Lions, K9’s, Cats ~ Justice


I have had a very powerful relationship with my Dog and have written and felt our “third energy” connection. I did not ever name it a “third energy” as I had that term deemed for my Twin and I. However I did know my Dog Honey and I were of the same Soul Monad or Soul expression. I knew this by the energy and bond we shared, how I could feel her and she me, how we are telepathic, how I was shown our training sessions in Sirius (of Orions Belt) as I describe in my book. I also had many experiences when I saw her Soul reacting to experiences just as mine did and this confirms she is ONE with me and my Soul and Spirit.

When Honey was falling ill by Direct Energy Weapons attacks I felt her pain, and torture, this is how deeply we are connected. However I did not always know of her reasons for falling ill or in pain as she is very strong and my HigherSelf kept some things from me for protection. I would not have been able to mentally or emotionally handle knowing all the sinister ongoing for over 4 years of torture to her as well as to myself in different ways. BUT we both on a Soul level knew the pain and torture and so did our Galactic and Cosmic Lion Councils.

I am publishing this now as I have synchronistically come across a video that confirms much of what I have come to understand since the merge of my beloved dog Honey and her transition after her long sacrifice for the Ascension and the greater good of Humanity.  Since Honey has passed she has telepathically communicated to me as well as has orchestrated events toward Justice for the Crimes agains Humanity that I have been a part of uncovering. Honey is a highly evolved Light Being from Sirius and did lower her consciousness and advanced Beingness in order to carry out this mission with me.

While having Honey in my life she made me very aware of my Lion Heritage and the Sirius/Sirian Family of Light. Honey is a Lion as she has shown me many times. She is of great importance to the Sirius Lion Council and her death in very much of importance for this mission upon Earth and Justice. I had a connection with Cecil the Lion and communicated with Cecil through out his sacrificial mission.

Here is the tribute to Cecil I had made in this article below

Lions Gateway 888 ~ Divine Masculine Roars Victory


Here is a video that confirms all of this and what we know to be true. From a channel of Metatron the Archangel by James Tyberonn who knows about the Sacred Animal Kingdom, specifically of K9’s from Sirius as I have written about with regards to my Beloved Dog, Honey and our Cosmic/Galactic Connections. This video is enlightenment on our Etherial body and the importance this knowledge is for humanity. Also in this video is the uncanny synchronistic talk of Cecil the Lions message as I also received from Cecil.



After Honey my beloved Labrador’s death and during the attacks I wrote a beloved messages for her/us and for Justice.

In Honour of Honey, The Golden Labrador

In Love and Light

Shelly Sullivan

Of Higher Service
