into more detail with the synchronicities. Its all about the goodness and Love.

2 nights ago I lay awake most of the night. Drifting off into theta here and there when all of the sudden I see a Lion Being. He is a majestic masculine Lion in a human body. He is dressed in deep purple/violet crushed velvet with gold trim. Jewls are around him as he stands in his God Presence. I just see him through out night, appearing as I fade in and out of sleep. Then I hear the words Consort not once but 3 times. 

I ask “Consort” what does that mean? I know it means husband or wife of high ranking. Later I hear “You will Marry”. As I am hearing the word “Consort” my Divine Masculine Twin is in my vision, as I see and feel my Twin,  then I hear – You will Marry. This is a statement that denotes a completion period and the beginning of the Golden Lion Consciousness Era. 

Late the Divine Lioness came to me and she is a Royal Blue Feline Divine Feminine of extraordinary beauty that I cannot describe in words. Her fur is rich blue and black as her eyes are. Her paws caressed me in motherly love and it was beyond beautiful love essence.

The completion and successfully victory into Love. I was so thrilled to get this communication. It felt as if my family came to me – the head of the family and assured me of this “right of passage” to finally be with my Beloved. 

I have been walking the path of the Lion Consciousness and have the full support of my Lion/Sirius/Orion/Lyra-Feline Family support and all my experiences show this very well. As per usual as I complete the experience I am meant to teach or rather tell of  PHROPHECY to come I then get the work of others that support this truth. Here is a article I found recently that further tells of the Lion Consciousness. But first I include my link from this website of my Anointment of the Lion/Christ Consciousness in this Earthly Realm aka The Lions Tail Signal Across the Planet.

Details of the Feminine Christ Lion God Head Reunion ~ The Rebirth of the Sun

“Lion Consciousness, by Sangneeta Handa” – brave, daring, royal, noble, rich, abundant, patient, as well as a no-nonsense loyal, strong yang energy; that which is neatly balanced by its co-inhabitant race of the Feline which is totally a yin energy of dark depth, mysterious, nubile, ever changing, and adapting. These are the shape-changers. The Lion Beings have never birthed on earth but have descended at important times that heralded either a renaissance awakening or the seeding of structural energy such as – the Lion Beings were the architects of the Pyramid of Giza but it was physically beamed into matter manifest from the anti-matter by the assistance of the Feline Beings who birthed on earth and are present even now as the Sirian Beings on earth. Thoth and Seshata, the Venusians who are the Sirian Initiates of the advanced race living in and out of Sirius, were the ones to initiate the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza. They called upon the Lion Beings to design it and the Feline Beings to help physically structure it into reality. Once it was completed, the Lion Beings signed their presence (just as an artist signs his canvas with his name) by leaving their image at the front of the main pyramid – the Sphinx. The Sphinx is the Lion Being of Sirius. More than placing it there as a watchdog in protection, it is their SIGNATURE ! The SIGNATURE of the architects who designed it. It’s their way of reminding us as well that our bodies are of earth but our soul is from the stars! And I feel the mighty powerful individualized majestic royal Sphinx displays that so well!
So through the history of human evolution the Sirian Masters have descended to teach us the process of ascension, the science of ascension, the technology of the 33rd degree of ascension. The last of who walked in form amongst us were in the early period of the Egyptian Pharaohs with Thoth as the god of Khem (name of ancient Egypt) who introduced writing along with his partner Seshata who introduced language, as well as the medium of measurement and mathematics (necessary for the construction of the pyramid sacred holographic geometry), followed by the hugely famous AKHENATON and his much oblivious mysterious second wife KIYA (whose name and sign was obliterated by the demonic energy of Nefertiti). This last famous Pharaoh introduced the “Principle of Oneness”, “ONE God” and, the worship of the Sun God – ATON, who is the I AM Presence of ‘The Great Central Sun’ – SIRIUS. He introduced and popularized the emblem of Sirius – the Ankh! ANKH is the Gematrian symbol of the Infinity Consciousness of the Creator God of All That Is.

The Great Galactic Plasma Light and Lion Family are showing me signs strong signs and this is miraculous as in the pics below. The Sun Light image may be seen as common however the way I shown to notice this is by way of pure benevolent spirit in action. I will note one other thing. ABUNDANCE IS OUR BIRTH RIGHT. To be successful on this path of a Master is to be abundance in all forms. The only reason I am struggling at this time is because of the grave attacks set against me. If it were not for that I would be thriving by my own creation.

Yesterday I was show the Aqua Marine Sun Divine Mother Arc by my phone and when I captured the image of it, it turned into a pure white blinding light as per this pic. If you look close to the edge you can see the Aqua Green/Blue. This is part of the Sirius Galactic Central Sun and the Great Central Sun of Creator.


Here are a few of the many links on the Royal Lion Consciousness

In Love and Light
Shelly Sullivan